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Decision Making & Goal

By Arahi Imtiaz
Physical goal
My physical goal is to become healthier.
And by that I mean to exercise more
constantly, eat nutritious meals, and to take
the healthier option. You can see in the
vision board there are various of foods, the
foods are colorful: the way i'll eat more
health meals to to eat “a rainbow” of
foods. By this I mean eating a variety of
colorful fruits and vegetables. Also, in the
vision board you can see “leg day”, and
“Workout”, those are suppose to show my
desire to workout consistently. Finally the
picture of grapes, i thought if I were to
represent choosing a healthier option, why
not grapes? I snack often and when I snack
I want to choose the healthier option.
Social goal
My social goals are to initiate more
outings with my friends instead of being
cooped up at home. As well as being able
to spend time out alone. You can see the
left top and bottom pictures represent
being out with my friends. The right top
and bottom pictures represent me doing
things alone and not feel like i'm missing
Intellectual goal
Intellectually I want to improve my
academic performance, as well as
improve my SAT score, gpa, and the way
I approach school and learning in
general. More specifically i want to have
a 4.00 or above gpa by the end of my
senior year. I want to improve my SAT
score from a 1130 to a 1330 by the
winter SAT test date. The way I have
been approaching school is passive, i'm
not taking action; I want to change that
I'm going to that more action and work
harder than before.
Spiritual goal
My main goal is to
become more connected
to my religion. I’d do
that by reading the
quran more consistently
( image on the top
right). Praying more
consistently (image on
the button right). Or
even by hanging out
around my fellow
Emotional goal
My emotional goal is to express
my emotions instead of bottling
them up. I plan on journaling
them. So essentially a diary, but
it will also be a scrapbook.
My occupational
goal is to decide
what I want to
study in university
in order to pursue
that career. From
left to right its
marine biology,
architecture, and
lastly mechanical

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