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Relative Clause

- Clause (Klausa): Group of words that consist of subject and predicate, but it can’t stand
alone however can be complement for the other sentences.
e.g: Daniel eats his breakfast every morning even when he’s already late to work.
- Relative clause/adjective clause: clause to explain noun in a sentence.
- Function: To give additional information to noun.
- Relative pronoun:
1. Who: for people as a subject (he, we, she)
e.g The girl who sat beside me is my cousin
My mother who always cooks for me and my sister
My best friend who always gets a good mark in the classroom
2. Whom: for people as an object (him, her, us)
e.g The girls whom I met at the party last night.
Mr. Anto whom every students respect him as a teacher
I just saw the girl whom you called last night.
3. Whose: used to describe someone’s belonging/ownership (his, hers, our, their)
e.g The price will go to the contestant whose have perfect performance.
They just helped the family whose the car broke down
I know a girl whose sister is a singer.
4. Which: for things, place, or time
e.g She is wearing the shirt which I gave her a year ago.
Elephants, which are the largest land mammals, live in herds of 10 or more adults.
My camera, which I always kept well, is now broken.
5. That: used for place and things
e.g I like the hat that my mother gave me
- Types of Relative Clause:
1. Defining Relative Clause
Defining relative clauses are used to provide important information about nouns in the
form of people or things. The information provided is information that can give a clear
understanding of a person or thing. In defining relative clauses, the relative pronoun used
is 'that' or 'which' (used as a non-person pronoun), while for noun pronouns in the form of
'person' use the relative pronouns 'that' and 'who'
Defining Relative Clause Example :

These are the books that I want to buy . (This is the book I want to buy).
I just saw the girl whom you called last night . (I just saw Amira the girl you called last
Diana likes the clothes which hang in the upper wardrobe. (Diana liked the clothes
hanging in the upper cupboard).
2. Non Defining Relative Clause
Non defining relative clauses are used as additional information. The essence in the
sentence is not so absolute or not so important. If the non-defining relative clause is
omitted, the reader or interlocutor can still understand what is meant. In non-defining
relative clauses, the relative pronoun 'that' cannot be used.
Example of Non Defining Relative Clause:

Pasya, whose house is next to mine , gave me a birthday cake. (Pasha, whose house is
next to mine, gives a birthday cake).
My camera, which I always kept well , is now broken. (My camera, which I always took
good care of, is now broken).

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