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Dhaqdhaqaaqyada go'aanka ka hor iyo qorista go'aanka

2.1. Hawlaha go'aan ka hor Habka go'aan qaadashada, hawlo badan ayaa dhacaya ka hor inta
aan qalinku la kulmin warqad. Habka go'aan qaadashada, qoraalku wuxuu noqon karaa
gabagabada geedi socodkii hore ama gabagabada geedi socodka oo dhan, waxaana jira
talaabooyin aasaasi ah oo go'aan ka hor ah oo go'aaminaya waxa la qorayo. Ilaalinta sida ay u
kala horeeyaan talaabooyinka ayaa muhiim u ah samaynta go'aan uu qof kastaa ku heshiin
karo. Suurtagal maaha in la isku dayo in la dhiso saqaf, ama la dhiso guri waara, iyada oo aan
la helin aasaas sax ah. Sida ku cad waayo-aragnimada, go'aanka aan si sax ah loo horumarin
oo aan la siinin waa go'aanSidoo kale kuma qancin isticmaaleha. Haddaba, garsooruhu waa
inuu maskaxda ku hayaa qodobadan soo socda ka hor inta aanu qorin go’aan, xukun ama amar.
A. Isagoo og ujeedada go'aanka Sida kor lagu sharaxay, go'aanku wuxuu yeelan doonaa laba
ujeedo oo waaweyn. Ujeedada koowaad ayaa ah in si cadaalad ah loo dhameeyo khilaafka u
dhaxeeya dhinacyada, tan labaadna waa in dadka fursadda u hela in ay akhriyaan go’aanka ay
aqbalaan macquulnimada iyo caddaaladda go’aanka. Markii aan arkay kii hore. Sida la og
yahay, go'aanku inta badan waa dhammaadka khilaafaadka. Dabcan marka uu maqan yahay
khilaafIn kasta oo la isla go’aamin karo, haddana waa in la fahamsan yahay in go’aanka la
gaadhay uu yahay meesha laga bilaabayo, meesha uu ku dhammaanayo khilaafka
mustaqbalka, ama uu yahay qodob go’aamin kara nafta iyo maalka cidda is haysa ama aan
muran lahayn. Marka go'aan laga gaarayo, waa in la tixgeliyo in waqtiga iyo tamarta ay ku
bixiyeen dacwoodayaashu ay ka badnaan karaan wakhtiga iyo tamarta uu ku bixiyo garsooraha
kiiska loo soo bandhigay. Waa in la fahmaa in khilaafku yahay mid ay dhinacyada is haya ay
muddo dheer noloshooda ku soo noolaayeen oo ay ku xalin waayeen gar-qaad, go’aanka laga
soo saari doonana uu ku ekaan doono. waqti dheer mustaqbalka in ka badan sidii hore. Ciddii
arrinka aad u danaynaysa, xaqiiqadu waxay tahay.Ma adka in la qiyaaso inta fahamka iyo
caqli-celinta garsooraha saddexaad uu dalban doono marka uu go'aan ka gaaro in tani ay tahay
"caddaalad" aad mudan tahay iyo "sharciga" aad ku noolaan doonto mustaqbalka ee kiiska.
Hadafka labaad marka uu garsooruhu go’aan ka gaadho, waa inuu ka fikiraa bulshada oo dhan
marka laga reebo arrimaha la soo bandhigay ee la xidhiidha dacwadda. Sida aan u kuur-galnay
munaasabadda waayo-aragnimada shaqo, waxaan ogaanay in Nwari oo goor hore u soo noqda
goobta cibaadada ee naftiisa uu baranayo albaabka maxkamadda si uu u barto haddii uu qaato
go'aan wax ku ool ah noloshiisa adduun. .
Waa nala arkay. Marka laga soo tago dadwaynaha ka soo qayb galaya dhageysiga, waxaan
haynaa xogWaa in laga fekeraa in go'aannada ay si fudud u heli karaan dhammaan dadka
adduunka ku nool iyada oo loo marayo internetka. Sida aan arki doono mustaqbalka,
go'aannada mar walba waxay ku xiran yihiin cilmi-baaris, daraasad iyo dhaleecayn. Waxa kale
oo xusid mudan in xitaa marka la daabaco xukunnada ugu wanaagsan/xukunka aan la dooran
ee bulshada wax u baranaya, qareenka, ururka xirfadlayaasha iwm. Waa in la fahmaa in
go’aanka go’aamiya iyo kan hoose (maxkamadda hoose) ay filayaan inay wax badan ka
bartaan go’aanka, dhanka kale, hay’adda sare waxay bari kartaa/wax badan ka baran kartaa
go’aankan. Sidaa darteed, go'aanka garsooraha si toos ah ama si dadbanWaxay ka dhigan tahay
in loo baahan yahay in laga fikiro inay saameyn ku yeelan karto dhinacyada aan ahayn
dhinacyada is haya. Haddaba, waxaa lagama maarmaan ah in la caddeeyo in go’aanku uu
cadaalad u horseedo dhinacyada is haya, isla markaana loo qanciyo dhinacyada haray si
macquul ah. Dabcan, marka hay'adda go'aanka siinaysaa uu yahay kan ugu sarreeya / ugu
dambeeya / jirka, sababtoo ah saameynta kala duwan ee uu go'aanku yeelan karo / tusaale
ahaan saameyn sharci / taxadar gaar ah waa in la siiyaa. Marka go'aan laga gaarayo, waxaa
lagama maarmaan ah in lagu qanciyo dadka kale dood "macquul ah" / xitaa haddii aysan
aqbalin tahay.
b. Fikirka Caqligu wuxuu u baahan yahay fikir. Sida kor ku xusan, waxaa muhiim ah in laga
fekero haddii garsoorayaashu ay go'aan ka gaarayaan dhibaatada ama si looga hortago
dhibaatooyinka mustaqbalka. Waa in aan daqiiqad la hilmaamin in gabayga oo la akhriyaa uu
mushkiladda ku xallinayo si ka duwan qorista sheeko-qoraal.
Sidaa darteed, in lagu qanciyo dhinaca kale go'aan qoraal ah Waa maxay dhibaatada gacanta
ku haysa? Maxaa xal u noqon kara dhibka? Maxay yihiin xalalka kale? Maxay yihiin
dhaleeceynta suurtagalka ah ee la doortay ama xalalka kale? Xalka ugu fiican waa kee? Yaa
arki doona go'aankakaraa Waa in aad ka jawaabto waxa ay leeyihiin iyo wixii la mid ah.
Tusaale fudud, dayn-qable oo lagu leeyahay 10,000 Birr ayaa guriga kireeyay ka hor inta aanu
amrin in lagu iibiyo xaraashka. Waxaa suurtogal ah in dadka intiisa kale lagu qanciyo iyadoo si
wax-ku-ool ah loo dhaleeceynayo fikradda gaarka ah ee ah in guriga la iibiyo, kan kalena uu
yahay in guriga la kireeyo oo la bixiyo deynta. Go’aanka lagu gaarayo qaabkan waa in uu
noqdaa mid ku saleysan feejignaanta garsooraha, si adagna loogu hoggaansamo sharciga iyo
nuxurka, dacwaddana lagu xalliyo si caadi ah oo la filayo.Wuu ku qasbanaan doonaa. Inta
badan, in xal cusub loo helo arrinta / Xalka Hal-abuurka / waxaa laga filayaa gaar ahaan
hababka kale ee xallinta khilaafaadka. Garsooruhu waa in aanu ku soo gabagabeyn in aanay
wax khalad ah ku jirin go'aankiisa/amarka. Ugu yaraan, mid ka mid ah labada dhinac ayaa soo
gudbiyay diidmo oo raba in ay dhageysato maxkamadda sare/hayga/ racfaan ama codsi. Sidaa
darteed, haddii ay lagama maarmaan noqoto in hay'adda sare ay ku raacdo gunaanadka ah in
guriga la kiraysto, deyntana la bixiyo, sababta waa in si habboon loo falanqeeyaa hay'adda
hoos timaada / maxkamadda / habka kor ku xusan.
c. Dhageysiga dacwadaha Dhegeysiga dacwadaWaa mid ka mid ah hababka ay tahay in la
sameeyo ka hor intaan la qorin waana habraac muhiim ah. Maadaama aad horay ugu aragtay
habkan casharka Shuruucda Nidaaminta, muhiim maaha in si faahfaahsan loo galo. Go'aan
qaadashada waa in ay si fiican u darsaan diiwaanka oo ay helaan faham buuxa ka hor inta aan
la dhagaysan doodaha. Run ahaantii, habka dhagaysiga dacwadaha laguma fulin
maxkamadahayada muddo dheer. Haddii kale, looma fulin si waafaqsan sharciga habraaca.
Waa khalad. Kahor inta uusan dhageysan dacwada, garsooraha. nuxurka doodda, Bidix iyo
midigNuxurka waxaad aaminsantahay, waxaad ku heshiiyaan, Cadeymaha la soo bandhigayo
si loo sharaxo qodobadii lagu heshiiyey ee garabka bidix lagu heshiiyey. Shuruucda ay
garabka bidix ugu yeeraan habboon, Marka la eego shuruudaha ay tahay in la buuxiyo si loo
dhaqangeliyo Xeerka. Waxay u baahan tahay in si sax ah loo garto. /Tusaale waxa loo diiday
1000 Birr oo dayn ah/. Ka dib markuu garsooruhu liis gareeyo oo u sharaxo dhinacyada,
bidixda waa in uu sharaxaa arrinta ay ku heshiiyeen oo uu isagu qabto mawduuca. Waxa
suurtogal ah in bidixdu tixdo arrimaha ay aaminsan yihiin oo ay si hufan u dhegaystaan
doodaha, isla markaana marka laga eego dhinaca nafsiga ah, ay afka ku sheegaan qodobbada
lagu diiday qoraal ahaan.Waxay abuurtaa jawi kalsooni. Doodaha waxaa caado u ah in ay la
kulmaan gabagabada ah in "qoraa" khaldan yahay, laakiin taasi waa xaqiiqo, iyo in arrintu ku
dhammaato mawduuc la'aan rumaysad. Mar haddii caddaynta ay tahay in lagu sii dhegeysto
kaliya kuwa la diiday, dacwoodaha/amaahiyaha aan caddayntiisa la maqlin kuma badin doono
cabashooyin iyo codsiyo weydiinaya sababta caddayntayda loo maqli waayay.
d. Gabagabo horudhac ah Marka doodda la maqlo, caddaymahana la maqlo, lana baaro, waxaa
muhiim ah in go'aan hordhac ah laga gaaro sida kiiska lagu soo gabagabeynayo.
Gabagabadaan hordhaca ah waxaa lagu gaari karaa in la xuso sheegashada bidixda oo lagu
taxo guud ahaan. Arrintu waa sidaasWay fiicnaan lahayd haddii la sameeyo isla marka dib u
eegista caddaynta la dhammeeyo. Waa maxkamad aan kiisas badan lahayn oo ay tahay in lagu
degdego. Taas oo la sameeyo waxay kaa caawinaysaa in la hubiyo in kiisku u qalmo go'aanka
kama dambaysta ah. Waxaan aragnay in maxkamadaha/xaakimiinta ay galaan xaalad adag
marka nuxurka diiwaanka iyo gunaanadka hordhaca ah ay aad u kala duwan yihiin marka
go'aanka af ahaan loogu qaato macmiilka iyada oo aan tan la samayn.
e. U beddelashada go'aanka qoraal Ka dib marka hababka kor ku xusan si sax ah loo sameeyo,
tallaabada xigta waa habka loo beddelo go'aanka qoraal. Halka go'aanka loo rogo qoraalMarka
garsooruhu ay tahay inuu ka jawaabo ama uu weydiiyo laga bilaabo wakhtiga dacwadu
bilaabantay, Yaa loo qoray? Maxaan qorayaa? Xagee dacwadu ka dhacday? Goorma ayay
dhacday? Maxaan wax u qorayaa? Waa inuu si taxadar leh uga fiirsada waxa uu leeyahay.
Su’aalahan waa in la baaraa inta ay dooddu socoto, laakiin maaha kuwo loo badan yahay,
markaa markay dacwaddu ku dhammaato xukun, waxaanu arkaynaa in dooda Yirgadu go’aan
lagu soo gunaanado. Guntii iyo gebagebadii, markaan su'aalahan la baadho, arrinta waa in lagu
xalliyaa su'aal kale, "Sidee" u qoraa? Qoraalku had iyo jeer wuxuu ku bilaabmaa qoritaanka.
Maxaa keenay in go'aanka laga gaaray ujeeddada fogaanta?Waa in sabab lagu muujiyo inay
sax tahay. Marka qabyada la go'aamiyo in si ku filan loo diyaariyey, waxa loo rogi doonaa
qoraalka ugu muhiimsan.
Qoraallada waxaa loo habayn karaa si uu akhristuhu si fudud u fahmi karo mawduuca. Ku
celcelinta erayada, odhaahyada iyo fikradaha waa in laga fogaado qoraalka ugu muhiimsan.
Isticmaalka ereyada, erayada naxwe ahaan laga booday...waa in sidoo kale la
dhammaystiraa.Waxa kale oo lagama maarmaan ah in la isticmaalo erayo isku mid ah si loo
muujiyo fikrad isku mid ah. Foomka go'aanka waa la isticmaali karaa xitaa haddii aanu ahayn
mid waajib ah marka go'aanka ugu dambeyntii la qoro. Ka dhigista go'aankan mid ku adag qof
walba. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, doodaha inta badan loo yaqaan diiwaanka amarkaWaa la
isticmaali karaa Garsooraha ayaa wax ka beddeli kara ama beddeli kara foomka si uu ugu
habboonaado baahidiisa. Arrinka isticmaalka foomka waxa loo istcimaalayaa tilmaame/liiska
hubinta/ si ugu yaraan arrin go'aanka lagu darayo aan lagu darin. Kiis la isticmaalayo foomkan
waxa lagu samayn karaa heerka koowaad ama rafcaanka. Marka go'aan la qorayo, go'aanka
waa in lagu qoraa erayo fudud oo la isticmaalo erayo fudud. Waa inuu hal arrin oo kaliya eego
hal mar. Waa in ay ahaataa sida ugu macquulsan. Haddii maaddo ay fududahay in wax laga
qoro, waa inaan u qaadannaa inay adag tahay in wax laga qoro. Way adag tahay in la qoroWaa
in la ogaadaa in arrimuhu ay fududahay in la akhriyo. Midda ugu daran, garsooraha go’aanka
qoraya waa inuu ka digtoonaado in akhristaha dhibka soo gaaray markuu qorayo isna uu
dhibsado/ciqaabo/gudbo markuu akhriyo. Taas awgeed, xirfadaha qorista waa in lagu
celceliyaa marar badan.
2.2. Goorma ayaa go'aanka la qori doonaa? Sida kor ku xusan, amarrada iyo xukunnada waxaa
la bixiyaa waqtiyo kala duwan laga bilaabo taariikhda kiiska la keeno maxkamadda, laakiin
go'aannada iyo xukunka ayaa la bixiyaa dhammaadka. Sida dastuurku dhigayo,
go’aanka/xukunka/ waa gunaanadka dacwad ku dhammaanaysa xukun, taasoo ina tusinaysa
inay tahay gunaanadka khilaafkii ay maxkamaddu bixisay. Mid kaleDhanka kale,
F/S/S/H/Lambarka 18A, marka lagu caddeeyo in xukunka “dhakhso ah” ama “taariikh
gaaban” lagu bixiyo isla marka ay dacwaddu ama arrintu dhammaato, xukunku Waa in la
bixiyaa qoraal ah oo uu saxeexo garsooraha/xaakimiinta/ oo loo akhriyo dhinacyada is haya.
Isla ereygan ku jira sharciga Maxkamadda Sare ayaa dhigaya in haddii aan racfaan laga
qaadan, xukunka la qaadi doono ka dib marka eedaysanayaasha ay sheegaan hadalkoodii ugu
dambeeyay. Arrimaha dambiyada lama siiyo miisaan yar, gaar ahaan kuwa la xiriira
xorriyadda nolosha aadanaha.Waxaan dhihi karnaa in xukunka la bixiyo. Sida ku cad lambarka
94 ee sharciga, waxaa la filayaa in maxkamaddu ay ballan qabsan karto haddii maxkamaddu
ay iyadu doorato inay bixiso xukun sax ah, laakiin isla tiradaas, waxaa habboon in la xasuusto
inaysan jirin wax micno ah oo lagu bixiyo Ballan loogu talagalay oo kaliya ujeeddada bixinta
xukun. Sidoo kale, waxa la odhan karaa waa in go’aannada iyo awaamiirta si degdeg ah loo
bixiyo ka dib marka ay dhammaadaan doodaha khuseeya. Haddii taas la waayo, waxaa lagu
xad-gudbi doonaa xaqa aasaasiga ah ee caddaaladda degdegga ah.
2.3. Go'aan qoraal ah oo ku saabsan heerka maxkamadaha Sidaan horeyba isugu daynay inaan
aragno, nuxurka qoraalka go'aanku guud ahaan waa isku mid, laakiin kiis ilaa kiisWay kala
duwan tahay. Go'aanka lagu qoray dacwad ciqaabeedku wuu ka duwan yahay nuxurkiisa iyo
qaabkiisa marka loo eego go'aanka qoran ee dacwadda madaniga ah. Dacwadaha madaniga ah,
waxa lagu soo bandhigaa habraac la dadajiyay iyo waxa lagu soo bandhigo nidaamka caadiga
ah, waxa ay ku kala duwan yihiin arrin la isku haysto iyo mid aan mawduuc lahayn. Xataa
mawduucyada aan mawduucyada ahayn, qoraalka go'aanku wuu kala duwanaan karaa, gaar
ahaan tayada iyo dadaalka go'aamiyaha. Farqigu waa joogsiga Isagu ma yeelan doono.
Maqaalkan, waxaynu ku eegi doonaa qaabka iyo nuxurka go’aanka qoraal ee u dhexeeya
maxkamadda dacwadda iyo maxkamadaha rafcaanka. Sidan ayaa looga hadlayaa farqiga u
dhexeeya xallintaWaxay ku saabsan tahay dhammaan kiisaska iyada oo aan la samayn.
2.3.1. Qoraalka go'aanka maxkamadda darajada koowaad Maxkamadaha darajada koowaad
waxay si gaar ah u yihiin halka caddaynta iyo doodaha dhabta ah lagu qabto oo si weyn loo
diiwaangeliyo. Go'aanka maxkamada ayaa mararka qaarkood qarka u saaran inuu gaaro
go'aano heerkan ah. Sida uu dacwooduhu si cad ugu sheegayo su'aasha miiska miiska saaran
isagoo leh, "dacwadda waxaa lagu soo oogay in lagu dallaco lacag aad u badan sida - -", marka
hore, maxkamaddu waxay sidoo kale ku bilaabi kartaa inay sheegto in dacwadda eedaysanaha
la joojiyay ama in eedaysanaha lagu soo oogay masuuliyad. Go'aan ka bilaabma qoraal
noocaas ahQoraalka waxaa loo isticmaalaa in lagu go'aamiyo in akhristuhu uu sii wado
akhrinta, laakiin lama door bido. Haddii akhristuhu aanu doonayn inuu akhriyo dhammaan
go'aanka maxkamadda, wuxuu ku heli karaa isagoo akhriya qoraalka dhammaadka. Qoraalku
waxa uu u muuqdaa in maxkamaddu ay go’aan ka gaadhay oo kaliya ay doonaysay sabab,
halka go’aanka ka soo horjeedana aanu ku salaysnayn xaqiiqo iyo falanqayn. Sidaa darteed,
qorista go'aanka noocan ah lama door bido. Nooca arrinta wax miraha mawduuca Sharci,
falanqayn iyo gunaanad Gabagabo / Xukun / Waa in si faahfaahsan loo hayaaAynu eegno
iyaga Nooca arrinta Qaybtan ka mid ah go'aanka waxaa loo yaqaan "xukun" waana tii ugu
horeysay ee lagu qoro cinwaanka. Waxa uu ka kooban yahay waxa dacwaddu tahay, taariikhdii
muhiimka ahayd ee soo martay, awoodda ay maxkamaddu u leedahay dacwadda iyo arrinta ay
maxkamaddu go’aan ka gaadhayso. Tusaale ahaan, in dacwaddu la xidhiidho muran dhul,
dhex-dhexaadintii dhulku/ku-taliyihii/odayaashu dedaalkii dacwaddu wax natiijo ah kamay
soo bixin, waa in dacwadda lagu dhammeeyaa maxkamadda si waafaqsan sharciga, markaa
codsiga dacwooduhu. la wareegida dhulka ayaa lagu macneeyay. Nuxurka Cadeymo ka yimid
dhinacii is hayayWaxaan ula jeednaa doodo aan sharci ahayn oo la xaqiijin karo ama la beenin
karo. Go'aan gaarista marka loo eego sharciga madaniga ah waa in had iyo jeer lagu daro
walxaha go'aanka maxkamada darajada koowaad. / Kaliya kuwa muhiimka u ah kiiska /
Xakamaynta / waa in lagu daro qaab sheeko. Garsooruhu waa inuu doortaa oo diiwaangeliyaa
oo keliya doodaha la taaban karo. Kaliya waxyaabaha muhiimka ah ee muhiimka u ah
akhristuhu si uu u fahmo go'aanka iyo caawinta fahamka go'aanka ayaa lagu daray.
Qodobbada ugu muhiimsan waxaa lagu sharraxay gudbinta si ay dacwoodaha iyo akhristuhu si
sahlan u akhriyaan una fahmaan go'aanka. Waa muhiim in la xuso waqtigaWay fiicantahay
haddii canaasiirta lagu sifeeyo siday u kala horreeyaan. Qoraaga go'aanka waa in uu u qoraa
hab ay ku jiraan waxa looga baahan yahay dhinaca is haya iyo/ama akhristaha kale in ka badan
jumlada. Tusaale ahaan, haddii ay dhacdo muran dhul, waa ku filan tahay haddii hore loo
sheego in arrinta lagu xallin kari waayo heshiisiin iyo in kale. Arrimaha sooyaalka ah waxa
lagu sheegi karaa qaab faallooyin ama liisas ah. Tusaale ahaan --- u hoggaansanaan la'aanta
heshiiskii la saxiixay 21-kii Noofambar, ma uusan ii keenin ukuntii heshiiska lagu sheegay
bartamihii Janaayo 2-deedii - -- waxaa loo qori karaa sida, Qandaraaska waxaa la fuliyay
November 21/2 Bartamihii Janaayo, qandaraaskii waa la jabiyay waxaa loo dhigi karaa sida
Garsoorayaashu waa inay aad uga taxaddaraan inay beddelaan nuxurka go'aanadooda. Waa in
lagu xafidaa afka dooda sida ugu macquulsan. Garsoorayaashu awood uma laha inay fasiraan
nuxurka. Awoodda la siiyay inay sharciga u fasiraan waa in loo arkaa inay "diiwaangelin"
kaliya tahay. Bartamaha Janaayo, marka qandaraaska la qorayo, waa inaan lagu xusin Janaayo
15/2. Turjumidda nuxurka waxay yaraynaysaa awoodda qancinta akhristahaWaa in si taxadar
leh loo qoraa maadaama ay albaabada u furayso maxkamadaha sare inay go'aan khaldan ka
gaaraan arrinta, awooddooda/mas'uuliyadda/baaritaanka. Xaqiiqda ah in nuxurka ay tahay in si
taxadar leh loo qoro macnaheedu maaha in qolyaha is haya ay dejiyaan in uu jiro muran
walaxeed. Haddii codsi la xareeyo caddaynta carruurnimada, waa lagama maarmaan in la
xaqiijiyo waxyaabaha caddayn kara aabbanimada. Doorashada maaddooyinka saxda ah waxay
u baahan tahay xirfad, aqoon iyo khibrad weyn. Si la mid ah, ka taxdar doorashada waxa ugu
muhiimsan oo aad ku gaarto gabagaboWaxa ay is weydiinayaan waa shaqada Garsoorka
dalkeena. Caddeyntu waa meesha kaliya ee laga bilaabayo gunaanadkan. Tusaale ahaan,
caddaymaha la soo bandhigay ee caddaynaya aabbanimada, maxkamaddu waxay tidhi,
"Waxaa la xaqiijiyay in eedaysanaha / aabbuhu, uu guursaday Mrs. --------- / hooyada /
14/1/197A." Gabagabo ayaa la gaaray. Gebagebada xaqiiqadu naf ahaantiisa macno ma leh oo
waa in loo beddelaa gunaanad sharci. / Dib ayaan u eegi doonnaa /. Sidaas awgeed, nuxurka
mawduuca ayaa la dejin doonaa.
Haddaba, arrinta gacanta ku haysa, dulucdu way ka duwan tahay nuxurka iyo
gunaanadkaWaxaa laga yaabaa inaysan jirin. Waxaa jiri doona miro badan. Waa in sidoo kale
la xasuusnaado in tani aysan macnaheedu ahayn in had iyo jeer loo baahan yahay mawduuc ku
saabsan macnaha guud iyo gabagabada. Miraha waxay noqon karaan wargelin, la isku halayn
karo ama caddayn ku salaysan, mawduucyo, kiis gaar ah, iwm. Taariikhda xereynta dacwadda,
qaadashada dacwoodaha, awoodda dacwoodaha, ayaa lagu sheegay liisaskan. Qodobadan waa
la xusi karaa ilaa go'aanka la soo gebagebeeyo, waana in laga soocaa waxyaabaha aan
muhiimka ahayn iyo kuwa aan maadiga ahayn.waxay yihiin. Guud ahaan, walxaha la
xidhiidha mawduuca waxa lagu qeexi karaa ka hor mawduuca iyo sidoo kale ka dambeeya
Qodobbada lagu qorayo caddaynta/ doodaha/ereyga, la doortay, kuwa muhiimka ah, siday u
kala horreeyaan Fiiri sida kiiska soo socda uu u horseedayo gabagabada /Warbixin
Kooban/Magaca Dacwoodaha/ Caddaynta/ Waxa lagu dhuftay gaadhigii eedaysanaha oo uu
dhaawacmay/ Gabagabo Eedaysanuhu si taxadar la'aan ah ayuu u waday Gebagebadii,
eedaysanuhu wuxuu baabuur ku waday 7 km/h suuqa dhexdiisa Gabagabada sharciga ayaa ah
in ay dambi tahay in dhaawac loo geysto habacsanaan Sharciga / Gabagabada / Gaarka
ahEedaysanuhu inuu ku dhex wado suuqa oo uu waxyeelo gaadhsiiyo waa dembi dayacaad.
Marka garsooruhu qorayo go'aanka, waxaa lagama maarmaan ah in la hubiyo in qodobada kor
ku xusan ay ku jiraan liiska hubinta. Inkasta oo ay ku xidhan tahay wakhtiga garsooraha iyo
tirada dacwadaha, haddana waxa faa'iido leh in la hubiyo, qabyo-tirka, dib-u-eegista, akhrinta,
iwm. Ugu dambeyntii, waa in la xaqiijiyaa in go'aanka, oo ay tahay in la sharraxo si isdaba-
joog ah, uu yahay mid is-sharraxa oo caddaynaya. Sida buugaagta kale ee qaamuuska, buug
tixraaca, qoraallada hoose, iwm. iyo sidoo kale wax u akhrida hor iyo dib.Waa lagama
maarmaan in la hubiyo in aysan ahayn mid ka fog. Mawduuca Q Sidaan hore u soo sheegnay,
arrintu waa qodob ay dhinacyadu isku khilaafsan yihiin oo go’aan ka gaadhaya maxkamadda.
Waa su'aal xaqiiq ah ama sharci ama labadaba u baahan jawaab sharci ah. Sida qoraallada kale
oo dhan, mawduuca waa in si cad loo sheegaa. Mawduuca waxa loo samayn karaa qaab su'aal
ah ama - - - ku saabsan ahaansho / la'aan / - - ku saabsan noolaanshaha / aan jirin iwm. tusaale
- Arrinka ay maxkamaddu eegayso Miyay tahay in dooda dacwooduhu ay ku sii sugnaato
dejinta? Ama Doodda dacwoodahaMa aha in ay sii jiraan. Waxaa loo diiwaan gelin karaa sida
Waqtigan, mawduuca u baahan in laga jawaabo waa sharci iyo midho. Mawduucyada waxay
noqon karaan kuwo badan. Waa isku darka nuxur sharci iyo mid la taaban karo iyo
mawduucyo hoose oo ku jira mawduuc. tusaale Dacwad-oogaha iyo eedaysanuhu ma leeyihiin
heshiis guur oo sax ah?
1 1 Haddii ay haystaan, ma waxay xaqiijinaysaa taariikhda guurka? Doodda eedaysanaha ee ah
in guurka aan la kala dirin ma leedahay sal sharci? Hadii meherka lagu kala diro
3 1 Baabuurka leh nambarka liisanka --- eedaysanuhu ma leeyahay?
3 2 guriMaya --- ma hantida wadajirka ah ee dacwoodaha iyo eedaysanaha? Waxaa la dhihi
karaa. Mawduuc kastaa wuxuu ka kooban yahay mawduucyo waaweyn iyo kuwo hoose.
Iyadoo ku xiran xaaladda, dhammaantood uma baahna jawaab. Haddii maxkamaddu go'aan ka
gaarto in uusan jirin guur sax ah oo u dhexeeya Sashna iyo eedaysanaha, looma baahna in la
dhaleeceeyo inta kale ee arrimaha go'aanka.
Nidaamka mawduuca waa inuu ku salaysan yahay kan iyo wakhtiga. Way fiicantahay in
mawduucyada sharciga ah marka hore laga jawaabo. Sharci iyo sabab Ka dib marka mawduuc
lagu sheego go'aanka, waxa soo socdaa waa sharciga ku habboon si looga jawaabo mawduuca
iyo xiriirka sharciga iyo mawduuca.Mar walba lagama maarmaan ma aha in sida uu yahay loo
koobiyeeyo, tusaale ahaan, waxaa la dhihi karaa in sharciga Itoobiya uu dhigayo “haddii
khilaafka lagu soo gudbin waayo 2/laba sano, waa la tuurayaa”. Sharci mar walba waa in lagu
muujiyaa marxaladda hadda jirta, haddii aan la baabi'in sharciga lagu sheegay. Markay
sharciga iyo nuxurkuba kala garan waayaan, ka dib marka la miisaamo miisaanka nuxurka
go’aanka, waxa la qoraa sida sharciga loo fulinayo. Haddi ay arrintu caddayn waydo, waa in la
xukumo oo sharciga cad la fuliyo. Had iyo jeer cadIn jawaabta laga hormariyo wax aan jirin
oo lagu xidho gabagabada iyo waxa muuqda ayaa qoraalka ka dhigaya mid la akhriyi karo.
Sida kor ku xusan, gabagabada su'aasha sharci waxay ku saleysan tahay gabagabada
xaqiiqooyinka. Gabagabada laga gaaray xaqiiqooyinka ma ahan mid ku saleysan madax
banaanida garsoorka, balse waxaa lagu saleeyay cadeymaha naloo soo bandhigay. Tani ma aha
dhamaad lafteeda, laakiin waa bar bilow u ah ka jawaabista su'aalaha sharciga ah. Waxa laga
yaabaa inaanay lagama maarmaan ahayn in la koobiyo dhammaan tirada / faqrada / sharciga la
sheegay marka laga jawaabayo su'aal sharci ah. Haddii aan sharciga sidaas loo rogin, ilaa inta
shuruudaha gaarka ah la ilaalinayoWaa la door bidaa. Waa marka su'aasha la taaban karo ay
leedahay cawaaqib sharci oo macno leh. Mar haddii la rabo in la go'aamiyo xuquuqda
dhinacyada is haya, xidhiidhka maaddada waa in si cad loo ilaaliyaa, laakiin waa in laga
xoreeyaa nuxurka hal jumlad. tusaale Isaga oo soo koobaya qodobka, eedaysanuhu waxa uu
iibiyey ukumihii heshiiska badhtamihii Janaayo/2018 Ma uusan soo gudbin Waxa uu jabiyay
heshiiska isaga oo aan soo gudbin gunaanadka sharciga ah badhtamaha Janaayo/2018
Maxkamaddu markay gaadho gunaanadkeeda sharciga ah, waxay raadisaa sharciga ay
sheegtay in aanu khusayn nuxurka, waxaanay eegtaa in uu yahay mid lagu dabaqi karo
dacwada guud ahaan iyo gaar ahaan. Shaqadan ballaaran waa daraasad xagga sharciga ahWaa
mid dalbanaysa. Ugu dambeyntii, waxaa lagu tilmaami karaa "Aunta" ama "Maya". Tan waxaa
lagu sharxi doonaa / qoran / iyadoo loo eegayo bayaanka mawduuca ay maxkamaddu hayso
iyo caddaynta cidda ay tahay in ay qaadaan culayska sharaxaadda. Ka dib marka la
dhammeeyo falanqaynta sharciga iyo sababta, go'aanka maxkamadda ayaa lagu dhawaaqi
doonaa. "Go'aankan" waa inuu noqdaa mid gaaban oo la fulin karo intii suurtagal ah. Waa inay
noqotaa mid cad, kooban oo si toos ah u sheegta waxa dhammaan dhinacyada ay mudan
yihiin/aanay mudnayn. Tusaale ahaan, sida kor ku xusan, "Dacwooduhu wuxuu gudbiyay
dacwada laba sano ka dib joojinta qandaraaska.Waxaa loo qori karaa sida "xaq uma laha in uu
soo bandhigo" Mushahar, inta ka hartay go'aankan waxaa loo hayaa racfaanka / sharciga /,
diiwaanka waa la xiray iyo meesha si joogto ah lagu hayo - - - waa la go'aansan karaa.
Maxkamadda Racfaanka Marka loo eego qaab dhismeedka maxkamadaha, shaqooyinka ugu
muhiimsan ee maxkamadaha sare ayaa hoos yimaadaMaxkamaddu waa inay eegtaa kiisaska
lagu soo bandhigay rafcaanka. Qaab dhismeedka Maxkamadaha dalkeena wax badan kama
duwana kan. Waxaa aad u batay dooda tooska ah ee Maxkamadaha degmooyinka, waxaana
soo badanaya dacwadaha ka dhaca Maxkamadaha Sare iyo Sare.
Taas macnaheedu maaha in rafcaanka aan laga dhagaysan doonin maxkamadda wareegga,
dacwadaha tooska ahna aan lagu qaadi doonin maxkamadda sare. Qadarka, iyo natiijada la
filayo, way kala duwanaan doontaa, laakiin waxaa lagu arki doonaa dhammaan maxkamadaha
rafcaanka. Sidaa darteed, doodda soo socotaa waxay khusaysaa dhammaan dugsiyada sida ugu
habboon. Maxkamadda rafcaanku waxay leedahay hawl dib u eegis marka ay dhegaysato kiis
rafcaan ah.qabataa. Maxkamadda hoose waxay hubisaa in sharciga habraaca si sax ah loo
fuliyo, in aan la jebin shuruucda aasaasiga ah, in caddaynta si sax ah loo miisaamo, iyo in si
caddaalad ah loo fuliyo hawlahaas. Marka maxkamada racfaanku dhammaato, waxay
xaqiijinayaan in maxkamadu aanay galin khalad sharci. Marka maxkamada rafcaanku ay
noqoto ta ugu danbeysa, waxa ay diiradda saartaa su’aalaha sharciga, waxaana saaran
mas’uuliyad culus oo dheeri ah oo ah in la helo nidaam sharci oo isku mid ah oo u dhigma
dalka ama dalka, hubinta in aan lagu xadgudbin qodobbada dastuuriga ah, siyaasadaha. iyo
sharciyo kale aan asal ahaan lagu xadgudbin. Maxkamadda Racfaanka bilowgiiMaxkamadda
dacwad-qaadista kaliya kuma khusayso dhageysiga kiis rafcaan/dib u eegis ah. Si tan loo
sameeyo, waxay inta badan eegtaa diiwaanka maxkamadda dacwadda. Marka uu eego
qoraallada diiwaannada hoose, waxa uu awood u leeyahay in uu xaqiijiyo, beddelo, wax ka
beddelo, oo uu go'aansado in kiiska dib loo go'aamiyo ama dib loogu celiyo isaga.
Maxkamadda Sare waxay awooddan ku isticmaashaa hawl garsoor oo ka duwan kuwa hoose.
Garsoorka waxaa lagu sameeyaa koox/wadashaqeyn, sidaas darteed doodaha ayaa si weyn loo
qabtaa, go'aanka maxkamaddana inta badan waa la isku raacsan yahay.Inta badan, dadka aan
ku raacsanayn fikradahooda waxay ka baqaan fikradahooda gaarka ah. Codeynta beelaha laga
tirada badan yahay ee hal kiis ayaa laga yaabaa in lagu daro cod aqlabiyad ah mid kale.
Maxkamadda Racfaanku inta badan waxay si wada jir ah u fulisaa hawsheeda garsoor, laakiin
habka go’aan qaadashada ee dalkeenna, waxa aynu u naqaanno go’aanka maxkamadda waxa
qoraya hal garsoore oo ay wada saxeexaan. Garsooraha qoraya go'aanka waa inuu fahmo ma
aha kiisa oo keliya, laakiin waa inuu sidoo kale fahmo taxaddarrada ay saaxiibbadiis rabaan
inay qaadaan. Waa in la is tuso in qoraalku aanu ahayn go’aan garsoore, balse uu yahay mid ka
soo baxay maan la wada leeyahay, hadday tahay midho iyo haday sharci tahay.
Kala duwanaansho dhammaystiran oo ku saabsan shaqada ay qabato ururkuLagama fogaan
karo. Dhanka kale, waxaa laga yaabaa inuu haysto fikrad ku raacsan go'aanka laakiin u qalmo
sabab kale. Waxaa habboon in la qoro khilaafaadkaas marka loo baahdo in la xoojiyo
mawqifka garsoorka. Marka la qoro, uma jeediyaan garsooraha shakhsi ahaan, laakiin kaliya
waxay u jeedaan waxa loo yaqaan go'aanka maxkamadda. Dhaliilaha iyo dhaleecaynta waxay
u badan tahay in ay diiradda saaraan dulucda doodda, taas oo aan ahayn xaaladdu. Inta
suurtogalka ah, waxaa habboon in garsooruhu uu takooro haddii ay jiraan qodobbo ay ku
heshiiyaan asxaabtiisa kale, waana in la sheegaa qodobadaas.
Aragtida qoraalka Ku celcelinSida la sheegay, shaqada aasaasiga ah ee maxkamadda racfaanku
waa ka hortagga iyo saxidda khaladaadka ku jira go'aan-qaadashada iyo hab-dhaqanka
maxkamadda hoose. Khaladaad badan ayaa laga heli karaa maxkamadaha hoose ee arrintan la
xiriira. Qaarkood waxaa laga yaabaa in aysan dhib u geysan qolyaha is haya. Tusaale ahaan,
haddii ay maxkamaddu go'aansato in dacwooduhu uu xaq u leeyahay 5x2a = 1aa Birr,
dacwooduhu wuxuu sheeganayaa in 1aX1aa = 1aa Birr la heli karo. Khaladaadka noocaan ah
lagama yaabo in lagu sixi karo racfaanka maadaama laga yaabo inaysan qalloocin cadaaladda,
gaar ahaan marka la eego dabeecadda dacwadeed ee dalkeena. Khaladku waa cad yahay,
maxkamaduna asal ahaan way ku khaldantay jihadii ay ahayd inay raacdoMarka la helo,
waxay u baahan tahay in la saxo.
Qoraalka mawqifka maxkamadda rafcaanka ee ah in aan khalad la samayn, aanay ahayn wax
dhib ah, oo ay tahay in khaladka la saxo, isna wuu ka duwan yahay. Nuxurka qaraarku wuu
kala duwanaan karaa xoghaye ilaa xoghaye, laakiin guud ahaan Nooca arrinta Dulucda
Nuxurka Khalad La Helay / Sharciga, Falanqaynta, Sababta / soo koobid / dabeecad / yeelan
doonaan Qodobbada aad ku aragteen ka leexashada lambarka 4-aad asal ahaan waa kuwa aan
ku soo aragnay qaybta hore, duruufaha gaarka ah ayaa looga hadli doonaa qaybtan. Law
no348/1/ wuxuu dhigayaa in maxkamadda rafcaanku ay xaqiijiso, wax ka beddesho, bedeli
karto, ama baabiin karto go'aanka loo soo gudbiyay ee racfaanka, sida ku cad lambarka 341
iyo 343, waxay kiiska ku celin kartaa maxkamadda hoose si ay go'aan uga gaarto marka ay
saxdo. soo saarista ama dood ka samaynta.Si la mid ah, danbiile Maxkamadda Rafcaanku
waxay awood u leedahay inay taageerto rafcaanka, amarto in dacwadda ay qaado maxkamad
kale, gebi ahaanba baabi'iso go'aanka, kordhiso, xoojiso, yarayso ciqaabta, sida ku cad
Maxkamadda Racfaanka No. 195. Awooddani waxay hoos timaadaa Xeer Lr. 5. Dhageysiga
racfaanka ka dib, Maxkamadda Racfaanka ee fadhigeedu yahayWaa soo koobidda waxa
qeexaya. Dulqaadasho Hadii maxkamada rafcaanku ay ogaato in aanu wax khalad ahi ka jirin
kiiska kadib markii ay eegtay qoraalka maxkamada hoose. Dulqaadasho Hadii maxkamada
rafcaanku ay ogaato in aanu wax khalad ah ku jirin kiiska kadib markii ay baadhis ku
samaysay qoraalka maxkamada hoose waxa ay go’aanka ku gali kartaa qoraal iyada oo aan loo
baahnayn in ay wax badan qabato. Isla hoosta ka xariiq. Iyadoo taas ka duulaysa ayaa
Maxkamadda Racfaanka ay soo saartay go’aan ay ku sheegtay in aan la aqbalin rafcaanka uu
soo gudbiyay rafcaanka, isla markaana go’aanka maxkamadda hoose uu yahay mid lagu
taageerayo.Waxay la macno tahay waa la qori karaa. Nidaamka go’aan qaadashada ee
dalkeena, markii ay maxkamadaha rafcaanku ku ayideen go’aankii maxkamadda hoose, “Sida
aanu u baadhnay cabashada rafcaanka ee qoraalkii maxkamadda hoose, wax khalad ah oo
sharci iyo mid xaqiiqo ah oo ay maxkamadda hoose gashay ma aannu helin, markaa racfaankii
waxaa ridday maxkamadda hoose.” No. 337/ama haddii rafcaanku ku saabsan yahay arrin
dembi, waxaanu samaynay sida ku cad / 95/1/, diiwaanku wuu xidhan yahay oo aad bay u
badan tahay inay bixiyaan amar gaaban. . Marka laga hadlayo maqaalkan, qorayaasha qaar ma
sharaxaan sababta loo aqbali waayay cabashada racfaan-qaataha.Waxaad maqli doontaa
iyagoo sharxaya inaysan ahayn higgaad sax ah. / Go'aamo kale Marka laga soo tago in ay
taageerto go’aanka maxkamadda hoose, maxkamadda rafcaanku qayb ahaan way u hiilin
kartaa, beddeli kartaa, iwm. Marka tani dhacdo, ficillada la qaaday waa in lagu taageeraa
sababo ku filan oo si cad loogu gudbiyo maxkamadda hoose. Waqtigan, sida maxkamadaha
intooda badan, racfaan labaad waa la ogol yahay, sidaas darteed maxkamadda labaad waa in ay
sheegtaa sababaha kala duwan ee labada maxkamadood ee hoose si ku filan baaris iyo qancin.
Dhanka kale, haddii go'aanka qayb ahaan la taageeray, si cad u cadee kuwa la taageeray oo si
taxadar leh wax looga beddeloWaa in la kala saaro. /Tusaale: Haddii xukunka dayn-bixiyuhu
la sii wado oo la hagaajiyo heerka dulsaarka/ Haddii ay tahay kiis dib loogu celiyay
maxkamadda hoose, waa in loo qoraa si ay u dhacdo iyada oo aan la waydiin wax sharraxaad
dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan sababta kiiska loo soo celiyay.
2.4. Go'aan qaadashada iyo anshaxa Go'aan-qaadayaashu waa inay ilaashadaan anshaxooda
marka ay hadlayaan, hab-dhaqankooda, iyo qoraalkooda xafiiskooda iyo bannaanka
maxkamadda. Horay ayaanu idiinku sheegnay hab-dhaqanka ay tahay in dhinac walba lagu
dhaqmo, markaa dib ugu noqon mayno oo dib u eegi mayno. Taa beddelkeeda, aynu qeexno
nooca anshaxa ay tahay inay raacaan go'aan-qaadayaashu qoraalkoodaKaliya waxaan
eegeynaa guud ahaan. Nidaamka garsoorka dalkeena, sharcigeenu wuxuu amrayaa in
murannada iyo khilaafaadka lagu dhammeeyo maxkamad. Hawsha ugu dambaysa ee
garqaaduhu waa inuu khilaafka ku dhameeyo go'aan. Go’aanku wuxuu leeyahay magacyo kala
duwan, waxaana lagu qeexay warqadda, ka hor inta aan la gaarin go’aanka, garsooraha
xirfaddiisa hoggaamineed ee maxkamadda iyo bulshada, gaar ahaan dhinacyada is haya,
waxay heli karaan oo keliya markhaati. Inta badan dhagaystayaasha maxkamada jooga waxay
u heellan yihiin kiiskeeda. Garsooruhu wuxuu had iyo jeer la macaamilayaa macmiilka
kiiskiisa. Go'aanka maxkamaddu wuxuu ku salaysan yahay qoraalka laakiin baaxadda
isgaarsiintaWaxay noqon doontaa mid la heli karo dhammaan qaybaha bulshada. Dhammaan
cilaaqaadka, go'aanka / ra'yiga / macmiilka iyo sidoo kale bulshada ma saameeyaan oo kaliya
gabagabada la gaaray, laakiin sidoo kale sida go'aamada loo qoro. Dhegaystayaasha dibadda
ah waxay "gu xukumaan" garsoorayaasha qoraal isku mid ah oo ay ku saleeyaan
go'aanadooda. Beeshu waxay aaminsan tahay maxkamadda gaar ahaan go'aankan. Suugaanta
waxaa lagu qiyaasaa kartida, waxay door muhiim ah ka ciyaartaa racfaanka, waxay go'aamisaa
nuxurka xiriirka bulshada ee bulshada, waxay sababtaa xisaabtanka, waxay aasaas u tahay
waxbarashada sharciga iyo cilmi-baarista, dukumeenti taariikheed.waa, iwm. Haddaba, waxaa
lagama maarmaan ah in la hubiyo in go’aanka la qorayo uu noqdo mid dhexdhexaad ah oo la
isku halleyn karo, dhowrayana karaamada, kana fog dareenka ay arrintu abuureyso. Dhab
ahaantii, way sahlan tahay in la tiriyo waxa aan la samayn karin in la qeexo waxa la qabanayo
ee mabaadi'da anshaxa. Waa in aan aflagaado loo qorin go'aanka, waa in aan la qalloocin, waa
in aysan noqon mid ka baxsan macnaha. Dukumeentiga xallinta wanaagsan waa mid si
habboon u fahmaya waxa la mamnuucay iyo waxa la oggol yahay. Garsooraha aqoonta leh
ayaa qori kara go'aan wanaagsan. Tani way wanaagsan tahayGarsooraha anshaxu mar walba
ma qoro go'aan wanaagsan. Mid ka mid ah dhinacyada ugu muhiimsan ee qorista xallinta
wanaagsan waa in la hubiyo in heerarka anshaxa si sax ah loogu raacay dukumeentiga xallinta.
Si tan loo sameeyo, marka hore, waa lagama maarmaan in la ogaado cidda dhagaystayaasha
ah. Marka ay garsoorayaashu qoraan go'aan, waa in ay ogaadaan in ay jiraan dad badan oo
kala duwan oo akhrinaya go'aanka. Ka mid ah dhageystayaasha suurtagalka ah ee go'aanka.
Garsooraha saaxiibka/, Garsoorayaasha saxiixay go’aanka. Xirfadle / Sharci / Bulshada,
Dugsiyada sharciga, xarumaha tababarka, Dadka dhahaya arinkaa naga guursan doona.
bulshada guud ahaan, Sharci-dejiyeyaasha iyo hay'adaha dawladda, Caalami / Qaran /
Hay'ado, warbaahinta, safaaradaha, Dunida oo dhan / internetka /, mareegaha internetka iwm
Waxaa xusid mudan halka ay ku taal. Marka go'aanka la qoro, waa in la gartaa dadka la
beegsanayo iyo yoolka go'aanka. Dhinacyada is haya/gaar ahaan/ waxay xaq u leeyihiin in ay
helaan go’aan lagu qanci karo oo sharcigu dhigayo, waxaana waajib ku ah in la ixtiraamo
xaqaas qofka go’aanka ah. Go'aan-qaadayaashu waa inay sharciga fasiraan / sharciga
fuliyaan / noqdaan kuwo madax-bannaan, caddaalad ah iyoSiyaabaha ay u gudan karaan la
xisaabtanka ay u hayaan golayaasha sharci dejinta iyo bulshada waxaa ka mid ah in ay qoraan
go’aan ku saleysan sabab macquul ah. Marka la qorayo go'aanka, oo ka mid ah
dhagaystayaasha kor ku xusan iyo kuwa la midka ah. Yaa akhriyi kara go'aanka; Maxaa la
gudboon akhristuhu? sida ay tahay Habka iyo odhaahda go'aanka Waxa uu u baahan yahay in
uu ka sii fikiro sida uu noqon doono xidhiidhka uu la leeyahay akhristaha. Marka go'aan la
qoro, waxaa jiri kara qolo aan ku heshiin karin go'aanka. Qareen, urur qareeno, koox muran
leh, garsoore kale, maxkamad hoose ama sareiwm. waxaa laga yaabaa inaysan ku raacsanayn
go'aanka la siiyay. Si qolada is haysa ee dooda lagu waayey ay ku raacdo go’aankaas, waxaa
lagama maarmaan ah in si daacad ah loo sharraxo nuxurka ay khusayso iyada oo aan la
qalloocin, haddii ay suurtagal tahayna waxaa wanaagsan in la sharraxo qodobbada ay
maxkamaddu ku heshiisay ee qaarkood erayo isku mid ah. Taas waxa loo adeegsadaa in lagu
tuso in maxkamaddu ay daacad ka tahay in ay miisaan la mid ah siiso dooda dhinacyada is
haya marka ay go'aan ka gaarayaan. Daacadnimada dooda dhinacyada is haya macnaheedu
maaha in la koobiyo dhamaan nuxurka dooda ay soo bandhigeen dhinacyada is haya ee
Guud ahaan, anshaxa laga filayo xirfadda marka la qorayo go'aankaGuud ahaan, waa in la
hubiyaa in la ilaaliyo. Tusaale ahaan, waa in la xaqiijiyaa in garsooruhu uu ilaaliyo eex-
la’aanta, in uu awood u leeyahay in uu go’aan gaadho, in uu ixtiraamo karaamada
maxkamadda, in uu ixtiraamo sharafta dhegaystaha, iyo in uu ixtiraamayo mabaadi’da
anshaxa. Dib ugu noqon mayno liiska sidii loo arkay intii lagu jiray fasalka anshaxa. su'aal
dood, Marka la eego hawlaha ay tahay in la qabto go'aanka hore:-
A. Fulinta saxda ah ee hawlaha go'aan ka hor si loo qoro go'aan wanaagsan Waa maxay
macnaha nolosha?
b. Haddii ay u arkaan in maqaalka sida hawlaha go'aan ka horMa jiraan hawlo kale oo loo
baahan yahay in la qabto? Haddii ay jiraan, qaado oo ka hadal
c. Maxaad u malaynaysaa in ay saamayn ku yeelan la'dahay in la gudan waayo hawlaha ay
tahay in si sax ah loo qabto habka dhageysiga dacwadda ( dhinacyada isku haya) ee ku aaddan
qoraalka go'aanka? Iyadoo la tixgelinayo saameynta ay ku yeelan karaan qorista go'aan ka
gaarista, ka doodo hawlaha aad isleedahay waa in si sax ah loo qabtaa inta lagu jiro habka
dhageysiga dacwada, sidoo kale ka hadal dhibaatooyinka laga arki karo arrintan. Ka hor inta
aan la qorin go'aan, qaab qoraal ah, dhinacyada is haya ma diidin, ku heshiin amaQodobada
ugu muhiimsan ee aad cuskatay:-
Qodobada ugu waaweyn ee ay isku khilaafeen dhinacyada is haya, sharciga khuseeya qodobka
lagu muransan yahay, qodobbada ay tahay in la fuliyo si loo fuliyo sharciga, dulucda, iwm.
Kala hadal muhimada ay leedahay dhageysiga doodaha iyo dhageysiga cadeymaha mowduuca
ku saabsan mawduuc ku habboon habka dhageysiga dacwada kana wada hadal adiga oo kor u
qaadaya sababta. Waxaa la og yahay in inta badan sheegashooyinka magdhowga ee lagu soo
bandhigo maxkamadaha ay la xiriiraan shilalka baabuurta.
Arrin taas la xiriirta, dacwoodaha sheeganaya magdhow waa kan soo xareeya
dacwooyinkaIsagoo sheegay in khasaaraha uu geystay khaladka darawalka; Doodda ugu badan
ee uu soo qaado eedaysanuhu waa in dhaawaca uu sababay khaladka eedaysanaha
(dacwooduhu). Marka doodda noocan ah la soo bandhigo, mawqif ka duwan ayaa jira oo
Tusaale ahaan, maxkamadaha qaar, yaa qaladka leh? Dhanka kale, eedaysanuhu ma galay
dambi? Dacwooduhu dambi ma galay? Waxaa la arkay in mawduuca Midkee ayaad u
malaynaysaa inuu noqon doono mawduuca saxda ah ee dooda? Kala hadal. Sharax xidhiidhka
ka dhexeeya anshaxa iyo go'aan qaadashada. Maxaa xigaFiiri go'aamada:
Kiis 1 Waxaa loo gudbiyay Maxkamadda Sare ee Gobolka Oromia ee RC Zone,
maxkamadduna, go'aankeeda, dacwad-oogaha; in eedaysanuhu aanu rumaysnayn in uu falka
geystay; Bayaannada markhaatiyaasha xeer ilaalinta; Ka dib marka eedaysanuhu u soo
bandhigo dulucda iyo hadalka marqaatiyaashii eedaysanaha sida ay u kala horeeyaan....
doodda iyo cadaymaha bidix iyo midig waa sida kor ku xusan. Guud ahaan marqaatiyihii kale
ee xeer ilaalinta ayaa sheegay in marxuumka la toogtay oo uu geeriyooday, balse
marqaatiyaashii difaacayay ayaa ka hor yimid xeer ilaalinta.Waxaanu ku go’aaminnay sida ku
cad qodobka 149 (2) ee xeerka ciqaabta in eedaysanuhu xor yahay, waayo wuu is-difaacay,
maadaama uu ku markhaati furay af-diid.
Kiis 2 Waxaa la horkeenay maxkamad ku taal gobolka Axmaarada. Eedeysane Iimaan, ayaa
mar wax laga weydiiyay khiyaamada, waxay tiri, "Wuxuu bilaabay inuu sharaxo inuu falkaas
geystay iyo - - sababtoo ah waxay i caaysay - - - waan caayay." Sida lagu sheegay ereyada ay
soo saartay maxkamadda degmadu, sababta dambiga lagu soo oogay waxaa sheegtay
maxkamadda degmada.Qofka miyirka qaba waa inuusan aflagaado iyo aflagaado u geysan si
la maqlo oo la maqlo. Sababtoo ah --- in la aflagaadeeyo akhlaaqda qofka laguna aflagaadeeyo
karaamadiisa dadnimo waa fal sharcigu farayo. Eedaysane - - - /Dhaarid/ waa fal ka hor
imanaya dabeecadda dhibbanaha. Waa hal shay in eedaysanuhu uu qirto falkan oo aan la
aqbali karin in laga hor istaago eedaysanaha inuu bixiyo cashuurta bulshada 88 iyo HC No.
186.Iyadoo la tixgalinayo 79/1/a/, 184, waxaa lagu go’aamiyay in lagu xukumo 400 oo Birr
ama 4 bilood oo xarig ah, iyadoo ciqaabta lagu fulinayo eedeysanaha lagu fuliyo dil toogasho
ah sida ku cad lambarka 2A5/2A7, sida ku cad 185// 1/, diiwaanka waa in laga jawaabaa, waa
xaq racfaan ---" waa qoran tahay.
Kiis 3 Dhinaca kale, haddii ay dhacdo khilaaf qoys, qofkii soo codsaday in la joojiyo
masruufka carruurta, maadaama faylka la xidhay iyada oo aan wax go’aan ah laga gaadhin,
doodiina waxa loo maray sida ay tilmaameen, waxaana la isku raacay. go'aanka ayaa ugu
dambeyntii la siiyay, ka dib markii ay maxkamaddu u gudbisay xeer-hoosaadka madaniga ah
ee Lr.Xaalada wadankeena waxa aad ugu badan caruurta qaan-gaadhka ah ee shaqo la’aanta
haysata, waxa marag ma doonto ah in xataa haddii ay caruurtu qaan-gaadheen, waxa marag ma
doonto ah in shaqo ayay hayaan, ilma yarna maaha, waayo waxaa dhacda in tirada qaraabada
la tiriyo ilaa toddobo, xataa haddii ay gabadhu guursato oo ay umusho, marka ay ninkeeda la
dirirto oo ay ilmaheeda ama carruurteeda u keento. waalidkeed, waalidkeed ayaa si farxad leh
u soo dhaweyn doona. Tani waa heer sare oo is-taageeridda dadkeena dhexdooda ahWaxay ku
tusinaysaa in la soo gaadhay -- - Ka dib markii la yidhi "codsiga deeq bixiyaha" - -- ma aannan
aqbalin sababtoo ah waxay ka soo horjeedaa sharciga iyo qiyamka iyo khibradda bulshada. ---
Mar haddii aynaan arag wax faa’iido gaar ah oo ubadku heli karo haddii ay kala tagaan
walaalihiis iyo aabbihiis, waanu diidnay dooddii uu soo gudbiyay dacwad-oogaha. "Rikoorku
wuu xiran yahay," ayuu raaciyay, isaga oo meesha ka saaray garabka bidix. Laga soo bilaabo
dheelitirnaanta go'aanka; Ka dooda muhiimada saddexda go'aan ee kor ku xusan marka la eego
bixinta falanqeyn maangal ah adiga oo aan ka bixin fikradda asaasiga ah ee mawduuca leh
macquul iyo mawduuc.

Pre-decision activities and decision writing

2.1. Pre-decision activities In the decision-making process, several tasks take place before pen
meets paper. In the decision-making process, writing can be the conclusion of previous
processes or the conclusion of the whole process, and there are basic pre-decision steps that
determine what should be written. Maintaining the order of steps is critical to making a
decision that everyone can agree on. It is impossible to attempt to erect a roof, or to build a
lasting house, without a proper foundation. As shown by experience,
a decision that is not properly developed and not given is a decisionIt does not satisfy the user
either. Therefore, a judge should keep the following points in mind before writing a decision,
verdict, or order.
A. Knowing the purpose of the decision As explained above, the decision will have two main
objectives. The first purpose is to provide a fair settlement to the dispute between the parties,
and the second purpose is to enable people who have the opportunity to read the decision to
accept the rationality and fairness of the decision. When I saw the first one.
As it is known, decision is usually the end of disputes. Of course in the absence of a
disputeEven though the same decision/judgment may be given, it should be understood that
the given decision is the starting point, the end of the future dispute, or a decisive point for the
life and property of the disputing or non-disputing party. When giving a decision, it should be
considered that the time and energy spent by the litigants may be greater than the time and
energy spent by the judge to whom the case is presented. It should be understood that the
dispute is a matter that the disputing parties have been living with for a long time in their lives
and they have not been able to resolve it through arbitration, and the decision that will be
given will stay with them for a long time in the future more than in the past. For those who are
more concerned with the matter, the fact of the matter is,It is not difficult to imagine how
much understanding and reasoning a third-party judge will demand when he gives a decision
that this is the "justice" you deserve and the "law" you will live in the future related to the
case. In relation to the second objective, when the judge makes a decision, he should think of
the whole community in addition to the issues presented in relation to the case. As we have
observed on the occasion of work experience, we have noticed that a Nwari who returns early
to the place of worship of his soul is studying the door of the court to learn if he makes a
decision that will be instructive for his earthly life. We are observed. In addition to the public
attending the hearing, we have informationIt should be thought that decisions are easily
accessible to all the people of the world through the internet. As we will see in the future,
decisions are always subject to research, study and criticism. It should also be noted that even
when the best/unselected judgments that are educational for the society are published, the
lawyer, the professional association, etc. may criticize it. It should be understood that the
decision-making body and the lower body (subordinate court) expect a lot to learn from the
decision, on the other hand, the superior body can teach/learn a lot based on this decision.
Therefore, the judge's decision directly or indirectlyIt means that it is necessary to think that it
can affect the parties other than the disputing parties. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize
that the decision brings justice to the disputing parties and to convince the remaining parties in
a reasonable manner. Of course, when the body that gives the decision is the supreme / final /
body, due to the different effect that the decision may have / example legal effect / special
attention should be given to it. When making a decision, it is necessary to convince others with
a "reasonable" argument / even if they do not accept the it.
b. Thinking Reasoning requires thinking. As mentioned above, it is important to think whether
the judges are making a decision to end a problem or to prevent future problems from
occurring. It should not be forgotten for a moment that reading a poem is solving a problem in
a different way than writing a novel. Therefore, to convince the other party in a written
decision What is the problem at hand? What can be the solution to the problem? What are the
alternative solutions? What are the possible criticisms of the chosen or alternative solutions?
Which is the best solution? Who will see the decisioncan You should answer what they say and
so on. In a simple example, a judgment debtor who owes 10,000 Birr rents out the house
before ordering it to be sold at auction. It is possible to convince the rest of the audience by
constructively criticizing one's own idea that the house should be sold and the other's idea that
the house should be rented and the debt paid. The decision to be reached in this manner should
be based on the vigilance of the judge, strictly following the law and substance, and solving
the case in a normal and expected manner.He will have to. In most cases, finding a new
solution to the issue / Creative Solutions / is expected especially from alternative dispute
resolution methods. A judge should not conclude that there is no fault in his decision/order. At
the very least, one of the parties has submitted an objection and wants it to be heard by the
superior court/body/ through an appeal or petition. Therefore, if it is necessary for the superior
body to agree with the conclusion that the house should be rented and the debt should be paid,
the reason must be properly analyzed by the subordinate body / court / in the manner described
above. c. Hearing of lawsuits Hearing the caseIt is one of the processes that must be done
before writing and it is an important process. Since you have already seen this process in the
Laws of Order lesson, it is not necessary to go into detail about it. A decision-making body
should study the record thoroughly and gain a thorough understanding before hearing
In fact, the process of hearing cases has not been carried out in our courts for a long time.
Otherwise, it has not been carried out according to the procedural law. It is wrong. Before
hearing the case, the judge, content of the argument, Left and rightThe essence of what you
believe, what you agree on, The evidence to be presented to explain the points agreed and
agreed upon by the leftist.
The laws that the leftists call appropriate, As to the conditions that must be met for the
implementation of the Act, It needs to be identified properly. /Example denied 1000 Birr loan
dispute/. After the judge has listed and explained this to the parties, the leftist should explain
the issue that they have agreed on and should hold the theme himself. It is possible for the left
to list the issues they believe in and listen to the arguments effectively, and from a
psychological point of view, verbally on the points that have been denied in writing.It creates
an environment of trust. Arguments are habitually met with the conclusion that the "writer" is
wrong, but that this is the fact, and that the matter ends without a theme in faith. Since the
evidence should continue to be heard only on those who have been denied, the
plaintiff/creditor whose evidence has not been heard will not multiply with complaints and
petitions asking why my evidence was not heard. d. Preliminary conclusion After the argument
is heard and evidence is heard and examined, it is important to come to a preliminary
conclusion as to how the case should be concluded. This preliminary conclusion can be
reached by noting the claims of the left and listing them in general. This is the caseIt would be
better if it was done as soon as the evidence review was completed. It is a court that does not
have many cases and it must be done in a hurry. Doing so will help ensure that the case
qualifies for a final decision. We have observed that courts/judges get into a dilemma when the
content of the record and the preliminary conclusion differ greatly when the decision is made
verbally to the client without this being done. e. Converting a decision into a text After the
above procedures are done properly, the next step is the process of converting the decision into
writing. Where the decision is converted into textWhen the judge has to answer or ask from
the time the case started, Who is it written for? What am I writing? Where did the case take
place? When did it happen? Why am I writing? He should carefully consider what he says.
These questions should be examined throughout the process of the argument, but they are not
examined by the majority, so when the case ends with a verdict, we observe that the yirga
debate is concluded with a decision. In the end, after examining these questions, the issue
should be resolved with another question, "How" should I write it? Writing always begins with
drafting. Why is the conclusion that the decision has been reached about the purpose of the
distance?It is to show with reason that it is right. When the draft is determined to be
sufficiently prepared, it will be converted into the main text. Texts can be arranged in such a
way that the reader can easily understand the subject. Repetition of words, phrases and ideas
should be avoided in the main text. The use of words, grammatically skipped words... must
also be fulfilled. It is also necessary to use the same words to express the same idea.
A decision form can be used even if it is not binding when the decision is finally written.
Making this decision difficult for everyone. However, for arguments that are commonly called
command recordsCan be used. The judge can modify or change the form to suit his needs. The
issue of using form is used as an indicator/checklist/ so that at least an issue that should be
included in the decision is not included.
A case using this form can be done at the first or appellate court level. When writing a
decision, the decision should be written in simple words and use simple words. He should only
look at one issue once. It should be as concise as possible. If a subject is easy to write about,
we must assume that it is difficult to write about. Hard to writeIt should be noted that things
are easier to read. In the worst way, the judge who writes the decision should be careful so that
the reader who suffered while writing it will also suffer / be punished / when he reads it. For
this, writing skills should be practiced over and over again.
2.2. When will a decision be written? As mentioned above, orders and judgments are given at
regular intervals from the date the case is presented to the court, but decisions and judgments
are given at the end.
As stated in the constitution, the decision/judgement/ is the conclusion of a case that should
end in judgment, which shows us that it is the conclusion of the dispute given by the court. In
another On the other hand, in F/S/S/H/No. 180, when it is stipulated that the judgment should
be given "immediately" or "on a short date" as soon as the case or matter is over, the judgment
given should be in writing and signed by the judge/judges/ and read to the disputing parties.
The same wording in the Criminal Code stipulates that if there is no appeal, the judgment will
be given after the defendants have made their last speech. Criminal matters are not given less
importance, especially those related to the freedom of human life.We can say that judgment
should be given. Under number 94 of the law, it is expected that the court can make an
appointment if the court chooses in its own opinion to give a correct judgment, but under the
same number, it is appropriate to remember that there is no point to give an appointment just
for the purpose of giving a judgment. Similarly, it can be said that judgments and orders
should be given immediately after the relevant arguments are over. If this is not done, the
fundamental right to prompt justice will be violated.
2.3. Decision writing at the level of the courts As we have already tried to see, the content of
the decision writing is generally similar, but from case to caseIt varies.
A decision written in a criminal case differs in its content and form from a written decision in a
civil case. In civil cases, there is a difference between what is presented in an expedited
procedure and what is presented in the regular system, and in which there is a controversial
issue and one that does not have a theme. Even within non-themes, decision writing can vary,
especially in the quality and diligence of the decision maker. The difference is the stop He
won't have it. In this article, we will look at the form and content of decision writing between
the trial court and the appellate courts. In this way, the difference in the resolution is
discussedIt is for all cases without being done.
2.3.1. First instance court decision writing Courts of first instance are particularly where
evidentiary and factual arguments are conducted and recorded extensively. The decision of the
court is sometimes on the verge of making decisions at this level. Just as the plaintiff clearly
states the question on the counter by saying, "The suit is filed to charge as much money as - -
-", in the first instance, the court can also start by stating that the defendant's case has been
dismissed or that the defendant has been charged with responsibility.
A decision that begins with such a writingText is used to determine whether a reader should
continue reading, but is not preferred. If the reader does not want to read the entire decision of
the court, he can find it by reading the text at the end. The writing makes it appear that the
court gave a decision and only wanted a reason, while the reverse decision is not based on
facts and analysis. Therefore, the writing of this type of decision is not preferred. The type of
issue fruit things theme Law, analysis and conclusion
Conclusion / Verdict /
They should be kept in detailLet's look at them The type of issue This part of the decision is
called "Judgment" and is the first to be written under the heading. It contains what the case is,
the important history of its past, the authority of the court on the case and the issue to be
decided by the court. For example, the fact that the case is related to a land dispute, the land
mediator/adjuster/elders' efforts in the case did not yield any results, the case should be settled
in court according to the law, so the plaintiff's request to take over the land is explained. The
essence Evidence from the disputing partyWe mean non-legal arguments that can be proven or
disproved. Decision-making under civil law should always include elements of a first-instance
court's decision. / Only those that are important in the case / Controlling / should be included
in narrative form. The judge should select and record only the relevant substantive arguments.
Only the key elements that are important for the reader to understand the decision and help to
understand the decision are included. The main points are explained in passing so that the
litigant and the reader can easily read and understand the decision. It is important to mention
the timeIt is preferable if the elements are described in the order they were first introduced.
The writer of the decision should write in a way that includes what is required of the disputing
party and/or the other reader more than the sentence. For example, in case of a land dispute, it
would be sufficient if it was stated in advance whether the matter could not be resolved
through conciliation.
The chronological issues can be expressed in the form of comments or lists. For example - - -
due to non-compliance with the contract signed on November 21st, he did not deliver the eggs
mentioned in the contract to me in mid-January 2nd - -- can be written as, The contract was
executed on November 21/2 In the middle of January, the contract was broken can be put as
Judges should be very careful not to change the content of their decisions. It should be kept in
the language of the argument as much as possible. Judges have no authority to interpret
substance. The authority given to them to interpret the law should be seen as merely
"enrolling" in effect. In the middle of January, when the contract is written, it should not be
mentioned as January 15/2. Translating the essence reduces the power of persuasion to the
readerIt should be written carefully as it opens the door for the higher courts to make a wrong
decision on the issue, whose authority/responsibility/to investigate. The fact that substance
must be carefully written does not mean that a disputing party must establish that there is a
substance dispute. If a petition is filed for proof of childhood, it is necessary to verify the
elements that can prove paternity. Choosing the right ingredient requires great skill, knowledge
and experience. In the same way, be careful in choosing the main thing and reaching a
conclusionWhat they are asking is the job of a judge in our country. Evidence is the only
starting point for reaching this conclusion. For example, in the evidence presented to prove
paternity, the court said, "It has been confirmed that the defendant / the father, married Mrs.
--------- / mother/ on 14/1/197A." A conclusion is reached. This conclusion of fact is
meaningless in itself and should be converted into a conclusion of law. / We will look back /.
Accordingly, the essence of the subject matter will be settled. Therefore, in the case at hand,
the theme is different from the essence and conclusionIt may not exist. There will be many
fruits. It should also be remembered that this does not mean that there is always a need for a
theme in the context and conclusion.
Fruits can be informative, reliable or evidence-based, thematic, case-specific, etc. Date of
filing of suit, receipt of plaintiff, capacity of plaintiff, are mentioned in these lists. These
elements can be mentioned until the decision is concluded and should be distinguished from
non-essential and immaterial elements.they are. Generally, elements related to the theme can
be defined before the theme as well as after the theme. Elements to be written in the
evidence/argument/word, selected, only important ones, respectively See how the following
case leads to the conclusion /Information Summary/Name of Plaintiff/ /Gist of evidence/ He
was hit by the defendant's car and injured/ Conclusion The defendant was driving recklessly In
conclusion, the defendant was driving at 7 km/h in the market The conclusion of the law is that
it is a crime to cause damage through negligence Law / Conclusion / SpecialDefendant's
driving in the market and causing damage is a negligent offense. When the judge writes the
decision, it is necessary to make sure that the points mentioned above are covered by a
checklist. Although it depends on the judge's time and the number of cases, it is useful to
check, draft, revise, read, etc. Finally, it should be confirmed that the decision, which must be
explained repeatedly, is self-explanatory and proof. Like other books in dictionary, reference
book, footnotes, etc. as well as reading back and forth.It is necessary to make sure that it is not
Topic Q As mentioned earlier, an issue is a point on which the parties disagree and which calls
for the court's decision. It is a question of fact or law or both that requires a legal response.
Like all other writings, the theme should be clearly stated. Theme can be put in the form of a
question or - - - about being / not being / - - - about living / not existing etc. - - - in the form of
a question.
example - The issue to be examined by the court Should Plaintiff's Argument Remain in
Settlement? Or Plaintiff's argumentIt's not about remaining. It can be registered as At this time,
the theme that needs to be answered is a matter of law and fruit. Themes can be multiple. It is
a combination of legal and practical content and sub-themes within a theme.
example Do the plaintiff and the defendant have a valid marriage contract?
1 1 If they have, does it confirm the date of the marriage?
Does the defendant's argument that the marriage should not be dissolved have a legal basis?
If the marriage is dissolved by the court:-
3 1 Is the car with license plate number - - - owned by the accused?
3 2 homeIs No. - - - the joint property of the plaintiff and the defendant? It can be said. Each
theme consists of main and sub-themes. Depending on the situation, not all of them may need
a response. If the court comes to the conclusion that there is no valid marriage between the
defendant and the defendant, there is no need to criticize the remaining issues and write in the
decision. The order of the theme should be based on this and time. It is preferable that legal
themes are answered first. Law and reason After a theme is stated in a decision, what follows
is the relevant law to respond to the theme and the relationship of the law to the theme.It is not
always necessary to copy the law as it is, for example, it can be stated that the law of Ethiopia
stipulates that "if the dispute is not filed within 2 /two/ years, it will be dismissed". A law must
always be expressed in the present tense, unless the law referred to has been repealed. When
both the law and the essence are not clear, after weighing the weight of the essence in the
decision, it is written how the law should be enforced. If the point is not clear, it is to judge it
and enforce the clear law. Always clearPrioritizing responding to the non-existent and linking
the conclusion to the obvious makes the writing more readable. As stated above, the
conclusion of the question of law is based on the conclusion of the facts. The conclusion
reached on the facts is not based on the independence of the judiciary, but based on the
evidence presented to us. This is not an end in itself, but a starting point for responding to legal
questions. It may not be necessary to copy the entire number / clause / of the said law when
responding to a legal question. If the law is not overturned in this way, as long as the special
conditions are preservedIt is preferred. It is at this point that the substantive question has
meaningful legal consequences. Since the rights of the disputing parties are to be determined,
the connection with the substance should be clearly observed, but it should be set free from the
substance in one sentence. example Summarizing the point, the defendant sold the eggs of the
contract in mid-January/2018 He did not submit He broke the contract by not submitting the
legal conclusion by mid-January/2018 When the court reaches its legal conclusion, it looks for
the law that it says is not applicable based on the substance, and examines whether it is
applicable to the case in general and the case in particular. This extensive work is a study of
lawIt is demanding. Finally, it can be expressed as ``Aunta'' or ``No''. This will be explained /
written / according to the statement of the theme held by the court and the evidence of the
party who has to bear the burden of explanation. After the analysis of law and reason is
completed, the decision of the court will be announced. This "decision" should be as short and
actionable as possible. It should be clear, concise and directly state what all parties
deserve/don't deserve. For example, as stated above, "The plaintiff filed the lawsuit two years
after the termination of the contractIt can be written as "has no right to present". Pay, the rest
of this decision is reserved for appeal / by law /, as the record is closed, the place where it will
be permanently kept - - - can be decided. This decision is usually placed under the heading of
order Court of Appeals According to the structure of the courts, the main functions of the
superior courts are underThe court is to look at cases that have been presented on appeal. The
structure of our country's courts is not much different from this. There are more direct case
arguments in the district courts and more and more cases are heard in the Supreme and
Supreme Courts. This does not mean that appeals will not be heard in the circuit court and
direct cases will not be heard in the supreme courts. The amount, and the expected outcome,
will vary, but will be seen in all courts of appeal. Therefore, the following discussion applies to
all schools as appropriate.
An appellate court primarily has a review function when it hears a case on appeal.performs.
The lower court ensures that the procedural law is properly implemented, that basic laws are
not violated, that evidence is weighed properly, and that such activities are performed fairly.
When the appellate court is final, they confirm that the court did not commit an error of law.
When the appellate court is the last one, its focus is on questions of law, and they have the
additional heavy responsibility of ensuring that there is a uniform and comparable legal system
in the state or country, ensuring that constitutional provisions are not violated, policies and
other laws are not fundamentally violated.
Court of Appeal from the beginningThe trial court is not only concerned with hearing a case
on appeal/revision. To do this, it usually examines the trial court's record. After examining the
transcripts of the records below, he has the authority to confirm, reverse, modify, and decide
whether the case should be re-decided or sent back to him. The Superior Court exercises this
power in a judicial function that works differently from the lower ones. Judging is done in a
group/collaboration, so discussion is widely held and the court's decision is mostly agreed
upon.Most of the times, people who don't agree with their ideas are afraid of their own ideas.
A minority vote in one case may be included in a majority vote in another. The Court of
Appeal usually performs its judicial function jointly, but in our country's decision-making
system, what we call a court decision is written by one judge and signed by all. The judge who
writes the decision must understand not only his own but also the precautions that his
colleagues want to take. It should be shown that the text is not the decision of a single judge,
but the result of a common mind compressed from the fruit or the law. Complete diversity in
the work done by the associationIt cannot be avoided. On the other hand, he may have an idea
that agrees with the decision but deserves a different reason. It is preferable that these
differences be written down when it is necessary to strengthen the position of the judiciary.
When it is written, they do not refer to the judge personally, but only to what is called the
decision of the court. Criticisms and criticisms tend to focus on the theme of the debate, which
should not be the case. As much as possible, it is preferable for a judge to be discriminating if
there are points on which he or she agrees with other colleagues, and those points should be
stated. Writing horizons RepeatedlyAs stated, the primary function of an appellate court is to
prevent and correct errors in the lower court's decision-making and conduct. A number of
errors can be found by the lower courts in this regard. Some of them may be harmless to the
disputing party. For example, if the court decides that the plaintiff is entitled to 5x2a = 1aa
Birr, the claimant claims that 1aX1aa = 1aa Birr is available. Errors of this type may not be
rectified on appeal as they may not pervert justice, especially in light of our country's litigious
nature. The error is clear and a court has basically erred in the direction it should followWhen
found, it needs to be corrected. The text of the appellate court's position that no mistake has
been made, that it is not harmful, and that the mistake must be corrected, is also different. The
content of the resolution may vary from secretary to secretary, but in general The type of issue
Theme The essence Found Error / Law, Analysis, Reason / summary / disposition / will have
The points you have seen from turn number 4 are basically what we have seen in the previous
section, and special circumstances will be discussed in this section. Law no348/1/ provides
that the appellate court can confirm, modify, change, or cancel the decision submitted to it on
appeal. According to the number 341 and 343, it can return the case to the lower court to make
a decision after correcting the issue or making an argument. Similarly, criminal The Appellate
Court has the power to uphold the appeal, order the case to be heard by another court,
completely cancel the decision, increase, strengthen, reduce the penalty, according to the Court
of Appeals No. 195. This power is under Rule No. 5. After hearing the appeal, the sitting Court
of AppealIt is the summary that describes it. Endurance If the appellate court finds that there is
no error in the case after examining the transcript of the lower court Endurance If the appellate
court finds out that there is no error in the case after examining the transcript of the lower
court, it can enter the decision in writing without needing to do much. Underline the same.
Based on this, the Court of Appeal made a decision saying that "the appeal filed by the
appellant is not accepted and the decision of the lower court is upheld."It means it can be
written. In our country's decision-making system, when the appellate courts upheld the lower
court's decision, "As we have examined the appellant's complaint with the lower court's
transcript, we have not found any legal or factual error committed by the lower court, so the
appeal is dismissed by the lower court." No. 337 / or if the appeal is about a criminal matter,
we have done it according to / 95/1/, the record is closed and it is very common for them to
give a short order. Regarding this article, some writers do not explain why the appellant's
complaint was not accepted.You will hear them explain that it is not a correct spelling. / Other
decisions In addition to upholding the lower court's decision, the appellate court can partially
uphold it, reverse it, etc. When this happens, the actions taken should be supported by
sufficient reasons and clearly communicated to the lower court. At this time, as in most courts,
a second appeal is allowed, so the second appellate court must state the different reasons given
by the lower two courts in a manner that is sufficiently scrutinizing and convincing. On the
other hand, if the decision is partially valid, clearly identify the valid one and the revised one
carefullyIt should be distinguished. /Example: If the judgment of debtor is upheld and the
interest rate is improved/ If it is a case that has been returned to the lower court, it should be
written in such a way that it can be done without asking for further explanation as to why the
case was returned.

2.4. Decision making and ethics Decision makers should maintain their ethics in their speech,
demeanor, and writing in their office and outside the court. We have already told you what
kind of conduct should be followed in all respects, so we will not go back and look at it again.
Instead, let's identify what kind of ethics should be followed by decision-makers in their
writingWe just look at it in general. For our country's judicial system, our laws mandate that
disputes and disputes be settled in court. The final task of the arbitrator is to settle the dispute
by decision. The decision has different names and is settled in the letter. Before the decision,
the judge's leadership skills of the court and the community, especially the disputing parties,
can only get testimony. Most of the audience in court is devoted to its own case. The judge
will always deal with the client in his own case. The decision of the court is based on the text
but the scope of communicationIt will be accessible to all sections of society. In all
relationships, the judge's decision/opinion/client as well as society is affected not only by the
conclusions reached, but also by how the decisions are written. An outside audience "judges"
the judges by the same text they base their decisions on. The community has faith in the court
especially with this decision. Literature is measured by ability, plays an important role in
appeal, determines the content of the social relations of the society, causes accountability,
forms the basis for legal education and research, historical, etc. Therefore, it is
necessary to make sure that the decision to be written has a neutral tone that can be trusted,
respects the dignity, and is far from the emotions created by the issue. In fact, it is easier to list
what should not be done than to describe what should be done in the principles of ethics. There
should not be insults in the writing of the decision, it should not be distorted, it should not be
out of context.
A good resolution document is one that properly understands what is prohibited and what is
allowed. A well-educated judge can write a good decision. This is goodAn ethical judge does
not always write a good decision. One of the most important aspects of writing a good
resolution is to ensure that ethical standards are properly followed in the resolution document.
To do this, first of all, it is necessary to know who the audience is. When judges write a
decision, they should note that there is a large and diverse group of people who will read the
decision. Among the potential audience of a decision, Colleague Judge/Judges/, The judges
who signed the decision, Professional / Legal / Society, Law schools, training centers, People
who say they will marry us on the issue, society as a whole, Legislators and government
bodies, International / National / Organizations, media, embassies, The whole world / on the
Internet /, web site etc It is worth noting where it is located. When the decision is written, the
target audience and the goal of the decision should be identified. The disputing parties / in
particular / have the right to obtain a binding decision that is persuasive by law, and the
obligation to respect this right is the responsibility of the decision-maker. Decision-makers
should interpret the law / implement the law / be independent, fair andOne of the ways in
which they fulfill their accountability to the legislature and society is to write a decision based
on a compelling reason. At the time of writing the decision, among the above-mentioned and
similar audiences, Who can read the decision; What should the reader do? as it should The
manner and wording of the decision He needs to think in advance what his relationship with
the reader will be. When a resolution is written, there may be a party that cannot agree with the

Case 1 It was submitted to the High Court of Oromia Region RC Zone, and the court, in its
decision, the prosecutor's case; that the accused does not believe that he committed the act;
Statements of prosecution witnesses; After the defendant has presented the theme and the
words of the defendant's witnesses in order....the argument and the evidence from the left and
right are as seen above. In general, the other witness of the prosecution stated that the victim
was shot and died, but the defense witnesses contradicted the prosecution.We have decided
according to Article 149 (2) of the Criminal Code that the accused is free because he has
defended himself because he has testified in rebuttal.

Case 2 He was brought before a district court in Amhara region. Accused Faith, when asked
about betrayal, said, "He started explaining that he committed the act and - - - Because she
insulted me - - - I insulted her." According to the words given by the district court, the reason
for guilt was given by the district court.A sane person should not commit abusive insults in
such a way that it can be heard and heard. Because - - - insulting a person's morals and
insulting his human dignity is an act that is required by law. Accused - - - /Swearing/ is an act
that challenges the character of the victim. It is one thing for the accused to admit this act and
it is unacceptable to prevent the accused from paying social tax. 88 and HC No. 186,In
consideration of 79/1/a/, 184, it was decided to be punished with 400 Birr or 4 months in
prison, and under the punishment, the accused should be executed as per the number 2A5/2A7,
According to 185//1/, the record should be answered, it is a right of appeal - - -" is written.

Case 3 On the other hand, in the case of a family dispute, the person who applied for the
termination of child support due to the fact that the file was closed without a decision on the
matter, the argument was conducted according to what they indicated, and the decision was
finally given, after the court referred to Civil Code Nos.In the situation in our country, the
number of children who have reached the age of majority and are unemployed is very high. In
this case, there is no evidence that even if the children have reached the age of majority, there
is no evidence that they have a job. Not to mention a child, because there are cases where the
number of relatives can be counted up to seven, even if a girl gets married and gives birth,
when she quarrels with her husband and brings her child or children to her parents, her parents
will happily welcome her. This is a high level of mutual support among our peopleIt shows
that it has arrived - - - After saying "the request of the donor" - - - we did not accept it because
it is against the law and the values and experience of the society. - - - Since we do not see any
special benefit that a child can get if he is separated from his other brothers and with his father,
we have rejected the argument presented by the petitioner in this regard. "The record is
closed," he added, dismissing the leftist. From decision equilibrium; Discuss the relevance of
the above three decisions in terms of giving a rational analysis without departing from the
basic idea of the theme with plausibility and theme.

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