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Elementary English Meeting 26

Production 4: Writing
Invitation and Appointment, Tour Itinerary, Prediction

P2B Harapan Bangsa University


Invitation and
01 Appointment

Tour Itinerary

Topic 01: Invitation and appointment

➢ You invite your friend to do

an activity together. Make an
appointment with him/her.
➢ Your dialog must at least
consist of 10 exchanges.
➢ You should use the
expressions of inviting and
making appointment.
Sample dialog: Adit is inviting Bayu to watch a football match.

Adit : Hey Bayu, have you heard about FIFA Match Day between Indonesia and
Bayu : Yes. Why?
Adit : How about watching it together? I want to invite everyone in our class.
Bayu : That sounds great. I’d be happy to join! When will it be?
Adit : It will be On Monday at 7pm. We can create some games to make it
more fun.
Bayu : I think we need some friends to arrange this event. We need to prepare the
place, snacks and drink, games, and many others. Let’s go to Didi’s house
to discuss about it.
Adit : That’s a good idea. Why don’t we go to his house after the class?
Bayu : I’m afraid I can’t. We have a quiz today, remember?
Adit : So, when do you think we can meet him?
Bayu : What about meeting him after the quiz, at around 3 p.m.?
Adit : No problem. Let’s meet him in the campus lobby after the quiz.
Bayu : Of course.
02. Making Itinerary

✓ Make a tour itinerary.

✓ Write a text using Present
Continuous for Future
Arrangement to explain your
✓ Your text must at least consist of
10 sentences.
Sample: Itinerary of 4 Days Tour to Jogja

Hello, my name is Vania. This coming holiday,

my family is planning to have a vacation in
Let me tell you about the tour itinerary. On day
1, we are departing from Purwokerto to Jogja
by car. There, we are checking in at the hotel
we have booked before.
On day 2, we are visiting Prambanan temple in
the morning. In the afternoon, my mom and I
Day 1 (August 3rd 2023):
are shopping in Malioboro and Beringharjo
Depart from Purwokerto – Jogja
Check in at the hotel Traditional market.
On day 3, we are having an educational and
Day 2 (August 4th 2023): historical trip to Keraton Jogja and Taman Sari.
Prambanan – Malioboro – Beringharjo
Market Last but not least, on day 4 we are having
Borobudur VW tour! We are going around the
Day 3 (August 5th 2023): villages in a classical VW car while enjoying the
Keraton – Taman Sari beauty of nature. Oh my God, I can’t wait for it.
How about you guys, where are you going on
Day 4 (August 6th 2023): your holiday?
Borobudur VW Tour
03. Prediction

➢ Create a dialog with this

situation: You are a fortune
teller. A guest is coming to
you to ask about his future.
➢ Your dialog must at least
consist of 10 exchanges.
➢ You should use BE GOING
TO for making predictions.
Sample dialog:
● A: Hello, Madam Angela.
● B: Hello, how can I help you?
● A: I am worried about my future. Can you tell me what is going to happen to me next year?
● B: Well, let me see the crystal ball. What do you want to know?
● A: Tell me about my love story.
● B: In January next year you are going to propose the most beautiful girl in town, and you
are going to marry her in February.
● A: Really? But who is she?
● B: A famous singer is going to be your future wife. You are going to have a big family.
● A: What do you mean?
● B: My crystal ball shows me that you are going to have 5 kids.
● A: 5 kids? Are you kidding me? Now I’m worried about my finance. Tell me about it.
● B: Don’t worry. Your business is going to be successful beyond your expectation. So, no
problem if you are going to have 5 or even 10 kids.
● A: You know what Madam? I guess you are telling me fake predictions. I quit. Bye!
Steps to do:

01 02 03
Get the topic from Write your text in Upload in Scalsa
your teacher MS Word, save it
to PDF
Your teacher will assign you Include this information when Drop your file in the
either topic 1, 2 or 3. doing your work: submission pocket meeting
Name :
Student Number :
Class and Level :
Topic :
Good luck!
Do you have any questions?
+91 620 421 838

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo

and includes icons by Flaticon, infographics & images by
Freepik and content by Eliana Delacour

Please keep this slide as attribution

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