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The element with the electronic configuration ns2(n – 2)f 9(n – 1)d1np0 will belong to
(A) d-block, fourth period. (B) f-block, sixth period. (C) f-block, fourth period. (D) d-block, sixth period.
2 2
2. The chemistry of the element with the electronic configuration 1s 2s will be similar to the element having the electronic
(A) 1s22s22p63s2 (B) 1s22s22p63s23p64s2 (C) 1s22s22p63s23p1 (D) All of these.
3. The number of orbitals in the fourth energy level is
(A) 4 (B) 16 (C) 32 (D) 9
4. If in the future more elements are discovered or artificially synthesized, then the element with the atomic number 165 will be
present in
(A) carbon family. (B) nitrogen family. (C) oxygen family. (D) none of these.
5. The number of electrons with (n + l ) value 4 in the Cr atom is
(A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 11
6. The maximum number of electrons with l = 1 and m = ±1 in the atom of S are
(A) 7 (B) 6 (C) 4 (D) 2
7. Which among the following is correct for 5 B in normal state?
2s 2p
(A) : Against Hund’s rule

2s 2p
(B) : Against Aufbau principle as well as Hund’s rule

2s 2p
(C) : Violation of Pauli’s exclusion principle and not Hund’s rule

2s 2p
(D) : Against Aufbau principal

8. The electrons, identified by quantum numbers n and l, (I) n = 4, l = 1 (II) n = 4, l = 0 (III) n = 3, l = 2 (IV) n = 3, l = 1 can be placed in order
of increasing energy, from the lowest to highest, as
(A) (IV) < (II) < (III) < (I) (B) (II) < (IV) < (I) < (III)
(C) (I) < (III) < (II) < (IV) (D) (III) < (I) < (IV) < (II)

Chapter 01.indd 1 12-Feb-19 11:16:00 AM

 9. If the Aufbau principle is violated, then the number of elements that would be present in the fourth period of the periodic table
will be
(A) 8 (B) 18 (C) 32 (D) 50
10. Which of the following set of quantum numbers correctly describes the last filled electron of Lanthanum (At no. 57)?
(A) n = 4, l = 3, m = 2 (B) n = 5, l = 2, m = 2 (C) n = 5, l = 2, m = 3 (D) n = 2, l = 3, m = 4
11. Which of the following set of quantum numbers represents an impossible arrangement?
(A) n = 6, l = 3, m = 2, s = +1/2 (B) n = 6, l = 4, m = 4, s = +1/2
(C) n = 6, l = 3, m = 4, s = +1/2 (D) n = 6, l = 1, m = 1, s = +1/2
12. The orbital diagram in which both Pauli’s exclusion principle and Hund’s rule are violated is
(A) (B)

(C) (D)

1 1
13. The quantum numbers + and - for the electron spin represent
2 2
(A) rotation of the electron in clockwise and anticlockwise direction respectively.
(B) rotation of the electron in anticlockwise and clockwise direction respectively.
(C) magnetic moment of the electron pointing up and down respectively.
(D) two quantum mechanical spin states which have no classical analogue.
14. In a periodic table, if A is second period and Group 13 (III B) element, then find out the atomic number of E.

(A) 53 (B) 84 (C) 83 (D) 85

15. If the nitrogen atom had electronic configuration 1s , it would have energy lower than that of the normal ground state configuration
1s2 2 s2 2 p3 , because the electrons would be closer to the nucleus. Yet 1s7 is not observed. It violates
(A) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
(B) Hund’s rule.
(C) Pauli’s exclusion principle.
(D) Bohr postulate of stationary orbits.
16. Electronic configurations are:
P = 1s2 2 s2 2 p1; Q = 1s2 2 s2 2 p 6 3s13 p2 ; R = 1s2 2 s2 2 p1; S = 1s2 2 s2 2 p5 3s1
then which among these will belong to the same group in the periodic table?
(A) P and Q (B) P, Q and R (C) P, Q and S (D) P, Q, R and S
17. The element having atomic number 57 will belong to
(A) sixth period, third group and d-block. (B) sixth period, third group and f-block
(C) sixth period, fourth group and f-block (D) fifth period, fourth group and d-block.
18. The total number of electrons having (n + l ) ≤ 4 in the atom of Se is
(A) 8 (B) 12 (C) 14 (D) 20
19. If there were nine periods in the periodic table, then the number of elements present in the ninth period of the periodic table
will be
(A) 18 (B) 36 (C) 50 (D) 54
20. If a maximum of three electrons could be filled in an orbital instead of two, then the number of groups in the new periodic table
would be
(A) 18 (B) 24 (C) 27 (D) 32

Chapter 01.indd 2 12-Feb-19 12:43:15 PM

21. If a maximum of three electrons could be filled in an orbital instead of two, then Rubidium (At. no. 37) would have been present in
(A) fifth period and s-block. (B) fourth period and s-block.
(C) fourth period and d-block. (D) fourth period and p-block.

22. Which of the following statement is incorrect for the element having an electronic configuration 1s22s22p63s23p5?
(A) It is a non-metal, univalent and electronegative element.
(B) It forms acidic oxides with the formulae MO2, MO3, M2O3, M2O4, M2O5, M2O6, M2O7 etc.
(C) It exhibits an oxidation state of -1 along with +1, +3, +5 and +7.
(D) There are four unpaired electrons in the monopositive ion of the given element.
23. Periodicity is observed in the modern periodic table due to
(A) arrangement of the elements in increasing order of the atomic mass.
(B) arrangement of the elements in increasing order of the atomic number.
(C) similar arrangement of the electrons in the outer shell.
(D) similar ratio of the atomic volume to atomic mass.
24. Which of the following elements constitute a triad according to Dobereiner?
(A) Fe, Co and Ni (B) Li, Na and K (C) K, Rb and Cs (D) Ru, Rh and Pd
25. Diagonal relationship is shown by
(A) Li and Mg. (B) Be and Al. (C) B and Si. (D) Both (A) and (B).
26. Which of the following is not a bridge element?
(A) Ar (B) Na (C) Mg (D) Al
27. Which of the following pairs of elements belong to the same group according to the Mendeleev’s periodic table?
(A) Co, Rh and Ir (B) Fe, Co and Ni (C) Ni, Pd and Pt (D) All of these.
28. Which of the following is not a representative element?
(A) Se (B) Xe (C) Sb (D) Ba
29. The total number of representative elements in the modern periodic table is
(A) 38 (B) 44 (C) 39 (D) 45
30. The total number of transition elements in the extended form of the modern periodic table is
(A) 30 (B) 27 (C) 36 (D) 40
31. Which of the following pairs of elements with the given atomic numbers belong to the same group of the modern periodic table?
(A) 41 and 74 (B) 8 and 36 (C) 64 and 68 (D) 12 and 72
32. Which of the following set of elements represents metalloids?
(A) Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te, Po and At (B) Be, Al, Zn, Sn, Pb, Sb and Bi
(C) Ge, Sn, Pb, As, Sb, Bi and B. (D) B, Al, Ga, Si, Ge, Sn and Pb.
33. The number of low shielding electrons present in Cd2+ ion is
(A) 10 (B) 18 (C) 20 (D) 8
34. The value of s and Zeff respectively for the outermost electron of Zn2+ is
(A) 21.15 and 8.85 (B) 24.30 and 5.70 (C) 8.85 and 21.15 (D) 5.70 and 24.30
35. The correct order of the value of Zeff for the outermost electron is
(A) Li = Na = K = Rb = Cs (B) Li < Na = K = Rb = Cs
(C) Li < Be > B < C < N > O (D) V < Cr < Mn < Fe < Co
36. The order of force of attraction exerted by the nucleus on various subshells of a shell is
(A) s = p = d = f (B) s < p < d < f (C) s > p > d > f (D) s = p > d = f
37. In Mendeleev’s periodic table which of the following were called the anomalous pairs?
(A) Te and I (B) Ar and K (C) Co and Ni (D) All of these.
38. The total number of elements classified in the Mendeleev’s periodic table were
(A) 63. (B) 53. (C) 58. (D) 48.
39. The formula of the halide of an element with atomic number 56 will be
(A) PX (B) PX2 (C) P2X2 (D) P2X3

Chapter 01.indd 3 12-Feb-19 11:16:02 AM

40. Which graph indicates trend of valency in group?


(A) (B) (C) (D)

At. No. At. No. At. No. At. No.

41. Choose the correct code representing the right match.

List I List II
(I)   Natural transuranic element (a)  Na, Mg
(II)   d-block element (b)  Be, Al
(III)  Diagonally related elements (c)  Fe, Co
(IV)  Typical elements (d) Np, Pu

(A) c a d b
(B) d c b a
(C) d c a b
(D) c d b a
43. Find out True and False statements.
(I) Z eff of Li+ > Z eff of B3+
(II) s of B < s of C
(III) Value of Z eff of mono electronic species is equal to number of protons.
(IV) Z eff is fundamental factor of period to explain properties of an element.

44. If the ionic radii (Å) of C4- and O2- are 2.60 and 1.40. Then the ionic radius of N3- would be
(A) 2.60 (B) 1.40 (C) 1.71 (D) 1.21
45. The atomic radius of fluorine and neon in angstrom units respectively will be
(A) 1.60 and 1.60 (B) 0.762 and 1.60 (C) 1.60 and 0.762 (D) 0.762 and 0.762
46. The correct order of ionic radius is
(A) S2-> Cl- > S > Cl (B) S2- > Cl- > Cl > S (C) S2-> S > Cl- > Cl (D) Cl- > S2- > S > Cl
47. Which of the following will have the smallest radius?
(A) Li (B) Li+ (C) H (D) H+
48. The smallest among the following is
(A) Li+ (B) Al3+ (C) Mg2+ (D) Na+
49. Due to lanthanide contraction
(A) the size of Zr and Hf becomes almost equal.
(B) the size decreases regularly from Ce to Lu in the lanthanide series.
(C) the size of Ba and Ra becomes almost equal.
(D) all of these.
50. Which of the following species has the smallest size?
(A) C4- (B) P3- (C) Se2- (D) I-
51. Choose the correct order of size.
(A) H- < F- < Cl- < O2- (B) F- < H- < ≈ O2- < Cl- (C) F- < H- < Cl- < O2- (D) F- < O2- ≈ Cl- < H-
52. In which of the following compounds, the size of Mn will be minimum?
(A) MnO (B) MnO2 (C) K2MnO4 (D) KMnO4

Chapter 01.indd 4 12-Feb-19 11:16:04 AM

53. The correct relation of atomic size among the following is
(A) K > Ba > Sr (B) Ba > K > Sr (C) Ba > Sr > K (D) Ba > K = Sr.
54. Which among the following set of atoms will have almost equal atomic radius?
(A) Mn, Fe and Co (B) Cr, Mn and Fe (C) Co, Ni and Cu (D) Fe, Co and Ni
55. The correct order of ionic radii is
(A) Co2+ > Ni2+ > Cu2+ > Zn2+ (B) Co2+ > Ni2+ > Cu2+ < Zn2+
(C) Co2+ > Ni2+ < Cu2+ > Zn2+ (D) Co2+ < Ni2+ < Cu2+ < Zn2+
56. Choose the incorrect relation of atomic radii
(A) Al > Ga (B) Cu < Zn (C) Zn < Ga (D) Ca < Ti
57. There are three elements (P), (Q) and (R) belonging to the second period of the modern periodic table. The number of valence
­electrons present in them are 4, 5 and 6 respectively. Then the smallest one among them is
(A) (P) (B) (Q) (C) (R) (D) Data insufficient

58. The size (pm) of the isoelectronic species, N3-, Ne and Al3+ respectively are
(A) 171, 140 and 136 (B) 140, 171 and 136 (C) 171, 136 and 140 (D) 140, 136 and 171.
+ 2+
59. Raj a student, reported the atomic radii (AR)/ionic radii (IR) of Cu, Cu and Cu as 1.28 Å, 1.32 Å and 0.73 Å respectively, then choose
true statement.
(A) AR (IR) of Cu+ and Cu2+ is correct while Cu is wrong. (B) AR (IR) of Cu and Cu+ is correct while Cu2+ is wrong.
2+ +
(C) AR (IR) of Cu and Cu is correct, while Cu is wrong. (D) AR (IR) of Cu, Cu+ and Cu2+ are correctly reported.

60. Correct order of ionic radius:

(A) Te2- > Br - > K + > Cl- (B) Te2- > Br - > Cl- > K + (C) Br - > Te2 - > Cl- > K + (D) K + > Te2 - > Br - > Cl-

61. Correct order of size is

(A) In ³ Tl (B) Sn £ Pb (C) Sn ³ Pb (D) Sn ³ Bi

62. Which diagram correctly represent variation of size of isoelectronic ions?

3- decrease 3- decrease
N Mg2+ N Mg 2+

(A) increase increase (B) increase decrease

+ - + -
Na Na
decrease F increase F

3- decrease increase
N Mg 2+ N
Mg 2+

(C) increase increase (D) decrease decrease

+ - +
Na -
increase F Na
increase F

63. Correct order of van der Waals radius is

(A) O > F > Ne (B) O > F << Ne (C) O < F < Ne (D) None

64. The incorrect statement among the following is

(A) The ionization energy of a cation is always higher than its corresponding atom.
(B) Greater is the negative charge lower will be the ionization energy among isoelectronic species.
(C) The correct order of ionization energy is O2- > O- > O > O+ > O2+.
(D) All are correct.
65. Which of the following elements will require maximum energy for the removal of an electron from its outermost shell?
(A) Zn (B) Cd (C) Cr (D) Hg
66. The element with highest ionization energy (IE) among the following will have the outer shell electronic configuration
(A) 2s22p6 (B) 2s22p3 (C) 2s22p4 (D) 2s2
67. Which of the following will have the highest second ionization energy?
(A) N (B) O (C) F (D) C

Chapter 01.indd 5 12-Feb-19 11:16:06 AM

68. The first ionization energy of Be and B respectively is
(A) 8.29 eV and 9.32 eV (B) 9.32 eV and 9.32 eV (C) 9.32 eV and 8.29 eV (D) 8.29 eV and 8.29 eV
69. Ionization energy can be represented as IE in
(A) Na(s) + IE → Na+(s) + e- (B) Na(s) + IE → Na+(g) + e- (C) Na(g) + IE → Na+(g) + e- (D) All of these.
70. The element with the lowest ionization energy is
(A) [Ne]3s23p1 (B) [Ne]3s23p3 (C) [Ar]4s24p1 (D) [Ar]4s23d10
71. The probable values of successive ionization energies for an element belonging to Group 13 of the modern periodic table will be
(all values in kJ/mol)
(A) 120, 267, 530, 680 and 860 (B) 120, 380, 510, 608 and 760
(C) 120, 210, 290, 380 and 600 (D) 120, 208, 350, 680 and 860.
72. The correct order of metallic character is
(A) P < Si < Be < Na < Mg (B) P < Si < Mg < Be < Na (C) P < Si < Be < Mg < Na (D) P > Si > Be > Mg > Na
73. The stable oxidation states of the element (M) having successive ionization energy values (eV/atom) as:


18 25 57 65 78 100
(A) +1 only (B) +2, +4 and +5 (C) +2 and +4 (D) +2 only
74. The correct order of ionization energies is
(A) Zn > Ga (B) Cd > In (C) Hg > Tl (D) All of these.
75. Which of the following will have the lowest ionization energy?
(A) Mn (B) Fe (C) Co (D) Ni
76. The element with the given ionization energy values (kJ/mol) will belong to group


230 410 560 710 920 1445
(A) 2 (B) 13 (C) 15 (D) 20
77. The element with the highest ionization energy is
(A) Ga (B) Zn (C) Ca (D) In
78. Choose the incorrect statement.
(A) Noble gases have the highest ionization energies in their respective periods.
(B) All alkali metals have the lowest ionization energies in their respective periods.
(C) On moving top to bottom ionization energies decreases always.
(D) On moving left to right in the periodic table ionization energy increases but not regularly.
79. The order of the hydrated radii is
(A) Li+ > Na+ > K+ > Rb+ (B) Li+ < Na+ < K+ < Rb+ (C) Li+ > Na+ < K+ < Rb+ (D) Li+ < Na+ > K+ > Rb+
80. Which of the following has the lowest ionic mobility in aqueous solution?
(A) Rb+ (B) K+ (C) Li+ (D) Na+
81. The order of conductance in aqueous solution is
(A) Li+ < Na+ < K+ < Rb+ (B) Li+ > Na+ > K+ > Rb+ (C) Li+ > Na+ < K+ < Rb+ (D) Li+ < Na+ > K+ > Rb+
82. The strongest reducing agent among the following is
(A) K (B) Na (C) Mg (D) Li
83. The third ionization energy will be maximum for
(A) Cr (B) Mn (C) Fe (D) V
84. Which of the following order is incorrect?
(A) IE1(Al) < IE1(Mg) (B) IE1(Na) < IE1(Mg) (C) IE2 (Mg) > IE2 (Na) (D) IE3 (Mg) > IE3 (Al)
85. The correct value of ionization enthalpies of Si, P, Cl and S respectively are
(A) 786, 1012, 1256, 999 (B) 1012, 786, 1256, 999 (C) 1256, 1012, 999, 786 (D) 786, 999, 1012, 1256
86. Which of the following order is incorrect?
(A) IE1 : Li < B < Be < O (B) IE2 : Be < B < O < Li (C) IE2 : Mg < Si < S < P (D) IE2 : Mg < Si < S < P

Chapter 01.indd 6 12-Feb-19 11:16:07 AM

87. Element’s configuration Ionization enthalpy (IE) (kJ/mol)
(I) [Ar] 3d10 4 s2 (a) 579
(II) 10 2
[Ar ] 3d 4 s 4 p 1 (b) 906
10 2
(III) [Kr ] 4 d 5s 5 p 1 (c) 1007
(IV) [Xe] 6 s 2 (d) 558

If each IE given belongs to given elements but not arranged in correct order. Which is the correctly matched value?
(A) (I) ® a
b (B) (II) → c (C) (III) → a (D) (IV ) → d
88. The incorrect statement is
(A) The second ionization energy of Se is greater than that of second ionization energy of As.
(B) The IE1 of C2+ ion is greater than that of first ionization energy of N2+ ion.
(C) The third ionization energy of F is greater than that of third ionization energy of O.
(D) Halogens have highest ionization energy in respective period.
89. Which diagram of ionization energy is correct?
increase increase

Cu Ag Cu Ag
(A) (B)

Au decrease Au remaining
increase decrease
almost same
decrease decrease
Cu Ag Cu Ag
(C) (D)

decrease Au remains decrease Au increase


90. The electron gain enthalpy of noble gases is

(A) positive. (B) negative. (C) zero. (D) high.
91. Which of the following is the strongest oxidizing agent?
(A) Cl2 (B) F2 (C) Br2 (D) I2
92. The element with the lowest value of electron affinity (EA) among the following is
(A) S (B) Se (C) Te (D) O
93. Choose the correct order of electron affinity.
(A) Li < Be > B < C > N < O (B) Li > Be < B < C > N < O (C) Li < Be < B < C < N < O (D) None of these.
94. The correct order of electron affinity is
(A) O < S (B) F < Cl (C) N < P (D) All of these.
95. Which of the following elements will have a negative electron gain enthalpy?
(A) Be (B) Mg (C) Al (D) N
96. The electronic configuration of the element with highest electron affinity is
(A) 3s23p5 (B) 2s22p3 (C) 2s22p5 (D) 2s22p2
97. Fluorine is a stronger oxidizing agent than chlorine due to
(A) high bond dissociation energy of fluorine. (B) low electron gain enthalpy of fluorine.
(C) high hydration enthalpy of fluoride ions. (D) low ionization energy of fluorine.
98. Which of the following is an endothermic process?
(A) O - (g) + e - ® O2 - (g) (B) O(g) + e - ® O - (g) (C) Cl(g) + e - ® Cl- (g) (D) S(g) + e - ® S- (g)
99. The element with highest electron affinity and smallest size in its respective group is
(A) F (B) O (C) Li (D) N

Chapter 01.indd 7 12-Feb-19 11:16:09 AM

100. The least stable ion among the following is
(A) O- (B) Be- (C) B- (D) Li-
101. Ionization enthalpy of an anion is
(A) ionization enthalpy of the atom. (B) electron affinity of cation.
(C) electron affinity of atom. (D) electron gain enthalpy of atom.
102. Electron affinity of a cation is equal to
(A) electron gain enthalpy of anion. (B) ionization enthalpy of atom.
(C) ionization enthalpy of anion. (D) electron affinity of atom.
103. The arrangement representing the order of the first electron affinity of O, F and Cl is
(A) Cl > O > F (B) F > O > Cl (C) O > Cl > F (D) Cl > F > O
104. The element with the lowest electron affinity is
(A) P (B) Al (C) O (D) C
105. Almost zero electron affinity values of Be and Mg can be explained by
(A) small sizes of Be and Mg.
(B) metallic character of both the elements.
(C) order of penetration effect and force of attraction experienced by different subshells of a shell.
(D) None of these.
106. In which of the following cases the energy released will be minimum?
(A) Cl(g) ® Cl- (g) (B) F(g) ® F - (g) (C) N(g) ® N- (g) (D) P(g) ® P - (g)
107. The electron gain enthalpies (in kJ mol–1) of oxygen and sulphur respectively are
(A) –780, +590 (B) –590, +780 (C) +590, +780 (D) –141, –200
108. Select equations having exothermic step:
(I) S(g) ® S2 - (g)
(II) Na+ (g) + Cl- (g) ® NaCl(s)
(III) N(g) ® N- (g)
(IV) Al2 + (g) ® Al3+ (g)
Choose the correct code.
(A) (II) (B) (I), (II) (C) (III) and (IV) (D) (II) and (III)
109. Choose the correct option representing the nature of the given statement as true (T) or false(F):
(I) Ionization potential (IP) of O(g) is less than IP of O - (g).
(II) IP of Ne(g) is greater than IP of Ne + (g).
(III) EA of O + (g) is greater than EA of O(g).
(IV) IP of N(g) is greater than IP of N+ (g).

110. Which electronegativity scale is considered to be most accurate?

(A) Pauling scale (B) Mullikan scale (C) Allred rochow scale (D) Sorensen scale
111. Which of the following type of bond will be formed between two elements having electronegativity values equal to 1.4 and
3.5 respectively?
(A) Metallic (B) Ionic (C) Covalent (D) Coordinate
112. The bond formed between two elements having electronegativity value equal to 2.1 and 3.5 respectively, will be
(A) ionic bond. (B) non-polar covalent. (C) polar covalent. (D) metallic.
113. The minimum electronegativity difference between two elements for a predominantly ionic bond will be
(A) 1.7 (B) 1.8 (C) 2.1 (D) 2.4
114. The electronegativity of an element having ionization energy and electron affinity values equal to 680 kJ/mol and 400 kJ/mol
(A) 2.0 (B) 2.5 (C) 1.5 (D) None of these.
115. The electron affinity of an element with electronegativity value of 3.0 and ionization energy equal to 1120 kJ/mol will be
(A) 500 kJ/mol. (B) 600 kJ/mol. (C) 400 kJ/mol. (D) 350 kJ/mol.

Chapter 01.indd 8 12-Feb-19 11:16:11 AM

116. The outermost electronic configuration representing the most electronegative element among the following is
(A) 2s22p3 (B) 3s23p3 (C) 2s22p4 (D) 3s23p4
117. The correct order of electronegativity is
(A) O > Cl > N > F (B) F > O > N > Cl (C) F > Cl > O > N (D) F > O > Cl > N
118. The oxidation of N in NCl3 is
(A) +3 (B) -1 (C) -3 (D) +1
119. The bond dissociation energy of B-B bond, A-A bond and A-B bond is 104.2 kcal/mol, 36.6 kcal/mol and 134.6 kcal/mol respec-
tively. Then the electronegativity of B will be, if the electronegativity of A is 2.1.
(A) 1.55 (B) 3.01 (C) 2.65 (D) 3.65
120. What will be the electronegativity of an atom (X), having Zeff value equal to the last electron of carbon and an atomic radius
of 77 pm?
(A) 2.0 (B) 2.5 (C) 3.0 (D) 3.5
121. The radius of an atom X, based on the following Allred Roschow graph will be

e = 1.



(A) 0.75 Å (B) 0.50 Å (C) 0.75 pm (D) 0.50 pm

122. The electronegativity of carbon will be highest in
(A) CH4 (B) C2H6 (C) C2H4 (D) C2H2
123. The electronegativity of Mo will be highest in
(A) MoO (B) Mo2O3 (C) MoO2 (D) MoO3
124. The least electronegative carbon atom is in
(A) CCl4 (B) CH2Cl2 (C) CH3F (D) CH3Cl
125. The least basic oxide among the following is
(A) Mo2O5 (B) MoO2 (C) Mo2O3 (D) MoO
126. Which of the following compounds will react with aqueous HCl?
(A) SnO (B) SnO2 (C) NaOH (D) All of these.
127. The compound that will react with NaOH as well as HCl in its aqueous solution is
(A) Al2O3 (B) BeO (C) ZnO (D) All of these.
128. Which of the following pair of atoms show diagonal relationship?
(A) Li and Mg (B) Be and Al (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these.
129. Diagonal relationship occurs due
(A) comparable charge to size ratio of cations formed. (B) comparable electronegativities.
(C) comparable polarizing power of cations formed. (D) all of these.
130. Element P, Q, R and S belongs to the same group. The oxide of P is acidic, oxides of Q and R are amphoteric while the oxide of S is
basic. Which of the following elements is most electropositive?
(A) P (B) Q (C) R (D) S
131. Aqueous solutions of two compound M1-O-H and M2-O-H are prepared in two different beakers.
If EN of M1 ® 3.4, M2 ® 1.2, O ® 3.5 and H ® 2.1, then the nature of two solutions will be respectively:
(A) acidic, basic. (B) acidic, acidic. (C) basic, acidic. (D) basic, basic.

Chapter 01.indd 9 12-Feb-19 11:16:12 AM

132. Among the following least and most polar bonds respectively are:
(I) C – I
(II) N – O
(III) C – F
(IV) P – F
(A) (IV) and (III) (B) (I) and (IV) (C) (II) and (IV) (D) (II) and (III)
133. Correct order of acidic strength is
(A) CaO < PbO2 < SO3 < Cl2O7 (B) BeO < MgO < CaO < SrO
(C) N2O3 < P2O3 < As2O3 (D) TiO < K 2O < Cs2O
134. Which of the following diagrams, shows correct changes in the polarity of bond?
Decrease Decrease
O–H CI – H O–H CI – H

(A) Decrease Increase (B) Increase Decrease

Decrease Decrease

Increase Decrease
O–H CI – H O–H CI – H

(C) Decrease Increase (D) Increase Increase

Decrease Decrease

135. Select the group where electronegativity increases down the group.
(A) F, Cl, Br (B) Li, Na, K (C) Ca, Sr, Ba (D) Zn, Cd, Hg

Chapter 01.indd 10 12-Feb-19 11:16:12 AM

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