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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the human resource frame
2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

As an Uber driver, New Year's Eve proved to be an instructive experience in

organizational leadership. The demand for rides was exceptionally high that evening. I
quickly recognized that having clear goals was critical. My objective was to serve as
many riders as possible while ensuring a safe and comfortable journey for each. The ride
requests were incessant, pushing me to employ effective division of labor. I had to
manage not only the driving but also customer service, navigation, and timely
communication with riders. There were also moments when personal agendas could have
overtaken rational decision-making - it was tempting to prioritize high-profit rides due to
surge pricing. However, I knew it was essential to provide a reliable service to all riders,
regardless of the distance or profitability of the ride. Lastly, I faced some technical
glitches with the Uber app during the peak demand period, which was a structural flaw
that momentarily affected my performance. These experiences highlighted the real-world
application of various organizational leadership concepts, reinforcing their significance in
my role.

2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.

In the context of Uber on New Year's Eve, the human resources aspect, or more
accurately, the driver-partners, played a pivotal role. Uber exists primarily to serve
human transportation needs. On such a high-demand night, the platform's ability to
efficiently connect riders with drivers is put to the test.
The mutual dependency between Uber and its driver-partners was particularly evident.
Uber needed drivers to be active to meet the surge in demand, and in return, drivers
anticipated higher earnings due to surge pricing. However, with the influx of ride
requests, some drivers might have felt the pressure, leading to potential fatigue or stress.
There were instances where this dynamic led to challenges. Some drivers, seeing the
potential for high earnings, might have worked longer hours, leading to potential safety
concerns. On the other hand, riders were sometimes frustrated with higher wait times or
surge pricing.

The ideal scenario would be a harmonious balance where both the organization (Uber)
and its human resources (the drivers) benefit. In this case, drivers would have
manageable working hours with good earnings, and riders would get efficient and safe
services. If this balance isn't achieved, it can lead to situations where either the drivers
feel exploited due to pressures, or riders feel they aren't receiving adequate service.

3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

If I were to recommend an alternative course of action considering the human resources

aspect, it would be about promoting balanced work hours for driver-partners and focusing
on enhancing rider experience.Uber could implement a system that encourages drivers to
work in shifts during high-demand periods like New Year's Eve. This could ensure
drivers aren't overworking, promoting safety for both drivers and riders. A system of shift
bonuses could be introduced, providing incentives for drivers working during peak times
but limiting the maximum number of continuous hours worked to avoid fatigue.

For riders, Uber could enhance the communication of surge pricing. More transparent,
up-front communication about why prices are higher at peak times can help manage
riders' expectations and reduce frustration. Providing real-time updates about driver
availability can also make the wait time more predictable, improving rider
satisfaction.Overall, these measures could help strike a better balance between meeting
the high demand for rides and ensuring the well-being of driver-partners, fostering a more
positive experience for all parties involved.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

Reflecting on this experience and the lessons I've learned from the human resources frame, I
realize how crucial it is to balance the needs of the organization with the needs of its people. As
an Uber driver, I was in a unique position that allowed me to directly observe and experience this
balance, or at times, the lack thereof.In the future, if I were to find myself in a similar situation, I
would definitely advocate for the implementation of the aforementioned recommendations.
Ensuring drivers aren't overworking, and managing rider expectations better can significantly
enhance the overall experience.

Furthermore, I would aim to apply these principles to any organizational leadership role I take
on. Whether it's managing a team or leading a project, maintaining a balance between meeting
organizational goals and supporting team members is paramount. This experience has reinforced
the idea that an organization is not just a machine, but a collection of people, and it's essential to
address the needs of these people for the organization to succeed.

Reference or References
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