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Aurora James:

Aurora James is a young adult (18 years old.) She’s from the
USA, America. Her birthday is the 23rd of April.


Name and surname. Aurora James.

Characteristics of character. She has pale skin, blue eyes, and soft pink

Format. She usually dresses in formal clothes. But,

when she’s at home, she wears comfortable

● Backstory: She was a happy child with no problems. She knew how to make friends,
stood up for people, etc. But, even tho she had a happy life on the outside, she’s broken
inside her heart. She didn’t want to tell her parents. Because she didn’t want to cause
any trouble, plus, her dad would yell at her, thinking she was lying.
● Present Story: She’s sent to an attic by her father for trying to get into college.
● Future Story: Her dad notices that he’s worrying a lot about his daughter. He decides to
enroll her daughter in a female college in the USA. Unlike her backstory, she finds
college is not as fun as kindergarten. She gets bullied by most of her classmates. But
one of them finds her attractive. So, here begins a romance.

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