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NMJ30103 Power Electronic

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) – in Group


Based on the provided journal manuscript,

(1) Elaborate the working principle of a single-phase square-wave inverter.

(2) Distinguish between SPWM inverter and SHE modulation inverter. In

your opinion (with justification), which one has a better output.

(3) Suggest on how to improve the SPWM inverter.

* The above task must be presented in a short video presentation with a maximum duration
up to 9 minutes.


Ladder 1 (W13)
- Group meeting and discussion
- Introduction to the problem/case scenario
- Use FILA table to identify the learning issues

Ladder 2 (W13)
- Group meeting and discussion
- Self-directed learning activities

Ladder 3 (W14)
- Group meeting and discussion
- Preparation for video presentation
- Peer-to-peer assessment

Ladder 4 (W14)
- Video Presentation (duration: maximum up to 9 min)
– submission by 10 JULY 2023 (MONDAY)
- Assessment on the presentation (including group-to-group assessment)

Ladder 5
- Exercises to assess understanding
- Can be in the form of MCQ, Quizzes etc.

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