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WWP’s Approach to Selecting Contractors: Inadequacies

1. Lack of Comprehensive Evaluation:

 WWP's choice of contractor, 'CP,' based solely on a friend's
recommendation and an online portfolio, demonstrates an inadequate
evaluation process.
 Reliance on limited information overlooks the importance of thoroughly
assessing a contractor's qualifications and expertise.
2. Neglecting Specialized Expertise:
 CP's lack of experience in building animal enclosures raises concerns about
their ability to meet project requirements.
 Construction of animal enclosures requires unique knowledge and
considerations, which CP lacks.
3. Unverified Health and Safety Claims:
 CP's assurance to handle "difficult health and safety stuff" was accepted
without proper verification.
 This oversight disregards the significance of comprehensive risk
assessment and mitigation planning.
4. Inadequate Risk Assessment:
 CP's failure to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment before
construction reflects a lack of commitment to safety.
 Proper risk assessment is crucial to identifying potential hazards and
ensuring worker and visitor safety.
5. Inconsistent Safety Emphasis:
 WWP boasts a 10-year accident-free record and emphasizes safety, but
CP's selection contradicts this commitment.
 Hiring a contractor with no experience in animal enclosures could
compromise safety and quality.
6. Recommendation Overdue Diligence:
 Relying solely on a friend's recommendation skips necessary due diligence
in selecting a contractor.
 Contractor selection should involve multiple factors, including experience,
expertise, and safety track record.
7. Risk of Subpar Construction:
 CP's lack of experience could result in subpar construction quality for the
monkey enclosure.
 This might negatively impact the well-being of the animals and visitors'
Recommendations for a Robust Contractor Selection Process:

1. Comprehensive Evaluation:
 Prioritize a well-rounded evaluation process that includes multiple factors
such as expertise, experience, and safety record.
 Avoid relying solely on recommendations or online portfolios.
2. Relevant Experience and Expertise:
 Seek out contractors with a proven track record in building similar animal
 Experience in specialized construction areas ensures a better
understanding of project requirements.
3. Stringent Health and Safety Assessment:
 Contractors should provide evidence of their ability to conduct thorough
risk assessments and implement effective mitigation strategies.
 Avoid making assumptions about a contractor's health and safety
4. Consistency with Company Values:
 Ensure that contractor selection aligns with WWP's strong emphasis on
safety and well-being.
 Contractors should uphold the same safety standards as the park's
5. In-Person Assessment:
 Conduct site visits and in-person discussions with potential contractors to
assess their understanding of project needs.
 This provides a clearer picture of a contractor's capabilities beyond their
online presence.
6. Thorough Background Checks:
 Verify a contractor's claims through comprehensive background checks
and references.
 This helps confirm the accuracy of their qualifications and experience.

By implementing these recommendations, WWP can establish a more robust contractor

selection process that prioritizes safety, quality, and expertise. Such an approach ensures
that projects like the construction of the monkey enclosure are carried out successfully,
with the highest standards of safety and excellence upheld throughout.

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