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International prospective register of systematic reviews

The effect of Coenzyme Q10 on IVF outcome: A systematic review and meta-analysis


Iin Fadhilah Utami Tammasse, Nandita Nath. The effect of Coenzyme Q10 on IVF outcome: A systematic review and
meta-analysis. PROSPERO 2023 CRD42023429094 Available from:

Review question
What does the effect of Coenzyme 10 have on IVF outcome?

Searches [1 change]

MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, PMC, Central, Scholar, SCI

Only articles written in the English language will be included. No date limitations will be applied.

("coenzyme Q10"[Supplementary Concept] OR "coenzyme Q10"[All Fields] OR "coenzyme q10"[All Fields] OR

"ubiquinone"[MeSH Terms] OR "ubiquinone"[All Fields] OR ("coenzyme"[All Fields] AND "q10"[All Fields])) AND
"ivf"[All Fields] AND Outcome[All Fields]

Types of study to be included


Condition or domain being studied

Infertile women, women with PCOS

Women in reproductive age group undergoing IVF treatment

Intervention(s), exposure(s)
Women consuming Coenzyme Q10

Women undergoing IVF treatment but not consuming Coenzyme Q10

Inclusion criteria: Women in reproductive age group undergoing IVF and consuming Coenzyme Q10 prior to the IVF

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International prospective register of systematic reviews

treatment. Control group- Women in reproductive age group undergoing IVF and not consuming Coenzyme Q10 prior to
the IVF treatment. Only the studies where control and study group are matched for baseline characteristics will be
included in the review.

Exclusion criteria: non English, not matched with the control group, incomplete studies, duplicate studies, publication
outside set dates, books, abstracts etc.

Main outcome(s)
Primary outcome: Live birth, pregnancy rate
Measures of effect
For continuous variables, the mean difference will be used while odds ratio or risk ratio will be used for dichotomous
data. For effect sizes, a confidence interval of 95% and p-value < 0.05 will be used for statistical significance

Additional outcome(s)
Secondary outcome: Number and quality of oocytes, number and quality of embryos, miscarriage rate, number of
oocytes MII
Measures of effect
For continuous variables, the mean difference will be used while odds ratio or risk ratio will be used for dichotomous
data. For effect sizes, a confidence interval of 95% and p-value < 0.05 will be used for statistical significance

Data extraction (selection and coding)

Two independent reviewers will retrieve the studies separately and simultaneously. The studies will be filtered according
to inclusion and exclusion criteria and duplicate studies will be removed. Only full-text articles will be included. Any
conflict will be discussed and resolved with the third reviewer. All decisions will be recorded using Rayyan AI and
Microsoft Excel, also EndNote as the reference manager. In case of any doubt or questions about the original data, the
review team will contact the corresponding author by email. Following data will be extracted from the selected studies:
study design, comparator, sample size, study duration (start and end dates), eligibility criteria, data regarding
demographic, and in vitro fertilization (age, BMI, infertility duration (years), cause of infertility, type of infertility,
AMH (IU/ml), number of previous failed trials of IVF), characteristics of IVF cycles such as amount of gonadotropins,
duration of stimulation, endometrial thickness on day of embryo transfer, number of oocyte retrieved, number of oocyte
fertilized, number and quality of embryos transferred, day of embryo transfer, comparison between the test and control
groups regarding clinical pregnancy rate, miscarriage rate and live birth rate.

Risk of bias (quality) assessment

Quality assessment will be evaluated using GRADE systems

Strategy for data synthesis [1 change]

The total number of patients in each group will be collected for the outcome parameters. A quantitative assessment will
be undertaken based on the IVF outcome to the Coenzyme Q10 characteristics such live birth and pregnancy rate.
Further quantitative assessment will be conducted on the amount of gonadotropins, duration of stimulation, endometrial
thickness on day of embryo transfer, number of oocyte retrieved, number of oocyte fertilized, number and quality of
embryos transferred, day of embryo transfer, comparison between the test and control groups regarding clinical
pregnancy rate, miscarriage rate and live birth rate. Heterogeneity among studies will be assessed by a Chi–squared test
and the I² statistic. Random-effects models will be used to combine the statistical data in meta-analyses. For dichotomous
variables, the inverse variance risk ratio (RR) will be calculated with corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) to
evaluate the effects of the intervention. If a meta-analysis is not feasible, due to a lack of studies or significant
heterogeneity, a narrative synthesis of data will be performed.

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International prospective register of systematic reviews

Analysis of subgroups or subsets

Focus on IVF outcome and the number of oocytes produce at oocyte retrieval.

Contact details for further information

Iin Fadhilah Utami Tammasse

Organisational affiliation of the review

University of Bristol

Review team members and their organisational affiliations [1 change]

Iin Fadhilah Utami Tammasse. University of Bristol

Nandita Nath. University of Bristol

Type and method of review

Meta-analysis, Systematic review

Anticipated or actual start date

30 May 2023

Anticipated completion date

31 October 2023

Funding sources/sponsors
No funding
Grant number(s)
State the funder, grant or award number and the date of award

Conflicts of interest


England, Indonesia, Japan

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International prospective register of systematic reviews

Stage of review
Review Ongoing

Subject index terms status

Subject indexing assigned by CRD

Subject index terms

MeSH headings have not been applied to this record

Date of registration in PROSPERO

16 June 2023

Date of first submission

23 May 2023

Stage of review at time of this submission

The review has not started

Stage Started Completed

Preliminary searches No No

Piloting of the study selection process No No

Formal screening of search results against eligibility criteria No No

Data extraction No No
Risk of bias (quality) assessment No No

Data analysis No No

The record owner confirms that the information they have supplied for this submission is accurate and complete and they
understand that deliberate provision of inaccurate information or omission of data may be construed as scientific

The record owner confirms that they will update the status of the review when it is completed and will add publication
details in due course.

16 June 2023

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