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Progress Report

Okra-glutinous rice adhesive

Day 1
The experiment was conducted on the afternoon of February
19, 2023, Flores’ Residence, Francia West, Tubao La Union.
The Researchers first experimented on saluyot or jute
extract mixed with glutinous rice for base in an effort to make
an alternative adhesive.
They did this by boiling the saluyot or jute until the
sticky mucous was extracted, then they drained it to a clean
Next, they used the extracted mucilage of the saluyot to
cook the glutinous rice. With a ratio of 1 cup of saluyot extract
and 2 cup of glutinous rice.
They failed to make the consistency they desired and the
rice proved to be too hard and uncooked to be effective, they put
too much rice and to little saluyot extract that is why the
product they made was not close in becoming an adhesive.
Day 2
The experiment was conducted on the morning of March 5,
2023, Flores’ residence, Francia West, Tubao La Unon.
The researchers scrapped the first saluyot experiment and
opted to use okra mucilage instead because of it easier mucous to
extract. They still use glutinous rice as base in making the
They boiled the sliced okra on a cooking pot for exactly 30
minutes, then setting aside the mucilage to a separate bowl, then
boiling again the same sliced okra in an effort to drain the okra
of all its mucilage.
They now pounded the rice into “finer pieces” to cook more
easily, then the researchers put into the cooking pot the
ingredients, now with a ratio of 1 cup of glutinous rice, and 2
cups of okra mucilage.
The product that we produced was a success, we managed to
make an adhesive using okra mucilage and glutinous rice, we
tested it on a piece of paper and plastic, where the plastic one
we stuck into a wooden door lasted for 5 days before detaching.
The product was sticky and slimy, it can stick into any surface
and the mucilage will harden overtime.
Although the prototype product was a success, it still has
many flaws. The main problem is that, the rice was still too hard
to be more efficient and effective in sticking into any material,
making it harder for the mucilage to harden. And lastly, because
it is made from organic materials, the mixture smelled off after
1 week, but without visual signs of spoilage.

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