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Name: Rogeliza P.


Course and Section: BPEd – 2

Activity No.5 30 points

Essay Type. Answer the following Questions briefly:

1. What is the last message of Dr. Jose Rizal before he died?

The last message of Dr. Jose Rizal before his execution was conveyed
through his poem "Mi Último Adiós" or "My Last Farewell." In this heartfelt and
patriotic piece, Rizal bids farewell to his beloved homeland, expressing his
willingness to sacrifice his life for its sake. He speaks of his dreams, his love for the
Philippines, and his hope for a better future. The poem encapsulates Rizal's
unwavering dedication to his country and his desire to inspire others to continue the
struggle for freedom and justice. His last word before he was executed was
“Consummatum Est (it is finished)”.

2. What is the last farewell letter of Rizal?

Dr. Jose Rizal's last farewell letter, known as "Mi Última Carta" or "My Last
Letter," was addressed to his family and loved ones. In this poignant message, Rizal
expresses his love and gratitude to his family, acknowledging their support and
sacrifice. He implores them to remain strong and united, emphasizing the
importance of education and virtue. Rizal also expresses his desire for the
Philippines to be free from oppression and injustice, urging his countrymen to
continue the fight for independence. The letter serves as a testament to Rizal's
unwavering spirit and his enduring love for his family and his homeland.

3. What is the meaning of the fourth stanza of my last farewell?

The fourth stanza of Dr. Jose Rizal's "My Last Farewell" holds a powerful
meaning. In this stanza, Rizal expresses his willingness to die for his country and the
Filipino people. He symbolizes his sacrifice by offering his blood, stating that even if
it were brighter, fresher, or more blessed, he would still willingly give it for the cause.
The stanza represents Rizal's unwavering commitment to serve his homeland,
regardless of the circumstances or the form in which his sacrifice may come. It
showcases his profound love and dedication to the Philippines and his fervent desire
to bring about positive change and liberation.

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