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Zig Zag ball relay

Stand in two parallel lines, spaced to
suit the players, e.g. 2-3m
•Space players so they are offset, i.e.
not directly facing each other
•Player 1 (line A) bounce passes
diagonally to player 2 (line B), who
bounce passes to player 3 (line A) and
so on
•The last player throws the ball into a
In 5 mins, count have many balls
inside the container

overhead ball race

Stand in a queue in teams, facing forwards
Pass the ball to each other’s and put the
Ball inside the basket.
If the ball felt down, it doesn’t count.
The first team to put all the balls in
The basket wins the challenge.

Knee throwing
The participant kneels on a mat (or
some other type of soft surface) in
front of a
raised, soft object (e.g. soft tumble
mat or foam mat). The participant then
back (pre-tensing the body) and
heaves the medicine ball (1kg) using
a twohanded
over-head forward throw for maximum

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