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Annotated Bibliography Critique

Tadrous, M, Assignment 6

School of Communication of Arts, Liberty University

Author Note

Marian Tadrous

I have no known conflict of interest to disclose.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Marian Tadrous.


By submitting this assignment, I attest this submission represents my own work and not that of

another student, scholar, or internet source. I understand I am responsible for knowing and

correctly utilizing referencing and bibliographical guidelines.



The purpose of this Annotated Bibliography paper is to illustrate and evaluate the most credible

sources of Peer reviews scholarly Christian and secular literature in contemporary organizational

management. Each annotation includes the article's purpose, the method of study, the sample,

results, and critique of the study regarding its contribution to the organizational management of

knowledge. Does this research answer the questions about the strengths and weaknesses of the

articles? Do the articles provide enough information or argumentation? Where the author's

arguments supported by evidence? Is the author objective/neutral in choosing terms and words,

or are they biased or emotionally charged? Are there specific areas suggested for further

research or discussion? How large was the research study sample, and how was it selected?

What factors could have affected the results of the study? How did the actual results compare

with expected results? The scholarly Christian found that religious diversity in particular, while a

good capitalization can bring forth loyalty in organizations and competitive advantages on the

market. Also adopts a balance of theological perspectives of imago Dei effectively supports an

organization. Finally, the findings indicate that one of the most critical factors affecting the

results of scientific studies is identifying the study sample and the research method. The small

size of the sample and its limitations lead to scientific results that are not generalizable to all

members of the study community.

Keywords: purpose, method, findings, critique


Annotated Bibliography


The current study illustrates "organizational communication and its relationship to job

performance" by reviewing several previous studies that discuss the relationship between

management and employees, to analyze and criticize these studies for formulating the research

problem, its importance and study hypotheses as well as identifying Theoretical and

methodological framework of the current study.

The purpose of this Annotated Bibliography paper is to analyze and evaluate the most current

peer review of scholarly Christian and secular literature in contemporary organizational

management, critique and evaluate the literature reviews by answering the main question, what

are the strengths and weaknesses of the article? Does the article provide enough information or

argumentation? What is the sample size of the research, and how is it selected? What are the

expected results? What are factors affect the results? How are actual results compared to

expected results? Finally, are there suggested areas for further research and discussion?

Annotated Bibliography Critique

Agheorghiesei, C., et al. (2016). This study aims to review the different ways related to the

impact of religious values in organizational management and marketing; findings indicate

religious diversity, while a good capitalization can bring forth loyalty in organizations and

competitive advantages on the market.

The researcher was interested in referring to the inclusion of religion in educational curricula

based on examples from European countries that established this idea through the relationship

between the state and the church. Although one of the functional models is the inclusion of

religion in the US National Education Standards, the study notes, "There is a need for better

teacher training and more careful planning of the curriculum."

The researcher did not present the results and the sample in the abstract and the scientific

method, which is a weak point in the study because it is essential to include these elements, in

summary, to help the academics understand the study content before starting to read the details.

Instead, the researcher used previous studies to clarify the relationship between religion, spirit,

and business development.

The study of the impact of religious values on business has occupied researchers from several

areas: economic and social entrepreneurship, commerce, marketing, consumer behavior,

leadership, and organizational management. The literature reviews are the scientific basis on

which the researcher relied in defining the research problem and formulating the importance and

objectives of the study.

The researcher used several old researches to confirm the importance of the research (1996),

which is a weak point in the study, as it is assumed that there will be a recent study that supports

and recommends the idea of the current research.

The researcher did not specify a clear procedural definition of the difference between religion

and religious beliefs. This difference must be distinguished between the religion that God

commanded people to know and obey, as is the case in the Holy Bible (the Old and New

Testaments). Scientific research should equate all beliefs and consider their religions, especially

the beliefs that some follow in worshiping idols, cows, and others.

Therefore, it was better to replace the search title with the word "religious beliefs" for the word


The researcher reviewed the relationship between religious norms and commercial

orientation in view of the commercial market in countries that follow Hinduism, where their

religious belief depends on the social classes in which the individual is born. The researcher

mentioned in his study that no religion should be criticized for any sect, whatever their beliefs.

However, he criticized Orthodoxy as a religious denomination, describing it as "not a school of

practical life," citing the thinker Rädulescu-Motru in this description. The researcher did not

provide procedural definitions for the search terms: Religious norms, religious identity, terms

that had to be clarified and defined precisely.

Previous studies help the researcher to support his arguments; the researcher identified three

religious institutional dimensions that influenced the attitudes of members and priests in favor of

inclusion in social entrepreneurship: high-level religious networks and institutions, source of

trust, the ideology and discourse of religious leaders, and local religious leaders.

The researcher was able to identify some aspects of creating needs, such as religious norms,

values and principles, being a source of entrepreneurial opportunities.

Relying on previous studies, the researcher identified four types of authorities to explain the

relationship between religion and marketing systems.

Strength's point: reviewing previous studies and confirming the importance and purpose of the

study based on reference research, which increases the accuracy of the study.

Weaknesses point: Not specifying the study sample and the research method used, the researcher

contented himself with presenting some axes that clarify the relationship between religion and

organizational management and support these elements with previous studies.

This article provided information about the role of religion's influence on the economy and

business, according to the beliefs of every country in the world. The author's arguments were

supported by evidence through citations from previous studies to confirm the research ideas

presented in the article.

The author was not objective in choosing some terms and words and comparing religions and

religious beliefs because there is a vast difference between the two terms. However, he put them

together in one template and discussed the research problem by having the same concept.

The researcher did not submit any suggestions for further study and research in the future.

The researcher provided definitions of some terms based on previous studies, such as political

authority and institutional authority, and explained the difference between them; Political power

means an explicit regulation imposing religious sanctions (trade ban on Sunday),

Institutional power means the exercise of power by religion to control aspects of social life,

which generates an indirect effect on markets and trade and which is "a model of citizens'

expectations and satisfaction regarding the quality of subjective life," the way they view regular

life and the surrounding reality. The researcher succeeded in developing a specific and explicit

definition of these concepts, which is a strong point of the study. Moreover, the definitions were

specific and valuable for research purposes.

References corroborate the author's points based on previous studies. However, the

researcher did not specify any results for the study because the study was just a presentation of

several themes and ideas, including religion is one of the demographic criteria that marketers use

to segment customers (Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc.) in

campaigns to promote products and services. Therefore, religious belief has a direct impact on

consumer behavior.

The monasteries have made a significant contribution to the defense of academic study and

"providing a conducive environment for advancement in manual labor and preparation in the

manual and mechanical arts"; They implemented agricultural and industrial functions on a small

scale, making independent economic existence (gardens, mills, bakeries, building and

maintenance shops) possible. In addition, Christian monks were significantly involved in the

training of qualified labor in agriculture, in practical arts and crafts, in construction and

mechanics, which represented "the main means for each individual to learn new abilities and

improve his economic situation."

The concept of wise management in Christianity Charles Mannes appeals to "wise and

merciful" leadership, beginning with Christian teachings and biblical verses "in a way that

embodies something of the efficient spiritual wisdom of Jesus' teachings."

The author metaphorically identifies, based on the teachings of Christ, four main areas that a

leader must pay attention to in order to be effective: "cleaning up the mirror image" (to analyze

himself, to lead himself before leading others; the last of which must be the first, he must be

humble and seek greatness in others; to have pure inner morals, which in the outside world can

be an example to others; to transcend fears; act with integrity and wait for others to do the same;

to let his light shine like a beacon that can direct others toward their best light); "to lead the other

with tenderness" (to love his friends and enemies, and express his love for the good of all

concerned; to do to others what others ought to do for him (the "golden rule"); to forgive, not to

condemn; to support those behind ("plural") lost sheep"); "to lead others toward their best


The author did not say whether this is a research report or not. Furthermore, the study sample

size or study method used was not specified, which are the most critical factors that affect the

study results and the extent of the researcher's bias towards the research topic.

There were no actual results to compare with the expected results, but the researcher added a

conclusion at the end of his study:

Religious diversity is a fact that must be recognized and managed. Globalization and the various

events that humanity is currently dealing with have fundamentally changed how we experience

the differences and similarities between people. Knowledge of these aspects is a must for traders,

managers, and marketers who do international business. Certain religious norms can generate

irreparable business "cultural mistakes" or frustrations among business partners, employees, or


Busutti, L., and Weelden, S. (2018). This perspective focuses on how we are created to live in a

relationship with God and manage people. A holistic approach to human resource management

that adopts a balance of theological perspectives of imago Dei effectively supports an

organization. Findings, to be created in God's image means that we possess attributes and

characteristics of God.

The researcher did not provide a procedural definition of the basic concepts of the study, such

as imago Dei, and did not explain in the research abstract the sample, and the results, which are

significant in the research summary, making the reader mentally distracted in trying to reach

these essential elements which are the basis of any scientific research.

The study's strengths rely on the Bible verses as a reference to determine the relationship

between God and humans, which supports the relationship between individuals (managers,

employees). The researcher cited some arguments that support his ideas through the Psalms

"right and just as you, our God" (Psalm 72:1-2). God's attributes of truth and justice are

necessary for leaders because they are "God's agents in establishing justice for mankind."

Citations support these arguments.


The researcher also supported his ideas about "contributions to an environment of trust and

justice that honors God and his fellow human beings created in his image, as well as contributing

to organizational effectiveness." By citing studies that emphasize the necessity of God's presence

in the administrative relations that regulate life in institutions and companies. Citing recent

references is a strong point of the research.

The article provided sufficient arguments and documented information from Bible verses and

previous studies regarding the organizational aspect of people management in society.

The author was objective in choosing vocabulary and terminology by defining the concept of

children of God, identifying the challenges managers face in achieving balance, defining human

resource practices, and other terms that the author expressed objectively without personal or

emotional bias.

The researcher also paid attention to defining some terms such as (Relational) "Establishing

and developing relationships of trust and interdependence" (Structuralism) "to discern and refine

the virtues bestowed by God... which reflect nature and character". (functional) "presenting our

unique identities and callings to God and the world for the sustainable preservation of the

ecological and social system." The definitions were specific, useful, and scientifically based on

previous studies.

The references support the author's points from Psalms, the Acts of the Apostles, and

researchers who provided analytical studies on the Holy Bible.

The author did not say whether this was a research report or not. The researcher identified

suggested areas for further study and future research, Prospective studies could be conducted

among educators to evaluate the theological views of individual managers and how their beliefs

about creation in the image of God shape their HR practices. This can lead to additional

perspectives to integrate into a holistic approach at work. Questions can be sought to understand

how sin corrupted each approach and how human resource management should then be adapted

to account for the flawed procedures of both managers and those who manage them. Such

research can develop realistic, balanced models of human resource practices that will benefit

employees and organizations.

The researcher presented this concept as an approach on which the study relied

returning to our original "definitions" of the three views of imago Dei, it appears that the most

fruitful application of this concept as we seek to apply it in the field of strategic human resource

management is the blending of the three. Being created in the image of God means that we

possess certain traits, which influence how people relate to God and each other, as we fulfill our

roles as co-creators and stewards. When applying the imago Dei concept in the workplace, it is

crucial to focus on what it means that managers are created in the image of God and what it

means that employees also bear his image.

The researcher indicates, "If we think that we are created in the image of God, by the

breathing of the Holy Spirit, how does that affect the way we manage people in organizations? If

we are created in the image of God, this means that we are thinking, supportive people, willing to

enter into healthy relationships with employees and able to make responsible decisions about the

resources that God has entrusted to people."

The researcher used a methodological framework (a holistic approach). The researcher

analyzed several concepts: compensation management, performance management, human

resource planning, job design, recruitment, and selection).

Link the content of these concepts to our human relationship with God.

The expected results were expressive: The importance of working effectively as managers that

enable people to work successfully towards the organization's strategic goals stated the


The researcher did not mention anything about the study sample but rather presented the

previous studies that support the research ideas. One of the most influential factors on the study

results is the research method used, the data analysis system, and previous studies. The actual

results were consistent with the expected results of the study, which focuses on organizing the

relationship between managers and employees, considering that each of them bears the image

and likeness of God. This is the essence of the normal relationship between human beings.

In his findings, the author points out the need for us to be aware of God's Spirit, Imago Dei, in

our lives as managers and to demonstrate this awareness in HR activities. Because we display

God's attributes in social contexts as creators with God, we are equipped to manage God-

entrusted employees for our organizations effectively.

Haiyan, K., et al. (2020). This study explores the link between organizational career

management (OCM) and organizational identity. Data were collected from 476 Generation Y

hotel employees and was analyzed using Amos software of structural equation modeling (SEM).

Study results suggest organizational career management is a positive predictor of career


The research focused on developing procedural definitions of the basic terms:

For occupational expectations, he defined them as "career goals that the employee wants to

achieve and linked them to recent previous studies." He also established the definition of

"organizational identity" as consisting of three central components: the emotional state of unity

with the employer and attitudes and behaviors that support the goals of the organization

Highlight the importance of the current study through its ability to address this gap using an

organizational perspective to examine the impact of professional hotel management on

employees' occupational expectations.

One of the positive aspects of the study is its interest in the factor of job satisfaction in

motivating workers and improving production efficiency, as it places some responsibilities on

the management in professionally helping its employees.

In his study of the theoretical foundations, the researcher based on previous studies that support

his idea , he indicated that these views provide the theoretical foundations for this study, whose

objectives are to measure the impact of organizational, professional management on

organizational identity and to study the mediating effect of occupational expectations.

In formulating his hypotheses, the researcher relied on previous studies that examined the

relationship between organizational support and job satisfaction.

The researcher preconceptions to explore the hypothesis that perceived occupational

organizational management might impact occupational expectations. The researcher supported

this perception with previous studies that confirm his point of view.

The researcher justified why he chose the sample of workers in Chinese hotels, which

represent 25 hotels in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Qingdao, and Jinan.

They were chosen because they represented the number of hotels and the geographical

distribution of the main destinations in China. The study used the snowball sampling method.

The researcher first contacted a key person at the study hotel, the lead person is usually the

Human Resources Director, Deputy General Manager, or Marketing Director, and all of them

can identify the appropriate responders.


To reduce sampling errors, recommended participants were selected from different

departments, situations, and counties. The researcher defined criteria for measuring job

satisfaction degrees. This point is considered one of the study's strengths, as setting standards

helps reach the results accurately. The researcher selected the study sample of 550 questionnaires

after contacting the main person in each hotel, and he considers the sample size effective in

reaching objective results. The researcher determined the number of actual questionnaires after

ignoring the incomplete questionnaires, amounting to 476 questionnaires. The study used a

method that used structural equation modeling for data analysis. First, the individual

measurement model was tested, then the general measurement model and the structural model

were tested. The article provided a detailed description of the sample through the ratio of males

and females, educational level, and age. However, the research neglected whether the socio-

economic level of the study sample was determined.

The study suggested that hospitality organizations should develop effective human resource

management policies for Generation Y employees. Therefore, it is essential to implement

strategies designed to meet the perceived preferences and needs of the workforce; the study

provided some expected results.

The study demonstrated that meeting occupational expectations leads to positive outcomes

in both professional and organizational areas. Thus, managers need to explore their career needs

and expectations to offer specific career development programs. It also indicates that career

management initiatives contribute positively to occupational expectations, leading to increased

job satisfaction and job satisfaction.

The study is considered to have limited results in the geographical area on which the sample

was conducted, China. However, perhaps the difference in geographical location, if the study is

applied in another region, may change the current results; the researcher suggested conducting

future studies in other countries.

The method of selecting the sample through snowball and not the random sample may affect

the results; hotel managers chose the respondents to fill out the questionnaires, so there should be

future studies of random samples for more enormous numbers of employees and managers until

the results become unimaginable biased, there are several elements in this study, the most

important of which are:

It provides strengths in determining the procedural definitions of the study variables and the size

of the study sample, using previous studies to emphasize the importance of the study, comparing

current results with previous studies, and setting standards for measuring study variables.

Weaknesses: The type of the sample may be biased because managers are the ones who

select employees who can participate in the study, and this procedure may make their answers

influenced by the managers' opinions, and perhaps trying to satisfy them with managers affects

the credibility of answering questions in the questionnaire

The article has provided sufficient evidence from previous studies to support the importance

of the research, and these arguments also helped in formulating the study's hypotheses.

The author was objective in choosing terms and words by setting a specific procedural definition

for the study terms. These definitions were helpful because they helped the researcher formulate

hypotheses and questionnaire questions. It also helped the respondence understand the questions.

The researcher identified suggested areas for further research by conducting more general and

comprehensive studies in other countries and on larger samples so that the results are not biased.

The references supported the author's points and ideas; it supports him in posing the research

problem, designing hypotheses, and choosing the appropriate research method. However,

unfortunately, the researcher did not say whether this was a research report or not.

The actual results were similar to the expected results and hypotheses test, which the researcher

set at the beginning of the study. Thus, the researcher studied the relationship between

organizational, professional, and mediating effects to meet occupational expectations.

Idris, A., et al. (2018). This study illustrates the relationship between employee empowerment

and its implications for organizational change management, survey data collected from 125 local

employees working in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur. The results found that employee

empowerment has a strong positive effect on job satisfaction.

The study relied on previous research proposals to measure employee job satisfaction, that

job satisfaction is not only related to material factors, such as reward and promotion but also

reflects the independence in implementation processes as a result of empowerment, the

researcher presented previous studies that support the importance of his current study. These are

recent studies, and this is an intense aspect of current research. The formulation of the

hypotheses was clear and accurate and served scientific research objectives, which is another

substantial aspect of the study.

The researcher did not specify a procedural definition for the term "employee

empowerment," which is an important term in the study. In addition, the independent variable

and its dependent variables were also not clearly explained in the introduction to the study.

In formulating his hypotheses, the researcher relied on previous studies, which directly correlated

employee empowerment and job satisfaction in several developed countries, to give importance

to the current research.

The researcher justified choosing the sample from urban areas because empowerment and its

impact on job satisfaction have become a critical issue in urban areas.

The researcher emphasized the importance of previous studies in formulating assumptions and

determining the factors affecting the relationship between empowerment and job satisfaction,

namely the form of ownership, the work sector, the type of industry, and the organizational


This study reported a quantitative approach to examine a more enormous and more

representative set of data. The study's sample comprised Malaysians working in the capital city

of Kuala Lumpur in local and international-owned organizations, both in the public and private

sectors; the study applied snowball sampling. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed

through part-time master students of three public universities in the city, all of whom were in

employment. In total, 125 completed questionnaires were returned after a week, yielding a

response rate of 41.7 percent.

The results found a strong positive relationship between employee empowerment and job

satisfaction. Furthermore, the levels of empowerment differ according to the ownership, job

sector, type of industry, and organizational hierarchy. This result supports the expected findings.

The study focused possible gaps among sub-groups divided according to ownership, job

sector, type of industry, and levels in the organizational hierarchy.

The researcher was interested in describing the study sample by dividing it according to gender,

age, educational level and dividing it according to those who work in the local and international

companies. However, the researcher ignored the socio-economic level in the study, which is an

important axis that may affect the employees' job satisfaction. He was supposed to be interested

in studying it as a dependent variable.

In general, the results of the hypotheses and expectations of the researcher were positive,

consistent with the primary objective of the study, which adds scientific value to the research.

Through hypothesis tests, the researcher was able to answer the primary questions of the study

regarding the impact of employee empowerment on job satisfaction.

The most prominent strengths of the study are the researcher's ability to formulate the study's

hypotheses clearly and rely on previous studies and use them to support the importance of the

research. In addition, the researcher compared the current results and supported them with

previous studies that dealt with the same research problem. As for the most prominent

weaknesses, the researcher did not determine the appropriate sample size for the study, which

may affect the accuracy of the results and his ability to generalize them.

The researcher did not specify the independent variable in the study: what are the dependent

variables, and what factors influence the relationship between the two variables.

The article provided enough information on empowerment as an effective strategy for

organizations competing to retain talented employees in a fast-paced environment.

The author's arguments were supported by evidence from citations from previous studies.

The author was objective and impartial in choosing the exact search terms and words and put a

specific procedural definition for each term.

The study provided suggestions for future research for a larger and more diverse audience by

retesting the effect of empowerment on job satisfaction across subgroups to see if it is

generalizable to a more diverse workforce. In this way, multi-level analyses will help produce a

deeper understanding of the impact of employee empowerment on job satisfaction in Malaysia

through identification.

The research supports the theory that social and cultural values strongly influence

organizational practices. The definitions were specific and useful for scientific research, as the

researcher was able to formulate hypotheses, determine the questionnaire questions accurately,

and measure the relationship between the variables. The researcher set criteria for measuring

variables accurately through questions directed to respondents about their feelings of job

satisfaction. The references supported the author's ideas and main points in the research, so the

results of the hypotheses were consistent with the objectives set for the study.

The results of the hypotheses were in agreement with the expected results of the study, as the

results indicated that in high-power distance cultures, employee empowerment is not adequately

practiced due to their tendency to centralize power at higher levels of the organization. Under

such circumstances, the quality of the decisions taken is usually poor, which may cause

dissatisfaction among the lower-level employees and motivate their intention to leave the

organization. This situation seems to be more felt in urban areas where social and cultural values

are changing.

The author did not say whether or not this is a research report. The sample size was very

small, only 125 participants, which is a small percentage whose results cannot be sufficiently

generalized to the community. The sample was chosen from urban workers in local sector

companies and international companies.

The sample was representative of males and females, educational level, and age groups, but

it neglected the socio-economic level, which is an essential factor for measuring job satisfaction.

One of the most influential factors on the study results is the small size of the sample, so that

accurate results cannot be reached and the possibility of generalizing them to the study

population. The researcher expected to reach these results after reviewing previous studies that

supported the importance of the current research.

The current study attempted to investigate the relationship between employee empowerment

and job satisfaction in the context of urban areas in Malaysia, which is rapidly developing but

struggling with a high employee turnover rate. He found that the theoretical link between

empowerment and job satisfaction is defensible in the Malaysian urban environment. This

finding has significant implications for organizational change management in Malaysia as

empowerment can build employees' self-efficacy and improve their productivity and creativity. It

also notes that empowerment is a powerful strategy for Malaysian organizations that compete to

retain talented employees in times of rapid change. These actual results support the expected

results of the study about the existence of a positive effect relationship between empowerment

and job satisfaction.

Iqbal, A., et al. (2019). The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of knowledge

management (KM) empirically; using a sample of 217 academic and administrative personnel

from research universities of Pakistan; the results indicate that KM processes influence

organizational performance.

The researcher put a procedural definition of the concept of "knowledge management processes

in general as activities related to knowledge acquisition, creation, sharing, use or application that

enhance organizational competitiveness. The researcher referred to the recent studies that support

the importance of conducting the study, which is a strong point in the research.

This study mainly borrows theoretical foundations Knowledge Management capability

model that is most widely cited in Knowledge Management literature. The results revealed that

Knowledge Management processes have a significant and positive effect on intellectual capital.

(Human, structural and relational). "Intellectual Capital" has a significant and positive effect on

Organizational Performance. IC has a mediating effect on the relationship between KM

processes and Organizational Performance. The hypotheses were formulated accurately as

discussed in terms of their significance and effects on the study sample. The research focused on

the study of measurable hypotheses when formulating the first hypothesis:

What impacts do KM enablers, i.e., leadership, culture and incentives, have on KM processes,

i.e., knowledge acquisition, sharing, and utilization in universities of Pakistan?

Therefore, it was necessary to put the primary hypothesis and several secondary hypotheses to be

written more clearly for the reader.

This study focused on a small sample from a limited number of public sector universities,

thus sample bias. In addition, this study has been conducted in the Pakistani context. Therefore,

its findings are not generalizable to other developing countries where high education institutions

might have different cultures and structures.

In general, the study presented several strengths represented in accurately defining the

research problem and its goal, using previous studies that helped determine the study's

importance, formulate hypotheses, define the research community and study method.

The researcher was able to compare the results of the current study with previous studies.

The article provided sufficient information and arguments about knowledge management,

innovation quality, customer satisfaction, and organizational factors that support the goals of the

scientific institution. In addition, the previous studies supported the study arguments and helped

the author develop specific procedural definitions, a step that helped formulate scientific

questions in the questionnaire and helped respondents answer questions.

The arguments were supported by scientific evidence from previous studies; the author was

objective in choosing his words without emotional bias; the research raised many future studies

on larger samples of university professors and employees in other countries until more accurate

results are reached. In addition, the procedural definitions were accurate and specific because

they were based on literature reviews. Finally, the references support the author's main idea,

knowledge management, innovation, and the organization's ability to accelerate the development


The expected results are a positive correlation between knowledge management, innovation

ability, and performance; the quality of innovation also leads to increased performance through

novelty in ideas and research and development activities. Acquiring and sharing knowledge

enhances the organization's decision-making and learning capabilities and productivity and

profitability through creative ideas and uniqueness in products and services.

Research activities are still insufficient in universities where effective knowledge management is

inevitable to meet the challenges of a knowledge-based economy. The author did not say

whether this was a research report or not.

Population, sample, and data collection, the target population for this study consisted of the

academic staff and administrative personnel of public sector research universities in the Federal

capital of Pakistan that are engaged in advancing multi-disciplinary education and research in

natural and social sciences technology, and engineering. A survey questionnaire was employed

to collect data for the testing of hypothesized relationships. A total of 325 questionnaires were

distributed through the convenience sampling technique. A total number of 241 questionnaires

were received back.

The sample size is insufficient and may affect the accuracy of the study results.

This study recruited a small-sized appropriate sample from a limited number of research

universities in the public sector, which called for sample bias and questioned the possibility of

generalizing the results to another public sector and private sector universities or higher

education institutions. The current research found that effective implementation of knowledge

management processes has a significant role in the performance of research universities. This

finding reveals that effective implementation of knowledge management processes in research

universities can lead to increased research productivity, student satisfaction, curriculum

development, and response to environmental challenges. In addition, effective management of

knowledge resources can facilitate organizations to achieve superior performance. This study

was conducted in the Pakistani context, and its findings cannot be generalized to other

developing countries where higher education institutions may have different cultures and

structures. The most important factor affecting the study results is the sample size because the

small sample cannot generalize its results to a larger population, and this is one of the

weaknesses of the current study.

The actual results were in line with the expected results because the previous studies

supported knowledge management and its organizational role in the communication process and

the development of work within educational institutions.

Kourula, A., et al. (2019). This paper develops several insights intended to be useful for

organization and management scholarship. The research uses the content analysis method by

discussing six contributing papers to the Special Issue; the findings illustrate these arguments

and reveal new roles for government in the contemporary governance of business conduct.

The researcher developed procedural definitions of research terms such as governance, which

he defined as referring to patterns of direction where private actors significantly impact rule-

making and enforcement or even impose their authority. The researcher used previous studies to

reinforce the importance of the research and the aim of the study; he combined ancient and

modern studies to confirm the government's relationship with commercial enterprises. Second,

the researcher provided a historical overview of privatization in Britain. Third, the researcher

used the method of analyzing previous studies that dealt with the role of government in

managing commercial behavior and regulating social transactions.

The researcher presented a review of the political science and sociology literature because it

was more active in exploring government and government; he pointed out that previous studies

were less interested in the field of organizational studies, which is a logical justification for

conducting the current study and is considered one of the strengths of the current study.

The author presented a review of the historical articles on the state emergence and the

development of legal systems. This part of the research is not of great scientific value because it

did not add anything new to the reader. It is one of the study's weaknesses because it provided

intuitive information, and the references in this part are old. However, the researcher did not

specify the purpose of reviewing these old studies (1942, 1965) and the aspects of benefiting

from them in the current research, which is based on globalization and privatization on

governments and systems of commercial activities.


The study indicated the need for future research on governance and governments and their

complex interactions and dynamics in managing business behavior and studying the

organizational and administrative effects on the governance of business behavior.

The researcher used wrong words when writing the results of the hypotheses in a way that

suggests to the reader that he is speaking personally and not through scientific research. When

formulating the results of the hypotheses, the researcher is supposed to indicate whether the

hypothesis is valid or not, but the use of the term "we strongly oppose" is unscientific and

inaccurate, he wrote:

"The fourth and final assumption sees that governments are not relevant objects of analysis for

organizational theorists. We oppose this assumption strongly as we are experiencing a

flourishing of local participation and new technologies for engagement.

The researcher did not specify how he tested the study hypotheses to reach the current results.

The research method was based on the analysis of 6 previous studies on governments and

organizational management, and this means that he relied on the content analysis approach of the

previous references. The sample size is insufficient and biased because it was chosen to confirm

the researcher's point of view from the study and not develop logical and scientific results.

More Elements in Evaluation

One of the study's main strengths is the development of procedural definitions of the study terms;

one of the most prominent weaknesses is the small sample size (6 previous studies), which is

considered insufficient to judge the validity of the results.

The researcher chooses previous studies that confirm and support his idea in the study; the

article did not provide enough information to expand the sample of content analysis and the use

of recent studies that discussed the government's role in organizational management. The

researcher should focus on studying this element instead of distracting the reader in several

elements that extended to the history of the countries and the beginning of enactment of laws,

which is a topic far from the search element.

The researcher presented the hypotheses and arguments supported by evidence from previous

studies. However, the author was subjective in choosing some vocabulary such as " we strongly

agree, and we strongly disagree" This is not an accurate scientific vocabulary. The researcher

should not talk personally in writing the research but instead presents his ideas and hypotheses

without prejudice to the study and proves its validity in all ways.

The researcher suggested future studies on governments, commercial regulations, and

business behavior. The researcher initially defined the terms of the study, a scientific definition

based on the previous studies, and the definitions were beneficial and precisely defined.

The references support the author's points. The researcher did not specify in a precise

scientific manner what the results of his study are, and this was not mentioned in the research

abstract, so the reader became confused and unable to come up with evident results. The

researcher only wrote down the hypotheses and commented on them, then touched on the

presentation of the previous studies. The reason for not reaching specific results is the reliance on

a limited number of previous studies and the researcher's inability to analyze the current situation

of government systems and their relationship to corporate organizational management.

Therefore, it was better to rely on this element in the study sample rather than relying on

previous studies as a research method.

The author did not say whether this was a research report or not. The researcher did not

specify why the study sample was limited to 6 previous studies only, and therefore the sample

size was not justified. The type and size of the sample certainly affected the results of the study,

which the researcher cannot write or define logically. The absence of the sample and the study

methodology affected the lack of actual results, and therefore the study did not reach any results.

Moreover, just based on future recommendations.

(Razzaq, S. et al., 2019). This paper examines the role of organizational commitment in the

relationship between knowledge management practices and knowledge-worker performance. The

data were collected from 341 knowledge workers of the public sector health department of

Punjab Province, Pakistan. Findings, Organizational commitment partially mediates the

relationship between knowledge management practices and knowledge-work performance.

The researcher justified the goal of conducting the study on workers in knowledge

management in the public sector because this administration has been relatively ignored in

research and practice in developing countries, but it has now received the attention of

researchers. However, the researcher did not specify the reason for choosing the sample from

341 knowledge workers and why the random sample specified in the scientific research did not

become 400 factors as a regular sample size in scientific research. The study also required

conducting a questionnaire on managers in the knowledge sector to coordinate the situation

between managers and workers, know the shortcomings, and solve them. However, the four

elements identified by the study about the experience of workers in the field of knowledge,

which consist of (knowledge creation, knowledge exchange, knowledge codification, and

knowledge retention) are elements that are difficult to quantify through the questionnaire and

also require clear and specific procedural definitions from experts and the researcher himself, in

order to be Getting accurate scientific results.

The study linked the organizational commitment to the employee and ignored the manager's

role who organizes this relationship through the organization's strategy and achieving its goals.

In addition, the researcher did not mention why the sample was drawn from the Ministry of

Health specifically and not from other government sectors.

The previous studies cited to add importance to the current research are old studies, dating back

to 2006, and this weakens the research importance, as he cited a study that emphasizes the use of

strategic knowledge management as a central tool for strategy formulation and implementation in

the development of public policies, to justify the reason for the existence of the current study.

However, because this recommendation was made many years ago, it does not serve to conduct

this research.

The current study illustrates the mediating role of organizational commitment in the

relationship between knowledge management practices and knowledge work performance. As

long as the term "knowledge management" was mentioned, the researcher was supposed to have

another section searching for the organizational management component.

The research focused its methodology on one element: the performance of the cognitive factor as

inputs to obtain intellectual outputs based on knowledge. In contrast, other elements should have

been included in the research in this analysis: the degree of employee satisfaction, his affiliation

with the organization, and the institution's ability to evaluate workers' feedback and respond to

their complaints and demands.

The theoretical framework was concerned with studying the worker's performance, which

related to behaviors and not results, although the primary goal of management research is to

reach results that include achieving the organization's strategy and goals.

The researcher's citation of previous studies since 1974 to confirm the importance of

organizational commitment, which is focused on the current research, weakens the value of

scientific research; it would have been better to deal with recent studies that give importance to

the research subject.

When formulating the first hypothesis, the research did not consider the accuracy in using the

word "practices," as it is a colloquial, loose, and undefined word in scientific research.

The researcher indicates that the questionnaire was conducted using a personal method survey,

where the data was collected through personal relationships, and this means that the sample may

be biased because it is not random. In addition, perhaps the personal relationship between the

researcher and workers has affected the way they answer the questions, mainly since the

researcher works with them in the same health sector.

The positive aspect of the research is that it divided the sample into three categories: top

management, middle management, and front lines because these three categories represent the

elements of organizational communication in the organization.

The study suggested that knowledge management practices can motivate the organizational

commitment and knowledge factor performance; use the word "can" is weak and inaccurate in

scientific research because it is an unspecified word.

In general, the article provided information about the importance of the study, but it did not

support it sufficiently by citing recent references but was limited to citing studies from the

seventies and nineties.

Some of the terms were inaccurate and not specific in their selection, so the researcher did

not put a procedural definition for each term., which help the respondents understand the

questionnaire; it was necessary to define the main terms in the research: knowledge management,

organizational commitment, knowledge-worker performance, contextual performance,


Knowledge creation, knowledge codification, knowledge retention, knowledge sharing, and

affective commitment, continuance commitment, normative commitment.

The study suggested conducting future research, the interrelationships between aspects of

knowledge management (such as knowledge management infrastructure and knowledge

management strategies) and other individual issues in human resource management such as

knowledge sharing and employee participation.

The references came in support of the author's points and supported his idea. The expected

results indicate the significant correlations between the independent variable represented in

knowledge management and the dependent variable, which is "knowledge-worker performance."

The title and introduction of the research assumed this relationship in advance, citing this from

previous studies.

The expected results are the same as the study's actual results; the results on H1 indicate that

knowledge management practices and knowledge-worker performance relationships are positive

and significant. The findings on H2 also point out that knowledge management practices are

significant sources of fostering organizational commitment.

The author did not declare whether this was a research report. However, the most critical

factor affecting the study result is the biased sample collected through personal relationships

within the health sector. The researcher used titles and terms without giving them a precise

meaning and definition, and he did not explain how he was able to measure them quantitatively.


The current study aimed to criticize the annotation of several previous studies that discuss

organizational management, which is a significant research problem. The scholars tracked its

effects for years on the performance level of employees and the organization's ability to achieve

its goals. From the analysis and critique of several previous studies in this context, the most

important was. The most prominent strengths in some studies are selecting the research sample

in an unbiased manner and the appropriate sample size for the study. In contrast, the limited

research sample and bias in choosing respondents personally is a negative weakness in some

studies and the use of the snowball sample method. Instead of a random sample, it makes the

research results inaccurate and cannot be generalized. The restriction of some studies to specific

geographic areas also makes it difficult to generalize. The response rate of respondents to

questionnaires in most of the research was weak. Not all researchers were interested in studying

the socio-economic level of the respondents when studying job satisfaction and its relationship to

the management system. Some studies did not reach results because they did not specify a clear

approach to the study or a sample, but they contented themselves with analyzing the content of

some scientific concepts and terms in organizational management and the manager relationship

with God. Most of the recommendations did not present new research ideas stemming from the

research topic, but rather the research in previous studies focused on expanding the sample size

and applying the same study in another geographical area, and this is a shortcoming of the

researchers because they were unable to present new scientific ideas that motivate new

researchers to study.


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