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Dear Parents, Asslamoalaikum,

Students have their last class for the term on Thursday, 17th December. Alhamdullilah. Some extra
classes have been arranged for them this week. Schedule is attached here.

IGCSE - IIB Lesson - 1 Lesson - 2 Lesson - 3

Day 09:30 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:30 11:30 - 12:30
Monday Pakistan Studies Physics Urdu
Tuesday Pakistan Studies Urdu
Wednesday Pakistan Studies F. P. Mathematics Urdu
Thursday Pakistan Studies Biology Urdu/Math

Urdu and Math lessons are only for those who will get the notifications.

Students of IGCSE - II will be preparing for their 1st Mock Exams in January.
Please note the following for your information and action where necessary:
• For students who may have missed some written work: All incomplete work should be done
and sent to school latest by Thursday, 31st December as it has 10 percent weightage in first
term assessments.
• Please collect notebooks Monday, 4th January’2021 for all work submitted on Thursday.
• Your child obviously knows his/her pending work but for your ease the course covered, as
well as detail of all class and home work completed will be shared on Teams by Thursday
24thDecember for reference.
• Make sure that your child is preparing for the upcoming Mock Exams during these weeks.
They should be able to enjoy some off time as well but conscious of the exams ahead should
be dedicating some time every day for studies
• Please help them make a timetable to revise all the topics of each subject while making
room for fun, constructive activities as well.
• A tentative Mock assessment schedule is attached.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
18.1.21 19.1.21 20.1.21 21.1.21 22.1.21 23.1.21 25.1.21 26.1.21 27.1.21 28.1.21 29.1.21

Urdu Urdu
English Islamiyat Math History Pure Physics Chem Biology Geo
(3,4) 1,2

• School will resume from 18th January Inn Sha Allah.

Wish you all safe and happy holidays. Please ensure that and your loved ones continue to observe all
SOPs against the corona virus. Our duaas are with you.
All of us at EMS High School wish to see you soon.
EMS Administration

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