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Teaching and Learning Plan

Mathematics Learning Experience for Grade 1 (C13)

Teaching and Learning Plan: Determining Missing Terms in Continuous and Repeating

Grade Level: Grade 1

Competency: Determine the missing terms using one attribute in a given continuous
pattern and in a given repeating pattern.

Duration: Approximately 45 minutes

Materials Needed:

1. Pattern manipulatives (e.g., colored blocks, shapes, or number cards)

2. Pattern cards or strips (prepared in advance)

3. Playdough or clay

4. Whiteboard or large poster paper

5. Markers

6. Pencils or crayons

7. Pattern worksheets or handouts (optional)

8. Timer or stopwatch

Lesson Outline:

I. Introduction to Patterns (Duration: 5 minutes)

A. Gather the learners in a circle on the floor or in a designated play area. B. Introduce
the concept of patterns by showing them a simple example, such as a pattern of
colored blocks or shapes. C. Engage the learners in a discussion by asking questions
like: "What do you notice about this pattern?" and "Can you predict what comes next
in the pattern?"

II. Continuous Patterns (Duration: 15 minutes)

A. Use pattern manipulatives, such as colored blocks or shapes, to create a

continuous pattern on the whiteboard or poster paper. B. Explain that a continuous
pattern repeats in a predictable way and that there is a missing term in the pattern. C.
Engage the learners in a hands-on activity by providing them with pattern
manipulatives and asking them to fill in the missing term in the pattern. D. Allow
learners to share their completed patterns and discuss how they determined the
missing term. E. Distribute pattern cards or strips with missing terms for individual or
small group activities. Learners can use the pattern manipulatives to complete the

III. Repeating Patterns (Duration: 20 minutes)

A. Introduce repeating patterns by using playdough or clay to create a simple

repeating pattern (e.g., circle, square, circle, __). B. Ask the learners to identify the
attribute (e.g., shape) and determine the missing term in the repeating pattern. C.
Provide each learner with playdough or clay and ask them to create their own
repeating pattern with a missing term. D. Allow learners to share their patterns and
explain how they determined the missing term. E. Engage learners in a group activity
by setting a timer for a short duration (e.g., 2 minutes) and asking them to create as
many repeating patterns as possible with the given attribute. Encourage them to
determine the missing terms in their patterns.

IV. Assessment and Consolidation (Duration: 5 minutes)

A. Wrap up the lesson by conducting a brief assessment to gauge learners'

understanding. You can ask each learner to complete a pattern worksheet or handout
independently. B. Review the answers as a class, providing feedback and addressing
any misconceptions. C. Summarize the key concepts covered in the lesson,
emphasizing the importance of identifying attributes and using them to determine
missing terms in patterns. D. Assign additional pattern worksheets or provide take-
home activities for learners to reinforce their understanding of determining missing
terms in patterns.

Note: The above plan is designed for grade 1 learners and incorporates play-based and
interactive activities to engage their interest and support their learning. The duration
and specific activities can be adjusted based on the needs and attention span of the

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