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Margaret Koehn

Service-Learning Journal
DOS 772 – Clinical Internship II
Due August 13th, 2023

Professional Service Learning Journal

As I continue along in my studies, I was able to become a member of the volunteer

AAMD Student Subcommittee.

The AAMD student subcommittee aims to create a better atmosphere for AAMD

students. During this semseter, the goal of the student subcommittee was to brainstorm ideas to

include on the Student page of the AAMD website. In addition, further subcommittees are being

created to secure opportunities for students, this includes a continuing education committee, a

career services committee, and more. I have volunteered to be a part of the continuing education

committee. The goal of this subcommittee is to create all the online content for the Continuing

Education Center, excluding the Journal readings/publishing’s, as well as recruiting speakers and

looking for possible discussion topics.

Unfortunately, the July 10th student subcommittee meeting was postponed due to member

availability, so the subcommittee’s activity is on a temporary hiatus until another meeting is

scheduled. At our next meeting, we should be able to wrap up the further subcommittee goals

and members, so that we can move forward with increasing the Education Center’s available

resources for students.

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