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The pie chart shows the main methods of transport of people travelling

to a university in 2004.
The pie chart shows the main methods of
transport of people travelling to a university in
2004 Miêu tả số liệu

Over 50 percent of people drove car to university

The percentage of people who drove (driving) to school

stood at 51%

Cars accounted for 51% of the means of transport people

chose to go to university
1. So sánh số liệu cao nhất
The pie chart shows the main methods of
transport of people travelling to a university
in 2004
The percentage/ proportion/ number/ amount/ figure of +
Subject + be + the highest/largest

At/with ….(%, Accounting for/

kg,…) occupying …%
1. So sánh số liệu cao nhất
The pie chart shows the main methods of
transport of people travelling to a university
in 2004
A (be) the most popular + N

Accounting for/
occupying …%
The pie chart shows the main methods of
transport of people travelling to a university
in 2004

…, followed by/ compared with + N

2. So sánh tương đồng

The percentages of men and women playing sports were roughly similar,
with 34 and 35% respectively.

A and B + be similar

The percentage of men (34%) playing sports was roughly similar to that of
women (35%).

A + be + similar to + B
2. So sánh tương đồng

The percentages of men and women playing sports tied at roughly 35%.

A and B + tie + at…

The percentage of men playing sports tied with that of women at roughly 35%.

A + tie with + B at
3. So sánh hơn

The … of The … of B
(significantly/slightly) At/with …. and …. respectively
A That + prep + B
higher than
3. So sánh hơn

The percentage of men playing sports was twice/ 3 times as high as that of

The percentage of men playing sports was half/ a third/ a fifth of that of women.
4. So sánh số liệu thấp nhất
The pie chart shows the main methods of
transport of people travelling to a university in The percentage/figure of … (be) the smallest/lowest

Only + number + N + V

A small minority of + N + V
The number of cars sold:
• In 2000: 6,000
• In 2018: 10,000
The number of cars sold:
• In 2000: 6,000
• In 2015: 12,000
• In 2018: 10,000
The number of cars sold:
• In 2000: 6,000
• In 2015: 12,000
• In 2018: 10,000
The number of cars sold:
• In 2000: 6,000
• In 2015: 12,000
• In 2018: 10,000
The number of cars sold:
• In 2000: 6,000
• In 2015: 12,000
• In 2018: 10,000
The number of cars sold:
• In 2000: 6,000
• In 2015: 12,000
• In 2018: 10,000

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