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For Teachers and Students

( H T T P S : // W W W . P T 3 E N G L I S H . C O M / C A T E G O R Y / W R I T I N G / )

9 steps to write an article – The

Advantages of The Internet

Today, we will talk about the steps to write an ARTICLE.

For an ARTICLE, here are what you/your students need to know:

1. There is a FORMAT.

2. Use PRESENT TENSE. (in some cases, past tense form will be
required, however, if you are dealing with weak students, you
want to avoid it. Thus, the present tense approach)
3. UNDERSTAND step 4.
All right. Let’s start!

Step 1: Read/
ManyTeachers anddon’t
students Students
realise the importance of reading the question as clear as
possible. This will help you in your answer and help you to write better.

Sample question:

Underlining the keywords(kata kunci) will help you. Make sure you understand
everything the question asks for.  Now you can go ahead to write your article.

Step 2: Know Your Format.

Every article comes in the same format. You need to know this:

Always take your title from the question. Don’t go wasting your time to think of a
new title.

Step 3:  Write your INTRODUCTION

Once you got the format right. Now you need to figure out what you need for
your essay. The first thing you need is an introduction.

How to start your/
introduction? There are 3 ways:

For1.Teachers and Students

Define your topic (what is internet?) memberi definisi tajuk.
2. Give your own opinions about the topic (why internet? what can people do
with internet? etc. USE ALL YOUR WH- questions) memberi pandangan
sendiri mengenai tajuk yang diberi.
3. Talk about news related to your topics (E.g.: according to the New Straight
Times, 5 millions people have access to the internet.) bincang tentang
fakta yang diambil dari surat khabar/orang yang terkenal. (buat-buat pun
And then : Tell your reader what are the main points that you are going to
discuss. Take what you can from the questions.

You can pick only one of the above to write your introduction:


1. The Internet is a global network that connects millions of computer around

the world. There are many advantages that we can get from the Internet.
Among all, the three most important advantages are to provide
information, connect with other people, and act as a form of entertainment.

2. The Internet has changed the world rapidly in the past ten to twenty years.
We use Internet very often in life because it is very convenient. We can get
all the information we want in just a few clicks. There are many advantages
that we can get from the Internet. Among all, the three most important
advantages are to provide information, connect with other people, and act
as a form of entertainment.

and to the New Straight Times, more than 190 countries in the world
have access to the Internet now while about 80% of the Malaysians have
access to the Internet. There are many advantages that we can get from
the Internet. Among all, the three most important advantages are to
provide information, connect with other people, and act as a form of

Mix them up :

The Internet is a global network that connects millions of computer around the
world. It has changed the world rapidly in the past ten to twenty years. We use
the Internet very often in life because it is very convenient. We can get all the
information we want in a blink of an eye. According to the New Straight Times,
more than 190 countries in the world have access to the Internet now while
about 80% of the Malaysians have access to the Internet. There are many
advantages that we can get from the Internet. Among all, the three most
important advantages are to provide information, connect with other people,
and as a form of entertainment.

Step 4:  Connecting word + Main Point

After you have listed the advantages, now is the time to write your content. It is
important to use CONNECTING WORDS to help you arrange your thoughts and

Use connecting words(Penandawacana):

First of all/Firstly/First and foremost -pertama sekali

Secondly – yang kedua
Next – seterusnya

Besides/other than that/not only that- selain itu
Also – dan juga
After that- selepas
For Teachers and Studentsitu
Lastly/Last but not least/Finally- Akhirnya/Yang terakhir
In conclusion- kesimpulannya
*You must also remember this: 1 paragraph –> 1 main point
Here is how you can arrange your ideas:
For Teachers and Students

Step 5:  Repeat step 4 for Main Point 2

Step 6:  Repeat step 4 for Main Point 3
Step 7:  If asked to add in one more main point (on your
own) – Repeat step 4 for Main Point 4
(if irrelevant, skip this step)

Step 8:  Conclusion
CONCLUSION is a summary of what you have written.

For weak students, conclusion is simply repeating what they write in the
INTRODUCTION with a little bit of changes.

The Internet is useful for all of us. We can get many benefits if we use it. As
discussed above, the Internet can provide us more information. It also helps
us to connect with many people like friends and family. Not only that, we can
use it as a form of entertainment. We should appreciate and make full use of
the Internet.
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For Teachers and Students

Step 9: Check your work

You SHOULD always check your work after you finish writing. Check your
format, check you tenses, check your spelling, anything. A simple read through
will also help!

Here are two versions for your reference:
For Teachers and Students

*Know that you should go ahead to write longer if you are able to. However, if
you think you are weak , start with shorter sentences for every step. You will still
be able to come up with something great!

I  hope this helps you.

Happy Teaching , Happy Learning.

Useful 5 Tips You Fast and 5 Simple

Sentences Need to Easy ways to Steps to
to Guide Know for write your Write a
Students Question 2 Email/Note/P Report – A
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(https://www. tips-you- and-easy- simple-
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For Teachers and Students



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One thought on “9 steps to write an article – The

Advantages of The Internet”

nik ammar bin nik noor hakim says:


this is very very very very very very very very goooooooooooood
and can learn me to practice a article in the examanition

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