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D~TE 28 APRII...2()18 (SATURDA,\')

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TIME ... 09;00AML12.00NOON (lHOURS)

1. Answer ALL questions in the Answer Booklet.

Begin E:ACJi.~nswer on.a new pp_ge .in the Answer Booklet.
.. =: :.-:: :,;;, ... :::. ::': ... 2' /· . :::: .::.
lnpicate qlearly answers that ar~ canCelled, if aqy. ·

Where applicable, show clearly steps taken in arriving at the solutions and indicate
ALL assumptions, if any.
... :.:.. :::: ·.:::::::::::::... :: ... ::::::::::.. ..·.

DO NOT qp~p this Que~tidh aookletuntll instruc:;ted.

i. •· Jh~[§ar7 ~(:)UR (4) p~~~~ i?~hisQu.estion Boqkl~t inc;ludingtbesqver page.
ii. DQUBLE:-'SIDED Question Booklet. ·

: .. : . . · ....

distrust the performance ·

management reports. Small businesses are highly prone to the damage that

to ensure implementation of any performance management recommendations.

[20 marks]

be inc;lined to go beyond what is e)(:pected of them in the performance of their

~Compare the difference between a~nual bonuses and gainshanng plans.

[20 marks]
GDB3073l GCB3053

.· A farnily-frj~JJdly workplace pas poUci~s that ma~~ it pps~jpl~ for employees Jp

easi!y pal~n6e their family ~n~ \\(or~ obligatip~s. Mahy df th~ ·family-friendlY
poli6iE~~ of governm~~t ··•··~re iho~~ laws, reg~lations, and <social policies th~i
recognize the importance of families to society, and act to meet, directly or
indirect!Y. th~ needs of cqildr , parents, disabled faJl1il ernb~rs, and the
.·: :::.


Demonstrate any FIVE (5) family-friendly benefits for the employees with
appropfiate ~xamples ~aqh.
[20 mar~s]

4. When you treat your employees fairly they focus on navigating the challenges in
... ........ ......... .... ........... ........ ......... .

fron fthem.They fee[ respected, cared for, ~ndthey ~evelop th~~fin you as a
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manager. Instead of focusing.on gamesmanship or drte-upmans.hip, employees
focus on working towards individual and group goals. When you treat others fairly
two things happen. Your employees notice and respect you for it. Your reputation
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for f~ir play reinforces tpeir belief ir( you. Second; [~he peopl~ whO ypu treat f;;1irly
/ ·:: _- .. /' ... =- 'T:H:: ,:. / t<· ·:::,::; :L_ . :c· =: ~:; ., > ':
will respond in kind. YoU are teaching through yburactiOns and mOdeling the
behavior of "fairness" in the workplace.

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Evaluate tlie THREE; (~~ pillars qf a fair pr<?Ce~s tp pro('Tlote . et~ics and fair
. . :
.. . .::: ...';. :::::::. ·::::

treatment fdr the employees.

[20 marks]
,:·;:· .·:

GDB3Q73 GCB3053

. Perfqrroaqc~:cpased P?Y 9PO b~ powerful tooi§Jo >cn~pt~. agcj r~infon:;e change in

an · ~rg~ni~ati6n. ltwbat g~ ew~rd~d is indeed ~hat gJt~ done, compa(lie~
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.heed to make sure their performance-based rewards programs are aligned with
overall busin~~~ strategy. Any disconnect between the two may undermine a
·· compagy'sapility to ayhie,v its goa!§ ...
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PUG Inc,, ·a food ingredient manufacturer, decided to change its long-held

business strategy of emphasizing profitability to one designed to increase market
shar¢. T
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BY_,,/'.JiiversifyiQg Us prqduct lines
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and venturing into new markets, thE:)
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manyfpctur~r: believed. ifcouidincrease growth and evehtually profitability when . it.
achieved economies of scale. The company knew that to drive business growth,
it had to change its pay plan.
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Under the old plan,sa.les ople•were rewarded for all•••••••••••••••.

.•• ••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·•• products
•••·•••••••••••••••·•• they sold

individually and received a percentage of their territory's gross margin.

Consequently, most representatives sold mature product lines that had the
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highesf grqss margins ...•. The +nagufacturer ql.Jickly r~alizeq that ~lthough the
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incentive ~lan maximized profitability, it was noth~lping the bornpahy gain market
share with its new product offerings. Clearly, the longstanding plan had to
hang~ to.. support th~ n~w>strategy. Jhe companY.Piansto r~vi§e)ts pay plao
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d b eq incentives
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qo eti'lployees' competency.
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l.f also plans to divide./ it~
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products into three categoaes: Develop, Maintain, anc:f Hanle~t. Develop

products had the highest per-unit incentive, while the Maintain and Harvest
· categories h~d a lower.and ow~st pert~ nit inc~ntive, respeq~i~~ly,

Design the new competency-based pay plan that is suitable for PUG Inc.
[20 marks)


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