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I am writing to strongly recommend Kevin Atamhen for the Bridge Scholarship. Throughout my
interactions with Kevin, I have been consistently impressed by his exceptional dedication to academic
excellence and his unwavering commitment to community service.

Kevin's academic record is nothing short of exemplary, consistently achieving top marks in his
coursework and demonstrating a genuine passion for learning. His inquisitive nature and proactive
approach to problem-solving make him a standout student.

Beyond his academic achievements, Kevin's involvement in community service activities showcases his
altruistic nature and desire to make a positive impact. He has been an active volunteer in various
organizations, showing great empathy and leadership skills while working with diverse groups.

Moreover, as a course mate, I see a lagging on his part in terms of financial aspect as payment for
various obligations are not made by him due to lack of funds.

I wholeheartedly endorse Kevin Atamhen for the Bridge Scholarship and believe that he will continue to
shine and excel in all his future endeavors.


Dominion Okpako.


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