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In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read
everything they want online without paying.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

These days, many literature, reports, and news contents have become easier to access for public. This is
caused from not only development of the Internet technology but also social media platforms. In the
Internet world, these platforms make their income from lots of advertisements by allowing public to
watch their content in a platform. This indicates that those who read literatures or news in a specific
social media platform do not need to pay for their reading. This makes them more likely to access in the
on line books rather than buy printed newspapers or books.

In my opinion, I don’t think that nobody will not buy printed newspapers or books rather than on line
ones because some people strictly want to enjoy their reading for their break times, running out of their
workplaces which are fully dominated by computers and mobile devices. For example, one who have
worked in an IT company, spending one’s time approximately 12hours in workplaces with computer
monitor. Moreover, these lights from a monitor such as blue lights can harm humans eyes and makes
them feel exhausted. Therefore, those who are working like the person mentioned above, they don’t
want to use their break times or vacations on reading online books or newspaper showed from
smartphones or computers. This can be seen in the one example, companies that use more computers
such as Internet program corporation are more likely to allocate their building spaces only for printed
books or publications.

Second, as growing the number of persons who reading online books or newspapers, the printed books
also have higher reputation or value for reading or buying. For instance, people who have studied
specific scholars feel sense of belonging by buying and keeping their major books. In addition, they also
feel proud of reading these books sophistically written and printed by renowned author, thinking
themselves as someone who have greater knowledge compared with someone who just reads on line
books without paying.

In conclusion, I strongly think the online books or newspapers without paying cannot substitute the
printed books or literatures because they have their own value and advantages separately. Moreover,
each type of books is needed by someone who want its intrinsic value.

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