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Resources and Development

Index Notebook Questions Part-1

Kindly write the following question and answers in the notebook:

1. Define resource.
2. List the classification of resources(Draw the mind map to depict the same)
3. Explain the classification of resources on the basis of ownership and development in
tabular form along with examples(Refer to pages numbers 2 and 3 in the textbook)
4. Explain the major problems caused due to the indiscriminate usage of resources(Page
No -3)
5. Explain why resource planning is important in a country like India? What are the steps
involved in the complex process of resource planning? (Pg no 3 &4 )
6. What is the need for the ‘conservation of resources’? Elucidate in the light of
Gandhiji’s view. (Pg no 4 )
7. What do you mean by sustainable development? Outline the major objectives of
Agenda 21 with reference to Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, 1992? (Pg no 5 )

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