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Sing (cantar):

 Pasado simple: She sang her favorite song at the concert.

 Pasado continuo: While I was dancing, she was singing on the stage.
 Pasado perfecto: By this time next year, he will have sung in many events.
 Pasado condicional: If she had practiced more, she would have sung better.
 Presente simple: He sings in the church choir.
 Presente continuo: She is singing a beautiful melody.
 Presente perfecto: They have sung together in the past.
 Presente condicional: If he sings well, he will be chosen for the lead role.
 Futuro simple: Tomorrow, she will sing at the talent show.
 Futuro continuo: They will be singing carols during the Christmas
 Futuro perfecto: By this time next month, he will have sung in many
 Futuro condicional: She would sing a solo if she had the chance.

2. Sell (vender):

 Pasado simple: He sold his old car last week.

 Pasado continuo: While I was shopping, she was selling her handmade
 Pasado perfecto: By this time next year, she will have sold many items.
 Pasado condicional: If she had set a lower price, she would have sold more
 Presente simple: She sells homemade cookies at the local market.
 Presente continuo: They are selling tickets for the event.
 Presente perfecto: We have sold all our old furniture.
 Presente condicional: If he sells his artwork, he will have enough money for
the trip.
 Futuro simple: Tomorrow, she will sell her paintings at the art fair.
 Futuro continuo: They will be selling their products at the trade show.
 Futuro perfecto: By this time next month, he will have sold many houses.
 Futuro condicional: She would sell her car if she doesn't need it anymore.

3. Dream (soñar):

 Pasado simple: She dreamed of flying like a bird.

 Pasado continuo: While I was studying, she was dreaming of her future.
 Pasado perfecto: By this time next month, he will have dreamed of many
 Pasado condicional: If she had known about the opportunity, she would
have dreamed bigger.
 Presente simple: He dreams of becoming a successful musician.
 Presente continuo: She is dreaming of visiting different countries.
 Presente perfecto: They have dreamed of this moment for a long time.
 Presente condicional: If he dreams big, he will achieve great things.
 Futuro simple: Tomorrow, she will dream about her upcoming trip.
 Futuro continuo: They will be dreaming of a better future.
 Futuro perfecto: By this time next year, he will have dreamed of many
 Futuro condicional: She would dream about it if it were possible.

4. Grow (crecer):

 Pasado simple: He grew taller than his older brother.

 Pasado continuo: While I was planting, she was growing sunflowers in the
 Pasado perfecto: By this time next year, she will have grown many
 Pasado condicional: If she had taken proper care of the plant, it would have
grown faster.
 Presente simple: She grows beautiful flowers in her backyard.
 Presente continuo: They are growing their own fruits and vegetables.
 Presente perfecto: We have grown a lot since we started.
 Presente condicional: If he grows stronger, he will join the sports team.
 Futuro simple: Tomorrow, she will grow her own herbs in the kitchen.
 Futuro continuo: They will be growing their business in the new location.
 Futuro perfecto: By this time next month, he will have grown a lot in his
 Futuro condicional: She would grow different plants if she had more space.

5. Teach (enseñar):

 Pasado simple: She taught English at the language school.

 Pasado continuo: While I was studying, she was teaching the class.
 Pasado perfecto: By this time next year, he will have taught many students.
 Pasado condicional: If she had prepared more, she would have taught
 Presente simple: He teaches math at the high school.
 Presente continuo: She is teaching the kids how to draw.
 Presente perfecto: They have taught many courses in the past.
 Presente condicional: If he teaches well, his students will understand.
 Futuro simple: Tomorrow, she will teach a new lesson to her students.
 Futuro continuo: They will be teaching a workshop on photography.
 Futuro perfecto: By this time next month, he will have taught many seminars.
 Futuro condicional: She would teach the class if the teacher is absent.

6. Drive (conducir):

 Pasado simple: He drove to the beach for the weekend.

 Pasado continuo: While I was reading, she was driving to work.
 Pasado perfecto: By this time next month, she will have driven many miles.
 Pasado condicional: If she had taken the other route, she would have driven
 Presente simple: She drives her kids to school every morning.
 Presente continuo: They are driving to the mountains for a camping trip.
 Presente perfecto: We have driven through many scenic routes.
 Presente condicional: If he drives carefully, there won't be any accidents.
 Futuro simple: Tomorrow, she will drive her friends to the concert.
 Futuro continuo: They will be driving all night to reach their destination.
 Futuro perfecto: By this time next year, he will have driven to many new
 Futuro condicional: She would drive her parents to the airport if they need a

7. Fly (volar):

 Pasado simple: She flew to Paris for her vacation.

 Pasado continuo: While I was studying, she was flying over the ocean.
 Pasado perfecto: By this time next year, he will have flown to many
 Pasado condicional: If she had known about the sale, she would have flown
 Presente simple: He flies airplanes for a living.
 Presente continuo: She is flying a kite at the park.
 Presente perfecto: They have flown on many different airlines.
 Presente condicional: If he flies high, he will see a great view.
 Futuro simple: Tomorrow, she will fly to her favorite destination.
 Futuro continuo: They will be flying to different cities for business meetings.
 Futuro perfecto: By this time next month, he will have flown to many
international destinations.
 Futuro condicional: She would fly first-class if she had the opportunity.

8. Ring (sonar/tocar):

 Pasado simple: The alarm rang early in the morning.

 Pasado continuo: While I was cooking, the phone was ringing continuously.
 Pasado perfecto: By this time next month, they will have rung the bell many
 Pasado condicional: If they had pressed the button, the bell would have
 Presente simple: The phone rings whenever there's an incoming call.
 Presente continuo: The church bells are ringing for the wedding ceremony.
 Presente perfecto: They have rung the doorbell multiple times, but no one
 Presente condicional: If he rings the bell, someone will come to open the
 Futuro simple: Tomorrow, she will ring the bell to call everyone for dinner.
 Futuro continuo: They will be ringing the bells during the festival.
 Futuro perfecto: By this time next year, he will have rung many church bells.
 Futuro condicional: She would ring the bell if she needs assistance.

9. Shine (brillar):

 Pasado simple: The stars shone brightly in the night sky.

 Pasado continuo: While I was studying, the sun was shining outside.
 Pasado perfecto: By this time next month, the moon will have shone brightly
many times.
 Pasado condicional: If it had rained earlier, the stars wouldn't have shone
 Presente simple: The sun shines every day during the summer.
 Presente continuo: The diamond ring is shining beautifully.
 Presente perfecto: They have shone a spotlight on the issue.
 Presente condicional: If it shines all day, it will be a hot day.
 Futuro simple: Tomorrow, the stars will shine brightly in the clear sky.
 Futuro continuo: They will be shining flashlights in the dark room.
 Futuro perfecto: By this time next month, the stars will have shone in many
 Futuro condicional: She would shine the flashlight if it gets too dark.
10. Win (ganar):

 Pasado simple: They won the championship last year.

 Pasado continuo: While I was reading, they were winning the game.
 Pasado perfecto: By this time next year, he will have won many awards.
 Pasado condicional: If they had trained harder, they would have won the
 Presente simple: She wins every time she plays that game.
 Presente continuo: They are winning the hearts of their audience with their
 Presente perfecto: We have won several competitions in the past.
 Presente condicional: If he wins the competition, he will get a prize.
 Futuro simple: Tomorrow, she will win the race at the sports meet.
 Futuro continuo: They will be winning the hearts of their fans during the
 Futuro perfecto: By this time next month, he will have won many matches in
the tournament.
 Futuro condicional: She would win the contest if she participates.

11. Sleep (dormir):

 Pasado simple: She slept for ten hours last night.

 Pasado continuo: While I was working, she was sleeping in her room.
 Pasado perfecto: By this time next month, he will have slept peacefully many
 Pasado condicional: If she had gone to bed earlier, she would have slept
 Presente simple: He sleeps like a baby every night.
 Presente continuo: She is sleeping on the couch.
 Presente perfecto: They have slept in various hotels during their travels.
 Presente condicional: If he sleeps well, he will be refreshed in the morning.
 Futuro simple: Tomorrow, she will sleep in her new bed.
 Futuro continuo: They will be sleeping under the stars during the camping
 Futuro perfecto: By this time next year, he will have slept in many different
 Futuro condicional: She would sleep longer if she didn't have to wake up

12. Hear (escuchar/oir):

 Pasado simple: They heard a beautiful melody in the concert.
 Pasado continuo: While I was reading, they were hearing the sound of rain.
 Pasado perfecto: By this time next month, he will have heard many
interesting stories.
 Pasado condicional: If they had turned up the volume, they would have
heard the conversation clearly.
 Presente simple: She hears the birds singing every morning.
 Presente continuo: They are hearing their favorite song on the radio.
 Presente perfecto: We have heard the news about the upcoming event.
 Presente condicional: If he hears a noise, he will investigate it.
 Futuro simple: Tomorrow, she will hear the sound of the waves at the beach.
 Futuro continuo: They will be hearing the lectures at the conference.
 Futuro perfecto: By this time next month, he will have heard many
interesting lectures.
 Futuro condicional: She would hear the details if you explain them clearly.

13. Draw (dibujar):

 Pasado simple: She drew a beautiful picture of a landscape.

 Pasado continuo: While I was studying, she was drawing her favorite cartoon
 Pasado perfecto: By this time next year, he will have drawn many impressive
 Pasado condicional: If she had practiced more, she would have drawn better
 Presente simple: He draws sketches in his notebook during his free time.
 Presente continuo: She is drawing a colorful scene on the canvas.
 Presente perfecto: They have drawn several sketches of the cityscape.
 Presente condicional: If he draws a detailed map, they won't get lost.
 Futuro simple: Tomorrow, she will draw the outline for her painting.
 Futuro continuo: They will be drawing caricatures of people at the fair.
 Futuro perfecto: By this time next month, he will have drawn many sketches
for his project.
 Futuro condicional: She would draw cartoons if she had more paper.

14. Fight (pelear):

 Pasado simple: They fought bravely against the enemy.

 Pasado continuo: While I was reading, they were fighting for their rights.
 Pasado perfecto: By this time next year, he will have fought in many battles.
 Pasado condicional: If they had worked together, they would have fought a
stronger opponent.
 Presente simple: She fights for justice and equality.
 Presente continuo: They are fighting for a better future.
 Presente perfecto: We have fought against various challenges.
 Presente condicional: If he fights for his beliefs, he will inspire others.
 Futuro simple: Tomorrow, she will fight for the championship title.
 Futuro continuo: They will be fighting against discrimination in society.
 Futuro perfecto: By this time next month, he will have fought for various
 Futuro condicional: She would fight harder if it's necessary.

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