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Complete each question using either a gerund (-ing) or an infinitive

form (to verb) of the verb in the brackets [-]. Then discuss the questions
with your partner.

 I want _______________ [do] exercise but I have a bad knee. What

should I do?
 Should people keep ________________ [drive] after they turn 70?
 Do you enjoy _________________ [play] video games?
 Have you ever started __________________ [do] something but
decided ______________________ [stop]?
 Do professional athletes deserve ___________________ [receive] such
large salaries?
 Have you ever pretended __________________ [have] an ability in
order to get a job?
 What do you and your friends like ____________________ [talk] about
when you go out?
 What do you spend time _________________ [do] after you get home
from class? Before?
 Where would you like ____________________ [live] after you retire?
 Had you learned ________________________ [drive] by the time you
were 17?

Complete each question using either a gerund (-ing) or an infinitive

form (to verb) of the verb in the brackets [-]. Then discuss the questions
with your partner.

 Did you start ______________________ [study] English when you were

in your 20s?
 Are you in favor of ______________________ [allow] 18 year olds to
 What do you miss ___________________ [do] that you used to do in
your country?
 Do you enjoy ____________________ [watch] sport on TV or in person
(at the game)?
 Have you ever hesitated _______________________ [speak] English in
public? How did you overcome it?
 Had you wanted ________________________ [be] famous when you
were a child?
 Are you planning _____________________ [see] a movie in English this
 Should you continue ______________________ [buy] things with a
credit card if you are a shopaholic?
 Did you like ____________________ [fight] other kids in elementary
 Do you prefer ____________________ [read] books or ____________________
[watch] movies on your free time?

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