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MAJOR GENRES OF LITERATURE  FLASH FICTION - defined as very short, is also

known as sudden fiction, short-short stories,

FICTION – refers to a story that comes from a microfiction, or microstories
writer’s imagination, as opposed to one 3 CHARACTERISTICS OF FLASH FICTION
based strictly on fact or a true story BREVITY – compresses an entire story into
the space of a few paragraphs. commonly
 THRILLER – it keeps readers on their toes & use uses word limits from just six words to
plot twists, red herrings, and cliffhangers to around 1,000 words on the longer end
keep them guessing until the end A COMPLETE PLOT – has a beginning,
 HORROR – meant to scare, startle, shock, and middle, and end
even repulse readers SURPRISE – often incorporates surprise,
 HISTORICAL FICTION – novels take place in the usually in the form of a twist ending or an
past, written with a careful balance of research unexpected last line. it is to prompt the
and creativity. reader to think deeply
 ROMANCE  CHICK-LIT - generally deals with the issues of
 SPECULATIVE FICTION – a genre that modern women humorously and lightheartedly.
encompasses a number of different types of They are usually written by women, are
fiction, from science fiction to fantasy to addressed to women, and tell one particular
dystopian. story to women.
 SCIENCE FICTION – novels or stories with  MYSTERY – a genre where the nature of an
imagined elements that doesn't exist in the real event, usually a murder or other crime, remains
world. Some are inspired by "hard" natural mysterious until the end of the story
sciences like physics, chemistry, and astronomy
 FANTASY – are speculative fiction stories with DRAMA
imaginary characters set in imaginary universes
 DYSTOPIAN – Societies viewed as worse than
the one in which we live
 FARCE – A nonsensical genre of drama, which
 UTOPIAN – Societies viewed as better than the
often overacts or engages slapstick humor
one in which we live
 MELODRAMA – an exaggerated drama, which is
 STEAMPUNK – subgenre of science fiction that
sensational and appeals directly to the senses of
incorporates retrofuturistic technology and
the audience
aesthetics inspired by 19th-century industrial
steam-powered machinery.
 CYBERPUNK –a subgenre of science fiction in a NONFICTION – is a broad genre of writing that
dystopian futuristic setting that tends to focus encompasses all books that aren't rooted in a fictional
on a "combination of lowlife and high tech" narrative
featuring advanced technological and scientific
achievements, such as artificial intelligence and  HISTORY – consists of true accounts of historical
cybernetics eras and events, this dwells purely in objective
 BIOPUNK – a subgenre of science fiction that facts
focuses on biotechnology. It is derived from  BIOGRAPHY – story of another person's life
Cybepunk, but focuses on the implications of written by another author
biotechnology rather than mechanical  AUTOBIOGRAPHY – story of a real person's life
cyberware and information technology. written by that person
Biopunk is concerned with synthetic biology  MEMOIRS – any narrative writing based in the
 MAGICAL REALISM – born out of the realist art author's personal memories
movement and is closely associated with Latin  TRAVEL GUIDES – offering suggestions and
American authors in which fantastical things are practical information for travelers bound for a
treated not just as possible, but also as realistic particular destination
 REALISTIC FICTION – novels that are set in a  TRAVELOGUE – they recount an author's
time and place that could actually happen in the specific experience traveling somewhere
real world. they depict real people, places, and  ACADEMIC TEXTS – designed to instruct readers
stories in order to be truthful as possible on a particular topic
 PHILOSOPHY INSIGHT – many are published by
university-affiliated publishing houses
 JOURNALISM – is most regularly consumed in
the form of newspapers and magazines, along
with monthly journals, TV news reports, and
 SELF HELP / INSTRUCTION – concerns business
successes, buoying confidence, staying
organized, relationship advises, dieting, and
financial management
 GUIDES / USER MANUALS – focused on specific
skills like cookbooks, musical notations, athletic
instructions, and tutorials for home hobbyists
 COMMENTARY – this is where analysis and
reflection on real-world events are distilled
through the prism of an author's point of view


 THEME – is a truth, lesson or message about life

 RHYTHM – is the beat, sound and feels of the
 MOOD - the feeling the poet is trying to convey
 LINE – is a single row of words in a poem
 METER – Is the number and style of accented
syllables in a line
 STANZA – is a group of lines in a poem
 RHYME – describes words that have the same
ending sound
 TEXTULA – A poetry genre mastered by Frank
Rivera. Entire poems are written and read on
mobile phones.
- any type as long as it has meter and rhyme
- / - end of line
- // or /// end of every stanza

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