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Safety Home
Taking Safety Home Safety Talk
Dozens of hours every year, if not
more, are spent discussing safety in
the workplace at many companies.
Employees who work for companies
that spend this amount of time
discussing safety should do more with
that knowledge than just keep it to
themselves and use it at work. The
safety information you learn on the
job should be taken home to your
Why You Should Take Safety Home
The most obvious reason you should take the safety information you learn at
work home is to pass it on to your family. If your company spends the time
to educate you about some safety concern that applies to home, you should
also pass it on to your family. You do not know what you do not know, so
educate your family so they are able to recognize hazards and protect
themselves from harm.

Another reason you should apply the safety knowledge you gain at work
when you are at home is to keep yourself healthy. Keeping yourself healthy
allows you to continue to work and earn money for your family. Every person
plays a role at work and even when someone gets injured off the job it hurts
the company. Every company wants their workers to be safe off the job so
they can return to work and fulfill their role in the workplace.
Safety at Home Self Check
There are similar safety concerns at almost every home. Below is a small basic checklist
to gauge whether or not you are addressing some of the larger safety issues in your

1. Are there working smoke alarms in the house? Are they in the proper locations?
2. Are chemicals and other harmful substances locked up to protect small children and
3. Are there Fire extinguisher or fire blanket on the kitchen?
4. Are there Fire evacuation plan?
5. Do you and other family member know where the fire exit stairs are?
6. Did the main door can easily open without the need of key from inside?
If you answered “no” to a lot of these questions, then you need to ask yourself the 

1. Why are these safety concerns not addressed in my house? 
2. Have I educated my family members on these hazards?
3. How would it affect me and my family if something happened to a young child in 
your home because a hazard was not addressed? 
Take safety in the home 
seriously and protect your 
loved ones.

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