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Data Selection and Navigation Editing

Shift + Space Select Row F2 Edit cell

Ctrl + Space Select Column Formatting and Formula working

Ctrl + Delete Selected Cells

Ctrl + B Bold
Ctrl + Shift + + Insert Selected Cells Ctrl + U Underline

Ctrl + F Find Ctrl + I Italics

Ctrl + H Replace Alt + E + S Paste Special

Ctrl + G Go to cell Alt + E + S + F Paste Special Formula

Ctrl + Page Up Move to prior Alt + E + S + V Paste Special Values

Ctrl + Page Down Move to next Alt + I + W Insert New Work
worksheet Sheet
Alt + E + S + L Paste special link
Ctrl + Arrows Help in navigation
Ctrl + Shift + 1 Change cell to
number format with
Data Manipulation
comma separator
Ctrl + Shift + 5 Change cell to
Ctrl + X Cut
percentage format
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + V Paste

Ctrl + Z Undo Ctrl + [ Trace Direct

Ctrl + Y Redo Ctrl + ] Trace Direct
Alt + = Sum cells Dependents

F5 + Enter Go back to the cell

Ctrl + Shift + Arrows Highlight rows or
columns Shift + Ctrl + U Expand the formula
Ctrl + 0 Hide bar

Ctrl + Shift + 0 Unhide Other

Ctrl + Tab Toggle Excel Files

F4 (Press Once) Entire Cell Anchoring Alt + Tab Toggle Applications

F4 (Press Twice) Only row anchoring Ctrl + R Fill Right

F4 (Press Thrice) Only column anchoring Ctrl + D Fill Down

F5 Go to Special

Rolex Tower, Second Floor, Sheikh Zayed Road, DIFC I P.O.Box 416639 I Dubai, UAE I

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