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I do apologize, this week I won’t be able to attend your class again since I have my own business to

I hope that you have completed your last assignment about writing job advertisement. This week,
the topic is about writing an application letter. So here is the clue;

Imagine yourself in 2 years later, as a fresh graduate. You are looking for the job vacancy, and you
find out some companies comply your qualification. What would you do to impress the company so
that they will invite you for the next selection process?

Before you start your work, find out and read this book first (business communication by Vikram
bise and Priya). I have sent it to your captain. This book is also available online. You can download it
for free. Go and find out the chapter 3 (topic: employment communication on page 24).

Also read other sources below;

Mckenzie, I. (2010). English for business studies. Cambridge University Press: UK.
 Topic: Management.
 Subtopic: 5. Recruitment ( page 30 )

After you read all those sources. Then answer the following questions below with your own words.
They are quite similar to the previous assignment.

1. What can you explain about application letter/cover letter? (20 points)

2. Clearly explain, what are the important points that should be included in writing your job
application/ cover letter? (20 points)

3. Read the book English for business written by Ian Mckenzie on page 32 ( reading and discussion
part : job applications). Then, answer the third question ( which of the following extracts from a CV/
resume ..... ) ( 30 points )

4. Now, it’s time for you to write down your own job application/ cover letter. You may use your
friend’s job advertisement as a reference for doing this assignment. ( Each of you should be
different). ( 30 points )

Note :
1. If you use your friend’s work, don’t forget to write down his/her name on the top right corner.
2. All of the students’ assignment should be printed and placed in one plastic folder.
3. Assignment due date : April 8th, 2019 ( Completion all of the assignments )
These usefull phrases can be used to help you writing an application letter.

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