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Dear Parents,
“Raising a healthy and productive child is one of life's most
challenging and important task.”
The school management has decided to reduce the weight of the school bag for
all classes. You are requested to check if your child is carrying only the books
prescribed by the teacher. This is applicable from Tuesday, 1st August 2023.

Given below are the steps taken to reduce/limit the weight of school bags:
1) Students need not bring the Textbooks for the following subjects to school:
Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, History, Geography, Computer Science.
2) Textbooks/ notebooks need to be brought only on completion of the lessons
and for discussion of the exercises as per instructions given by the teacher.
3) It is mandatory for students to bring these books everyday:
Handbook, Mathematics notebook, Second language text book.
4) Books to be brought according to the timetable: 3rd language text book,
English -Go grammar text book, English literature textbook and Physics text
5) Books that will be retained/kept in the class cupboard:
Art book, Journal, Composition book, Value Education /Catechism text book,
Spelling note book, English non- detailed textbook (Novel), Kannada grammar

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