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Performance Management Areas

PDF Counter Description

A Probability Density Function (PDF) counter is a list
of range counters. A value is read periodically. If the
value falls within a certain range, the range counter for
that range is increased. All range counter values are
collected and stored in a Report Output Period (ROP)
file at the end of each reporting period.

For example, if Signal-to-Interference Ratio (SIR) values

are split into three ranges: Range1 = [011 dB – 04 dB];
Range2 = [04 dB – +4 dB]; Range3 = [+4 dB – +20 dB];
and a value is read every 3 minutes over a 15-minute
period (values = 010, 03, +5, +5, +6). The three
RangeCounters are then reported as RangeCounter1 =
1, RangeCounter2 = 1, RangeCounter3 = 3.

Each section below describes the main performance monitoring areas for RBS
(along with flowcharts for some of the counters).

2.1 Power Control Counters

This section describes the following counters:

• pmRLSSupSynchToUnsynch

• pmRLSSupWaitToOutOfSynch

2.1.1 RBS Synchronization pm Counters

Figure 1 shows a flowchart for the counters.

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