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A.Physical Fitness Tests

Base I – Standing Long Jump

- Physical Component Measured: Leg Strength
- Value: Important for most athlete events that involves running,
jumping and throwing
- Equipment: tape measure at least three meters long placed firmly on
the floor, tri square
- Procedure:
1. Stand behind the take-off line.
2. Swings arms and knees and trunk. Jump as far as you can. Upon
landing, continue to move forward without breaking the momentum.
NOTE: swinging of the arms forward and backward is not allowed.
Using a tri square, the teacher marks where the back of the heel
nearest to the take-off line landed. Make a second trial.
3. The further distance of the two trials is recorded.
- Scoring: Record the score in meters to the nearest 0.1 centimeter.

Base II – Curl – ups

- Physical component measured: Strength and endurance of the
abdominal muscles
- Value: Maintain good posture, hips alignment, and prevent lower back
- Equipment: none
- Procedure:
1. Lie flat on the floor, knees bent with heel about 6 inches from the
buttocks, feet slightly apart, and held down firmly on the floor by your
2. Place hands on knees with straight elbows. Hold yourself up holding
firmly on your knees.
3. Lower yourself slowly until the tip of his middle fingers are about an
inch from the top with your knees.
4. Raise yourself up until you assume the starting position and without
resting, repeat the movement as many as you can. The curl-up should
be performed slowly at the rate of 1 second in going down and 1
second in going up (count one thousands one for going up and one
thousand two for going down; or you may also use stopwatch). Your
teacher will stop you when
a. you complete 50 curl-ups
b. you omit two (2) form breaks
- Scoring: Your teacher records the number of curl-ups performed. The
maximum score is 50 for boys and 40 for girls.
Base III – Sit and Reach
- Physical component measured: flexibility of the hamstring muscles
and lower back
- Value: Flexibility in the hamstring muscles and lower back helps
maintain a healthy back and has lower risk of injury
- Equipment: tape measure, cardboard or plywood 10 cm x 20 cm
- Procedure:
1. Sit on the floor with the tape between your legs. Place the tip of your
shoes exactly at the 50-centimeter point.
2. Brace the extended right leg against the shoes of you partner and
bent left leg, pulling your heels as close possible to your buttocks,
soles flat on the floor.

Keeping the extended knee straight, hands one top of the other and
fingers fully extended bend slowly forward and backward two times.

Stretch fully forward on the third time and holds the position for one
second so that your score is noted.

Repeat with the left leg extended and right leg bent.

- Scoring: Record the distance reached with bent left and right leg.

Base IV – Right Angle Push – Ups

- Physical component measured: Strength and endurance of the arms
and upper body muscles
- Value: Develop the shoulder and arm muscles
- Equipment: None
- Procedure:
1. Lie face down with hands on the floor and the thumbs in line with the
shoulders, legs slightly apart, and knees straight.
2. Keeping your legs and back straight, push off the floor, and assume
the starting position.
3. Bend your elbows and lowers yourself until your arms are at a right
4. Repeat the movement for a maximum of 50 for boys and 30 for girls.

Your teacher will stop you when you commit two form breaks, such as failure
to go down at the 90-degree angle, extends your elbow fully, unable to keep
legs and back straight, or maintain the cadence of one second count in going
down and one second in going up.
- Scoring: Your Teacher records the number of push-ups completed.
B. Activities for Fitness Development

Activities for FLEXIBILITY – Flexibility exercises are important to prevent

injury, crampness and stiffness. It also reduces stress. A flexible body allows a
wider range of motion.
Activity 1: Shoulder and Chest Stretch
- Procedure:
1. Kneel and rest your hips on your heels. Keep your body erect.
2. Clasp your hands behind you and stretch them as far behind
3. Slowly bent forward and try to touch your forehead to the floor.
4. Remain in this position for about ten seconds, and return to the
starting position. Repeat this about three times.

Activity 2: Kiss your Nose

 Players: Individual
 Area: Any open space, basketball court, gym
 Formation: Scattered
 Procedure:
1. Bend trunk forward.
2. Raise right leg, pulling the thigh close to the body.
3. Hold right knee with both hands
4. Kiss right knee for 10 seconds or more.
5. Repeat with the left leg and do the same.

Activities to develop AGILITY

Activity 1: Shuttle Run
 Players: 20 per team
 Area: Gym, open space, basketball court
 Formation: Column (a team form two columns two facing each
other behind two lines, 10 meters apart)
 Procedure:
1. At a given signal, number 11 of both teams run toward the
semi-circle at the opposite side of the playing area.
2. They grab one block of wood and transfer it inside the semi-
circle behind the starting line.
3. They go back and get the remaining block of wood and place it
also inside the semi-circle (each player has to get and transfer
one block at a time).
4. After getting and transferring the two blocks of wood, they sit at
the end of the line.
5. Players’ number 1 of both teams does the same procedure.
6. Players’ number 12 do the same.
7. The procedure is repeated until all the players are done.
8. The team that finishes first wins the game.
Activity 2: Dodgeball
 Players: 20 per team
 Area: playground, gym, basketball or volleyball court
 Formation: Line (each team form a line 10 meters apart)
 Procedure:
1. Team A occupies line 1 while team B occupies line 2.
2. A toss coin between the two team captains is done before the
start of the activity. The winning team throws the ball first to hit
the opponents.
3. Players hit by thrown ball are called prisoners and stay inside
their team’s prison circle.
4. The team that has the most number of players left after five
minutes of playing is the winner.

Activity for ENDURANCE

Activity 1 :Jumping Rope

 Players: Individual
 Area: Basketball court, playground, football field
 Equipment: Rope
 Formation: Scattered
 Procedure:
1. Players hold the end of the rope in each hand.
2. Place the rope at the back behind the ankles.
3. The rope is swung over the head and forward down using the
wrist to turn the rope.
4. The player jumps over the moving rope about two inches high,
allowing the rope to pass under the feet freely.
5. Using the balls of the feet in landing, slightly bend knees to
absorb the shock.
6. Player’s body should be straight, head up, and eyes forward.
 Scoring: The players who made the most number of jumps without
touching the rope is given incentive.
 Variations:
1. Execute double jump as the rope reaches the full height
2. Single loop on either foot
3. Skip while moving forward
4. Cross arm skip

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