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bearing in mind + noun phrase

/bearing in mind that + given + noun

clause phrase/given
that + clause
Meaning: Considering or remembering Meaning: Because of or considering
something while thinking about a a specific circumstance or fact.
situation. Example: Given that it's raining
Example: Bearing in mind that it's outside, we should bring an
your birthday, I got you a special gift. umbrella.

owing to + noun INTRODUCING what with +

phrase REASONS AND noun phrase
Meaning: Because of; due to a
particular reason.
EXPLANATIONS Meaning: Used when explaining a
situation with multiple factors or
Example: The picnic was reasons.
canceled owing to bad weather. Example: What with the traffic
and the late start, we missed the
beginning of the movie.

in view of + seeing as/that

noun phrase + clause
Meaning: Considering or taking Meaning: Because or since a certain condition
into account something. is true.
Example: In view of your hard Example: Seeing as you're busy, I'll take care
work, you'll be rewarded with a of the dishes.
Here are some examples of how these phrases could be used in IELTS essays to enhance coherence, add complexity, and provide
reasons and explanations:
1. Bearing in mind (that):
Bearing in mind the increasing concerns about environmental sustainability, governments should implement stricter regulations
on industries to reduce carbon emissions.
2. Given/given that:
Given the current global economic challenges, it is imperative for countries to foster international cooperation in trade and
3. What with:
What with the rise of social media and online platforms, the dissemination of misinformation has become a pressing issue in the
digital age.
4. Seeing as/that:
Seeing as technology has revolutionized communication, it is now easier for individuals and businesses to connect with people
from all over the world.
5. Owing to:
Owing to the advancements in medical research, life expectancy has significantly increased in many developed countries.
6. In view of:
In view of the evidence presented, it is clear that climate change is a real and urgent problem that requires immediate action
from governments and individuals.
Phrases that are commonly used in both formal and informal settings include:
Bearing in mind (that): This phrase is often used in spoken English to remind
someone of a relevant fact or consideration.
Given/given that: This phrase is frequently used in casual conversation to
explain a situation or reason.
Seeing as/that: This phrase is often used in spoken English as a more casual
alternative to "since" or "because."
On the other hand, phrases like "In view of" and "Owing to" might be more
commonly used in formal writing or when expressing more serious and formal
situations in spoken language.
"What with" is somewhat informal and might be more typical in spoken language,
especially in certain regions or among certain groups of people. It has a slightly
more casual tone and may not be used as frequently in formal writing.

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