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Everyone has an opinion about your name.

Things to consider when naming:

What do these sounds remind me of?

When I say it out loud, does it make me feel smart/connected/loyal/part of


Does the word remind me of the change you seek to make? Even if I don't know the

[Starbucks is a minor character in a well-known but little-read book about revenge.

Apples are simple and also represent original sin (and knowledge). Nike is a
mythological God...]

[Worth noting that no one cares about your name as much as you do... where have we
heard that before?]

When I Google this name, will I find you?

Does the domain communicate that you're real?

Does the name have room to gain a secondary meaning (Starbucks didn't mean much, so
now it means 'coffee', Googol was a big number and now Google means search the
world... but Bob Daniels Design is almost certainly going to be about Bob himself
for a long time.)

Does saying the word change the state of my attitude in a way that might make me
believe the story you're telling?

Can you live with it even if you change what you do (at the same time you stick
with who you serve?)

Posts and a tool:

Which is about Wordoid, a very helpful tool...


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