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Forms to


Take care of you 25/07/2023

1) Trat to do Attend all

more your medical
exercise check-ups.
This help you to It is important, since the doctor
proces better and always has to verify how
everything is in your body, if it
make your endocrine
is well cared for and if it is not
sistem to be better sick or something like that

2) Have a nutritive
Eating a healthy and balanced diet will help you to
have a good digestion, as well as help your whole
body without going over the "limits"

Try to take care of your


Your body is healthy!

The more you take care of it, the more your health will be
good, so try to eat a healthy diet, to take care of both your
endocrine system and your body.

Take care, heal, and preserve

your body and your systems!


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