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JM Dragon Names


Doing A series of documents

Their on my 1st 1st edition Dnd character in almost 16 years

Using tables The GM made I bagged myself A Future King

That’s why his stats are so high

He also starts with more stuff them some entire groups finish with

Naturally most of it is hidden it a way that it an be accessed if he needs it

This hidden stash can be and if needed will be accessed via a magic bag

His fathers even set aside a massive sum to ransom him with if needed

He even starts with a small army worth of followers

The country he will 1 day rules believe in equality is so great that among its nobles are 26 sentient
monsters and./or magical creatures that consist of 5 Ruby Dragons, 3 Silver Dragons, 2 Storm Giants,
2 Goblins, 2 Centaurs, 2 Hill Giants, 2 Copper Dragons, 2 Lava Child, 2 Wolfweres, 1 White Dragon, 1
Lizardmen, 1 Stone Giant and 1 Bronze Dragon

8 more nobles consist of 2 Nobles per race from 4 new types of sentient magical monster that are
based on Dnd Versions of races from various cartoons

The country even has 4 new types of sentient magical monster that are based on Dnd Versions of
The Racoons from Shield Hero, The Wolfkin and Catkin from Harem in The Labryrith on Another
World and The Mice from Redwall

If your wondering yes The Racoons leader is called Rapthalia, The Wolfkins Leader is called Roxanna,
The Catkins Leader is called Maria and The Leader of The Dnd version of The Mice from Redwall is
called Rose and her fiancé is called Martin

The funniest, in my opinion, document is the 1 that has a selection of unique, in a good way, for a
small number of the countries dragons


This document is the 1 on the known names of a selection of the dragons that live within my
characters homeland



On I go

She’s A 10HD+5/75Hp young Adult Gold Dragon that hatched during A Luna Eclipse and she’s the
sister of Eclipse


He’s A 10HD+5/75Hp young Adult Gold Dragon that hatched during A Luna Eclipse and he’s the
brother of Luna

The 1 who became the 1st, so far but since then a few dozen others have done the same, Dragon to
ever earn A Noble Title in A Human Country

She’s called River

She’s called River because her Skin is the same shade of Silver as The Waters of The Legendary Silver

The Ancient Silver Dragon Star is Rivers much older big sister

River is so much younger then her Sister that many people believe that Star is Rivers very young

She’s the mate of The Mature Adult Silver Dragon Moon


She’s the adopted mother of the Hope, whose A orphaned Silver Dragon that in Silver Dragon terms
is A 14 month old baby


Like I said she’s A Mature Adult Silver Dragon


She has 4 1st level, 4 2nd level, 2 3rd level, 2 4th level and 1 5th level Spells

Rivers personal Bodyguard

He’s called Lucky due to the fact that complications in the hatching process means that he’s lucky
that he didn’t die before hatching

He’s A Ancient Bronze Dragon

Basically The Father of Star and River saved this guys life but in doing so he died

To return the favour this guy offered to protect both Star and at the time unhatched River

But at the time Star was already a lot more powerful then most Silver Dragons are at age she was at
the time, at the time she had recently entered the young adult age category

That’s how Star persuaded him to protect her, at the time unhatched sibling

The Dragon that commands A Very Large Force of Mercenaries

She is famous for being the 1st dragon to command A Mercenary Force made up entire of Humans

She’s called Star

She’s Rivers much older big sister

She’s named that because she hatched at the same second that A Star appeared in the sky that only
appears once every 2,000 years

She’s A Ancient Silver Dragon that has 15HD and those 15HD give her 99Hp

She has 4 1st level, 4 2nd level, 2 3rd level, 2 4th level and 1 5th level Spells


Being Rivers older sister makes her the aunt by adoption of the orphaned Silver Dragon Hatchling


Her name comes from the fact that her Skin is the same shade of White as Mist

She’s 1 of 3 White Dragons, all of them Adults, that are all famous for being 1 of only 3 living White
Dragons that aren’t of Evil Alignment


All 3 of them are even more famous for the fact that they are the only 3 Lawful Good White Dragons
in History

The 1 that had a vision that it was in his best interests to keep the countries current crown prince

He’s called Sea-Weed

His name comes from the fact that his scales are the same shade of Green as Sea-Weed

That’s why his mother thought it would be funny to call him Sea Weed

In case your wondering no his mother wasn’t insane but the sort of things she thought funny did
make a lot of people think she was insane

He’s A 337 year old Mature Adult Emerald Green Dragon

He knows 3 1st level, 2 2nd level, 1 3rd level and 1 4 th level Spells

He also has the Spell Casting abilities of both A 4th level INT 16 Illusionist and of A 2nd level Int 18
Magic User

The Dragon that’s the commander of The Guard of A Senior Baron

She’s called Sun because her eyes are the same shade of bright yellow with small traces of gold as
the rays of the sun at sunset

She’s A Young Adult Sapphire Dragon


Saying that though in only 49 days her age category will change from Young Adult Dragon to Adult


He’s Rivers Mate, which in Dragon Terms makes him Stars Brother in Law

He gets his name from the large Moon shaped birthmark that he has on his snout

Just like River/his mate, he’s A Mature Adult Silver but despite being in the same age category he
entered The Mature Adult Age category almost 59 years ago but she entered it just over 2 years ago


By cheer coincidence even though Hope is his and Rivers adopted daughter and not their biological
daughter theirs enough very small similarities between Hope and her adopted father for people to
think that he’s unknowingly adopted the illegitimate daughter of very distant relation


She’s called Hope because during the battle that orphaned her she was badly hurt, she was saved by
River and Moon/her adopted parents, and it was her adopted parents hope that she would survive
and live a long, happy, healthy life

In Silver Dragon terms she’s A 12 month old Baby Silver Dragon, which means that in Human Terms
she around 22 years old

She’s Moon and Rivers adopted daughter and not their biological daughter. See below for why some
people think she may not be their daughter but she may be related to Moon


Saying that though theirs enough very small similarities between her adopted father and her for
people to think that he’s unknowingly adopted the illegitimate daughter of a very distant relation of

Copper B

He’s A Old Bronze Dragon


He gets his name from the fact that even though he’s A Bronze Dragon he has a genetic default that
makes him look like a copper dragon

Ruby Red

She’s A Old Ruby Dragon


The reason for her being given the name she was given is because even though she’s A Ruby Dragon
she has a genetic default that makes her look like a red dragon


He’s A Ancient Red Dragon

He’s almost identical to the very old white dragon Mist

By which I mean that he’s the only living red dragon of lawful good alignment

He’s also the only red dragon in history to be of lawful good alignment

His name was chosen because he was born during the worst storm in almost 3,738 years


His temperament is even more fiery then most red dragons, and together with his name is what
earned him the nickname Firestorm

3 Dragons of different breeds that have the same fatherr


She’s A Old Sapphire Dragon


Her name comes from the fact that her eyes are jet black


He’s A Old Dragon that’s half Emerald Dragon and half Sapphire Dragon

His name comes from the fact that whenever he’s bored he blinks nonstop

The Sapphire Dragon that was his dads was also Scarey’s Dad


That means that even though he’s half Emerald Dragon/half Sapphire Dragon and Scarey’s half Ruby
Dragon/half Sapphire Dragon the 2 are actually half siblings

She’s A Old Dragon that’s half Ruby Dragon and half Sapphire Dragon

Her name comes from the fact that she has A Scar Shaped Birthmark she has no her chin

The Sapphire Dragon that was her dads was also Blink Dad


That means that even though she’s Ruby Dragon/half Sapphire Dragon and Blink’s half Emerald
Dragon/half Sapphire Dragon the 2 are actually half siblings

Ton and Frankie

There are only 5 Lawful Neutral Blue Dragons in the entire world and these 2 are among them

They are a pair of Young Adult Blue Dragon Siblings that are named after a pair of Male Siblings that
saved both them are their mother a few days before they hatched but in doing so died

Ton is male and is named after the Sibling whose name was Tony


Frankie is female and is named after the Sibling whose name was

Dragons that The GM let me name after people from various sources


She’s A Ancient Silver Dragon

Despite their frequent arguments she’s very good friends with The Ancient Silver Dragon River and
the 2 would do almost anything for each other

Theirs only 3 things the 2 wouldn’t do for each other and they are die, betray their respective
families and betray their homeland

She’s also is on good terms with Rivers Sister Star, Stars Mate/Rivers brother in law, Moon and Stars
adopted daughter/Rivers adopted niece, Hope

To those that have forgot River and Moon are Mature Adult Silver Dragons, Stars A Ancient Silver
Dragon and in Silver Dragon terms Hopes A 12 month old Baby Silver Dragon, which means that in
Human Terms Hopes around 22 years old

Unlike most Dragons that aren’t Gold Dragons she prefers to spend most of her time in the form of A
very attractive(effective Ch 17) 15 year old human female

But her pride in being A Ancient Silver Dragon is high enough that theirs always 4 tell tale signs to
who she really is and once you learn to regonize them its very easy to guess who she ishat she’s not
what she appears to be
The 1st is her Silvery Hair, the 2nd is her silver coloured eyes, the 3rd is her silver coloured lip-stick
and the 4th is that all her clothes are coloured silver


She’s 1 of the 4 joint commanders of the personal guard of the countries future king


She’s named after my favourite goodie from my Code Lyoko Dreams that isn’t in The Code Lyoko TV

In my Code Lyoko Dreams her full name is Erina Belpois and she’s the time travelling future daughter
of Jeremy Belpois and Aleita Belpois

To those that don’t know Aleita Belpois was officially born Aleita Stones but in truth she was born
Aleita Schaffer but prior to marrying Jeremy she changed her name twice

In my Code Lyoko Dreams her namesake is the younger twin sister of Erin Belpois whose my
characters namesake

Interestingly she has 2 unique traits, 1 of which she shares with her brother

The 1st is that she looks like a female version of her father

This is the trait she shares with her brother, by which I’m referring to the fact that her brother looks
like a male version of their mother


The 2nd is that on Lyoko her virtual Avatar is almost identical to Aleita’s/her mothers, the only
difference being that her virtual Avatar has a different colour scheme then Aleita’s/her mothers

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