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Name: GABAIS, John Lester Y.

Section: BS ARCHI 2-
Synthesis Paper #1

The discussion starts on the description of the Course—The Contemporary World which
introduces students to the contemporary world by examining the multifaceted phenomenon of
globalization. In continuation, the discussion proceeds to the discussion of the pandemic:
COVID-19. The discussion focused on the difference between Modern and Postmodern—which
is the Contemporary World. The discussion also includes the research paper and proper citations;
3 great revolutions: Industrial and Economic Revolution, French Revolution, and American
Revolution; generation gap; and social status.
The Contemporary World is our current world, which includes the Global Pandemic,
COVID-19—which was started in Wuhan, China that causes the nations to response in protracted
lockdowns. There are people treating the Pandemic as business and gain a lot of money from it,
in the Philippines the Department of Health borrowed thousands of vaccines just to say that it
was expired. The term modern cannot be used today but sociologically correct because it is the
period 1890s to 1945s, and the Postmodern is the period after World War II after 1968. The 3
Great Revolution that modernized the world are: Industrial and Economic Revolution—start of
transition from agricultural to industrial making of materials, and adapting new machines and
innovation; Political Revolution—prominent revolution in Europe is the French evolution, which
where the transition of Monarchy to Republic or Parliament, to disseminate the power to the
people from the monarchs; and the American Revolution—where the Americans shove the
British colonizers and created the United States of America. The wants and likes of parents and
their child are different because of the generation gap, mostly the new generation do not like the
pure lecture discussion it should be with audio-visual discussion. In modern period, people tend
to believe learning from past experiences while in contemporary period, people denying learning
from past because it is useless for the present.
Back when I was in Senior High School, I have a subject Contemporary Philippine Arts
from the Regions, which is where I first heard the word Contemporary, and when I entered
college, our subject History of Architecture 2 there is an architectural style that have discussed:
Modern Architecture and Contemporary Architecture. Our professor discussed that it is not the
same, that Modern is already old, and Contemporary is new. In social media, there is a TikTok
trend that showing the girls from 1900 and 2023, the context are the girls from 1900 interfering
the clothes of 2023 girl that it was too revealing, the 2023 girl replied, "witch." From the
discussion of difference between modern and contemporary, that is when I finally understood
that TikTok trend because it says that modern people are overly sensitive in clothing and
morality, and in contemporary people has their own rules. I disagree in the thought of learning
from the past is useless in the present, it is what you are today because of the past just do not bag
it up, learn to let go. The generation gap in my household is high because I do not like their
design and they also do not like my design, so I was the one who always adjust but I also put my
touch of design. As an Architecture student, the discussions on Lesson 1 are one of the things
that I should have consider because of my future clients in this field.

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