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ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: What is Pollution and Air Pollution (Semi-Finals)

Introduction to Meaning of Pollution such as coal, oil, gasoline to produce energy for
electricity or transportation. The release of carbon
Pollution mostly made by human error. We humans are
monoxide in high level indicates how much fossil fuel
sometimes irresponsible on way we act towards
is burned. This also emits other toxic pollutants in the
environment. We don't care about the outcomes of our
air. A primary pollutant can be generated by many
actions, that's why most people suffer from different
sources: pesticide dust sprayed intensively in
illnesses. There's a lot of garbage bins everywhere, yet
agricultural areas, emissions from car and industrial
we disregard and throw the trash improperly. The oils
exhausts, or dust kicked about from mining operations,
from factories and ships spilled to the oceans and rivers
to name a few. Some primary pollutants are composed
resulting in lack of circulated oxygen and destruction
of particulate matter that is not easily dispersed.
of marine life over a long period.
Air pollution/Classification of air pollutants/
Classification of sources of air pollutants
Air pollution
Mixture of solid particles and gases in the air. Car
emissions, chemicals from factories, dust, pollen, and
mold spores may be suspended as particles. Ozone, a
gas, is a major part of air pollution in cities. When
ozone forms air pollution, it's also called Some air
pollutants are poisonous.
Classification of Air Pollutants
As we know these kinds of air pollutants are harmful
to us human. When mixed with different kind of
chemical or substances.
Classification of Sources of Air Pollutants
It has 2 sources one is the Stationary sources: from a
fixed location, usually from infrastructures and
chemical factories. And number two is the are either
on-read or off-road such as cars and other vehicles use
carbon-based combustions made from burning gas to
Primary air Pollutants
Pollutants that are formed and emitted directly from
particular sources. Examples are particulates, carbon
monoxide, nitrogen oxide, and sulfur oxide. Secondary
air pollutants: Pollutants that are formed in the lower
atmosphere by chemical reactions. These six pollutants
are carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen oxides, ground-
level ozone, particle pollution (often referred to as
particulate matter), and sulfur oxides. Most of the air
pollution takes place due to the burning of fossil fuels
John Malicdem – Mariane Vinalyn Caraulia – Danica Shane Buenaluz – Stephanie Nejal 1
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Water and Marine Pollution (Semi-Finals)

In this Lesson the student should be able to H. Heat

identify the following:
Marine Pollution
1. Define water Pollution.
2. Cite Major sources of water and marine pollution Our oceans get polluted every day from different
and its classification. substances and materials
3. Identify the types of water and marine pollutants Includes a range of threats including land-based
and its sources and effects. sources, oil spills, untreated sewage, heavy situation,
Water Pollution eutrophication, invasive species, persistent organic
pollutants (POP’s)
Refers to the changes in the physical and chemical
properties on both water surface and ground water, can
adversely affect living organisms.
Major Sources of Water Pollution and It’s
A. A Source that discharges pollutant or any
effluent, such as wastewater, through pipes,
ditches, and sewers into bodies of water at
specific locations
B. A Source that is one of many widely scattered
sources that discharges pollutants over a large

Common Types of Water Pollutions, It’s Sources

and Effects
A. Disease Causing Organism
(Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa, Parasites)
B. Oxygen Demanding wastes
(Domestic sewage, Animal Manure and Other
Biodegradable Organic Wastes that Deplete
Water of Dissolved Oxygen
C. Water Soluble Inorganic Chemicals
(Acids, Salts, Toxic Metals, and their
D. Inorganic Plant Nutrients
(Water Soluble Nitrate and Phosphate Salts)
E. Organic Chemicals
(Insoluble and Water Soluble all, Gasoline's
Plastics, Pesticides, Cleaning Solvents, etc.)
F. Sediments of Suspended Matter
(Insoluble Pesticides, Soil, Salts and Other
Inorganic and Organic Materials that can
Remain Suspended in Water)
G. Radioactive Substance
(Random 222 and Uranium)

Erica DeVera – Ma. Theresa Bandong 2

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Land and Soil Pollution (Semi-Finals)

Land pollution c. Litters

Trash, such as paper, cans, and bottles, that is left
The presence in land of any solid waste in such
lying in an open or public place.
quantity, of such nature and duration and under such
conditions that would be injurious to human health or Common causes of Land and Soil Pollution:
welfare, animal or plant life, and Property.
Agricultural activities
Largely the product of poor agricultural practices, The spreading of plant protection products such
inefficient irrigation, improper hazardous chemicals as pesticides and herbicides, as well as the emissions of
and nuclear waste management, and a range of livestock buildings and farms are at the origin of soil
industrial, military, and extractive activities. pollution, by nitrogen and phosphates.
” Industrialization and rising human population are
Synthetic pesticides and fertilizers that leave acidic by-
two of the main factors of the widespread of land pollution”
products in the soil acidify the soil over time causing
Industrialization nutrients in the soil to leach away and kills organisms
in the soil that are beneficial for plant growth.
- Soil contamination is another problem that goes
hand in hand with industrialization. Lead is the Construction activities
most common form of soil contamination, but
More constructions mean more demand for land areas
other heavy metals and toxic chemicals can also
as construction sites, raw materials such as timber,
leach into the soil and, in turn, contaminate any
gravel and sand which means clearing of more forest
crops that grow there.
lands to put up a new building. Cutting more trees for
Rising human population timber, quarrying for gravel and sand causing damage
to land.
- To accommodate this increased population,
construction activities also occur, which result in Also, using hazardous chemicals including paints,
large waste materials, such as metal, plastic, wood, glues, oils, thinners, and plastics, which all produce
and bricks. When these materials are not properly noxious vapors.
disposed of, it contributes to the land pollution of
that area. Waste dumps at landfills and other sites

Solid waste classification: A landfill is a pit or hole where solid wastes is disposed
of using soil to cover waste material.
a. Municipal solid wastes
More commonly known as trash or garbage— Landfills emit landfill gas that consists mostly of
consists of everyday items we use and then throw methane and carbon dioxide, with small amounts of
away, such as product packaging, grass clippings, volatile organic compounds from the bacterial
furniture, clothing, bottles, food scraps, decomposition of organic materials. Methane and
newspapers, appliances, paint, and batteries. This carbon dioxide are both greenhouse gases, and
comes from our homes, schools, hospitals, and methane is toxic and explosive in large concentrations.
b. Agricultural solid wastes Deforestation and soil erosion
Generated through agricultural activities involving Deforestation carried out to create drylands is one of
preparation, production, storage, processing and the major concerns. Land that is once converted into
consumption of agricultural produce, livestock, dry or barren land can never be made fertile again,
and their products. Agricultural solid wastes are whatever the magnitude of measures to redeem it is.
produced via: Farming activities. ➢ Land conversion, meaning the alteration or
modification of the original properties of the land
to make it use-worthy for a specific purpose, is
Jowella Anne Ortega – Trixia Mae Beo 3
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Land and Soil Pollution (Semi-Finals)

another major cause. It hampers the land


Mining activities
During extraction and mining activities, several land
spaces are created beneath the surface. We constantly
hear about land caving in, which is nothing but nature’s
way of filling the spaces left out after mining or
extraction activity.
Increased solid waste disposal
The instant culture of busy people has led to the use of
products that generate non-biodegradable solid waste
such as plastic containers bottles can styro-containers
electronic products and worn-out machines among

Jowella Anne Ortega – Trixia Mae Beo 4

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Noise and Thermal Pollution (Semi-Finals)

What is Noise? - Stress reaction

- Muscle Tension
Noise is unwanted sound considered unpleasant, loud,
or disruptive to hearing. Produces no meaningful - Dilation of pupil- wincing
communication. It has constantly varying pitch and has - Spasms of stomach
no regular periodic motion.
What is Noise Pollution? - (dB) is a unit used to measure the intensity of a
- Considered as any unwanted or disturbing sound sound or the power level of an electrical signal by
that affects the health of humans and other comparing it with a given level on a logarithmic
organisms. scale.
- It consists of pressure waves that travel through
the air.
- It was measured in terms of intensity or strength of
the sound filled in decibel- silently, an arbitrary
threshold level represented by zero decibels (dB).

Major Sources of Noise Pollution and Its

➢ Transportation Noise and Decibels (Table 1)
Constitutes the surface transport vehicle and traffic
condition. Noise Levels Average Decibels (dB)
Average home noise 40
Normal conversation, background music 60
➢ Industrial
Office noise, inside car at 60 mph 70
Composed of the constructions and industrial
machineries Noise and Decibels (Table 2)
Noise Levels Average Decibels (dB)
➢ Household
Includes home appliances like radio, television, Threshold Hearing 1
vacuum cleaner, and others. Normal Hearing 10

Whispering 20
➢ Military
Comprises of explosives and other warfare Quiet office 30

equipment. Homes 40

Quiet Restaurant 50
Effects of Noise Pollution to Human health
Conversation 60
➢ Biosocial Effect
Social interactions by means of communication Automobile 70

with friends, coworker, family’ students. Interferes Food Blender 80

with conversation, Interferes with relaxation, Heavy Duty blender 100
leisure, and sleep.
Jet Aircraft taking off/ clap of thunder 120

➢ Biophysical and Physiological effect

- Effects of anatomical (structures) and
Physiological (Functional) aspects. Noise pollution is defined as repeated exposure
- Hearing damage and loss to high levels of sound that may have Noise pollution
- Migraine headache is defined as repeated exposure to high levels of sound

Fraline Arceo - Marianne Trisha Raroque 5

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Noise and Thermal Pollution (Semi-Finals)

that may have negative effects for humans or other

living things. There are different levels of noise, and a
decibel meter (a type of measuring instrument) were
used to measure sound pressure to assess noise or
sound levels. For a start, noise level as low as 50-55
may cause feeling of fatigue on awakening. Meanwhile,
sound level that reached 90 may result in irreversible
changes in autonomic nervous system. On the other
hand, noise above 120 decibels can be a result of
permanent partial hearing loss. At last, noise at the
uppermost greater level than 150 can cause traumatic
hearing loss. In this level, it can be painful and
dangerous that may result in physical damage inside the
Let us now turn our attention to the topic
thermal or heat pollution. Thermal pollution is
described as a human-caused change in the
temperature of a natural body of water, such as an
ocean, lake, river, or pond. The heated wastewater
produced by production and manufacturing companies
is one of the most significant sources of thermal
pollution such as fossil, nuclear, and hot water vapor.
Thermal pollution is most likely caused by cooling for
industrial machinery and power plants, which can harm
people and other living things. The effect of thermal
pollution includes killing of some species of fish, can
cause global warming, destruction of marine resources
and many more. We don't always hear about thermal
pollution, yet it is one of the major causes of
environmental harm. As a result, we must be cautious
and avoid it. To reduce thermal pollution, converting
facilities from once-through to closed-loop cooling can
considerably reduce the amount of thermal pollution

Fraline Arceo - Marianne Trisha Raroque 6


- Almost half of the acidic contents of the

Objectives: atmosphere falls back to earth through dry
1. What is Acid Rain
2. Ways Acid Deposition Occurs Acid Rain and the pH Scale

3. Causes of Acid Rain - The pH Scale measures how acidic a substance is.
4. Effects of Acid Rain The scale has values ranging from zero to 14.
- The lower the pH, the more acidic it is.
5. Steps Done to Combat Acid Rain - Normal rain has an acidic pH which ranges from
5.3 to 6.0 because of the relative amount of Carbon
6. Ways to Reduce Acid Rain
Dioxide (CO2) dissolve in it.
6. Prepare a proposal
What is Acid Rain?

- Any form of Precipitation (rain, snow, sleet,

fog, or hail — any kind of weather condition
where something's falling from the sky.) that
contains high amounts of Nitric Acid and
Sulfuric Acid.

- Also called as Acid Deposition: Precipitation

which contains higher than normal levels of

Acid Deposition Occurs in Two Ways:

- Anything lower than 5.3 is affected by acid

deposition thus becoming acid rain.

Causes of Acid Rain

- Is caused by a chemical reaction of the compounds

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) and oxides of Nitrogen
- These chemicals are released into the atmosphere
1. Wet Deposition – acidic rain, fog, and snow where they react with water, oxygen, and other
chemicals by oxidation to form the acid
- Acidic materials are blown to areas where the
compounds Sulfuric and Nitric Acid. These
weather is wet.
acids are carried by prevailing winds very far and
became part of rain, snow, or fog.
2. Dry Deposition – acidic gases and particles in the
atmosphere that are incorporated with dust or smoke - Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides go
and fall to the ground through several complex stages of chemical
reactions before they become acids in acid rain.
- Dry deposited gases and particles can be
washed from the Earth’s surface by rainstorms
leading to runoff with more acidic contents.

Marby Bernardino – Rhoan Gaile Calaguin 7


- The most common process of Sulfuric Acid - Industrial emissions account for the
formation in air is when Sulfur Dioxide is majority of Sulfur Dioxide in the
oxidized to Sulfur Trioxide atmosphere
- Nitrogen Oxides such as Nitrogen Dioxide
are by-products of processes which are
performed at extremely high temperatures
such as fertilizer production, electric
utilities, and other industrial processes.

b) Transportation

H2SO4 – Sulfuric Acid

HNO3 – Nitric Acid
NH3 + H+ = NH4+ - Natural Ammonia

Sulfur Dioxide is oxidized:

SO2 + O2 SO3
Number of pollutants emitted by passenger
Sulfuric Trioxide then reacts with water to form (g/person-km) and freight (g/ton-km) transport.
Sulfuric Acid:
- Vehicle used for public transportation and
SO3 + H2O H2SO4 freight transportation contributes
massively on the overall emission of Sulfur
The following chemical reaction occurs when Nitrogen Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides.
Dioxide reacts with water:
2. Natural Sources
2 NO2 HNO2 + HNO3 - Each year, Volcanoes collectively emit 20-25
Million tons of Sulfur Dioxide into the
Nitrous acid (HNO2) then decomposes as follows: atmosphere
- Geothermal hot springs, plankton, forest fires,
3 HNO2 HNO3 + 2 NO + H2O and rotting vegetation also contributes to the
overall number of Sulfur Dioxide emitted in
Sources of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) and Nitrogen the atmosphere
Oxide (NOx)

1. Anthropogenic Sources (Man-Made)

a) Industrial Combustion
- Sulfur Dioxide (colorless gas) is emitted by
industrial processes like crude oil
processing, production of iron and
steel, conversion of wood pulp to paper,
incineration, and burning of fossil
Marby Bernardino – Rhoan Gaile Calaguin 8

- Nitrogen Oxides are produced naturally by those areas can buffer the acid rain by neutralizing
lightning, and, to a small extent, by microbial the acidity in the rainwater flowing through it. This
processes in soils. capacity depends on the thickness and composition
of the soil and the type of bedrock underneath it.

- It dissolves toxic substances in the soil.

The acid deposits rob the soil of essential
nutrients such as calcium and cause aluminum to
be released in the soil, which makes it hard for
trees to take up water. Trees' leaves and needles
are also harmed by acids.

Surface Water and Aquatic Life

- Acid Rain causes acidification of lake and
stream water.
As the acidity of a lake increases, the water
becomes clearer, and the numbers of fish and other
water animals decline. Some species of plant and
animal are better able to survive in acidic water
than others.

- It causes harmful effects on fish, it decreases

Acid rain causes a cascade of effects that harm or
kill individual fish, reduce fish population
numbers, eliminate fish species from a waterbody,
and decrease biodiversity.
The Effects of Acid Rain

Vegetation and Forests - It increases the aluminum level of lakes and

- Acid Rain can cause slower growth, death, or
As acid rain flows through soils in a watershed,
injury to the forests.
aluminum is released from soils into the lakes and
It is thought that acid rain causes trees to grow
streams located in that watershed.
slower or even to die but scientists have found
that the same amount of acid rain seems to have
Man-Made Objects
more effect in some areas than it does in others. As
acid rain falls on a forest it trickles through the - As acid lands on buildings (especially those constructed
leaves of the trees and runs down into the soil with limestone) it reacts with minerals in the stones
below. sometimes causing it to disintegrate and wash
- It weakens the trees by damaging their leaves. - When acid rain and dry acidic particles fall to earth,
Acid rain does not usually kill trees directly. the nitric and sulfuric acid that make the
Instead, it is more likely to weaken the trees by particles acidic can land on statues, buildings, and
damaging their leaves, limiting the nutrients other manmade structures, and damage their
available to them, or poisoning them with toxic surfaces. The acidic particles corrode metal and
substances slowly released from the soil. cause paint and stone to deteriorate more quickly.

What has been done?

- It reduces the buffering capacity (acid-
neutralizing ability) of the soil. - In 1995, the US made an amendment to its Clean
Many forests, streams, and lakes that experience Air Act to include SO2 and NOx reductions. The
acid rain don’t suffer effects because the soil in Acid Rain Program sets a cap on the total amount

Marby Bernardino – Rhoan Gaile Calaguin 9


of SO2 that powerplants in the US produce and they produce much less pollution. These
regulates the power industry to reduce the energy sources can be used to power
emissions of NOx. Scientists believed that for the machinery and produce electricity.
ecosystem to fully recover, reductions have to drop
an additional 40% to 80% by 2010. 5. Plant a tree
- A study by The Nature Conservancy reports
- More efficient vehicle emission control device that the average reduction of particulate
called catalytic converter removes NOx and other matter near a tree was between 7% and 24%.
pollutants like cardon monoxide and volatile Leaves act as natural filters for both gases and
organic compounds. particulate matter in urban environments.
Trees also reduce air pollution by helping to
- Alternative forms of energy like nuclear, solar, and cool urban areas and mitigate the urban heat
hydropower to not emit the millions of tons of island effect. Appropriate species selection
NOx and SO2 that upset ecosystems, blight and a thoughtful planting design can produce
buildings and monuments and weaken people’s beneficial effects on air quality.

Ways to Reduce Acid Rain

1. Understand the problem and educate other

- Now that you have learned about this
environmental issue, you can tell others about
it. By telling your classmates, parents, and
teachers about what you learned on this site,
you can help educate them about the problem
of acid rain.

2. Conserve Energy
- Since energy production creates large
amounts of the pollutants that cause acid rain,
one important step you can take is to
conserve energy.

3. Reducing On-Road Vehicle exhaust

- One type of technology used in cars is called
a catalytic converter. This piece of equipment
has been used for over 20 years to reduce the
amount of nitrogen oxides released by cars.
- Some new cars can also use cleaner fuels, such
as natural gas. Cars that produce less
pollution and are better for the environment
are often labeled as low emissions vehicles.

4. Use an alternative energy source

- A great way to reduce acid rain is to produce
energy without using fossil fuels. Instead,
people can use renewable energy sources,
such as solar and wind power. Renewable
energy sources help reduce acid rain because
Marby Bernardino – Rhoan Gaile Calaguin 10

Red Tide 3. Low salinity

A worldwide natural phenomena characterized by 4. Major nutrients source
rapid increase in the population of microalgae. 5. Calm seas and rainy days on summer
Before scientists use to called it HABs no matter 6. Algae related.
what the color is but today they prefer the term
harmful algal bloom because it is more accurate to Effects
describe the phenomena.
1. Water Discoloration
There are approximately 85 species of aquatic plant.
- clearest effect.
Karenia Brevis - water may turn red, blue, green
- found in the gulf of mexico along the west coast of 2. Shellfish Poisoning / contamination
florida - The symptoms of shellfish poisoning, start as
- K. brevis produces brevetoxins capable of killing soon as the victim's digestive system starts to digest the
fish, birds, and other marine animals. Brevetoxins may infected shellfish. Cooking does not destroy the toxins.
also cause health problems in humans, including There are different types of poisonings, with a wide
respiratory irritation when wave action breaks open variety of symptoms, depending upon the toxins(s)
cells and the toxins become airborne. People who present, their concentrations in the shellfish and the
consume shellfish contaminated with brevetoxins can number of contaminated shellfish consumed.
suffer Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning.
3. Massive Fish kill
Alexandrium fundyense - algae can physically damage the fish population by
- a species of dinoflagellates. It produces toxins that suffocation and clogging or irritating their gills so they
induce paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) and is a can’t sufficient oxygen
common cause of red tide. A. fundyense regularly forms - this happens when algae consume all the oxygen or
massive blooms along the northeastern coasts of the when the bloom dies.
United States and Canada,resulting in enormous
4. Threat to Human
economic losses and public health concerns
- Natural toxin in algae can cause several different
Alexandrium Catenella illnesses
- Alexandrium catenella is an armoured, marine, - Most develop after exposure.
planktonic dinoflagellate. It is associated with
toxic PSP blooms in cold water coastal regions.
1. Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP)
Causes of Red Tides
- toxic can concentrated by mussels, scallops,
1. Warm water clams, and crabs.
Algal usually develop on warmer month because - it can be life threatening syndrome that is
warm temperatures prevent water from mixing, characterized by both gastrointestinal and neurological
allowing algae to grow thicker and faster. Warmer disorder.
water is easier for small organisms to move through 2. Ciguatera Fish Poisoning
and allows algae to float to the surface faster. Algal - symptoms usually go away in days but can last for
blooms absorb sunlight, making water even warmer years.
and promoting more blooms. - common report
- no specific cure

2. Presence of organism in the water. 3. Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning

Mira Lajara 11

- it usually beginning after 30 mins to a few hours

after consumption of the shellfish toxic
- not fatal
4. Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning
- it produces intoxication syndrome nearly identical
to ciguatera in which gastrointestinal and neurological
symptoms predominate
- formation of toxic by wave action can produce
respiratory asthma
- no death report and the symptoms is less severe
than ciguatera
5. Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning
- symptoms are purely neurological and their onset is
- duration of effects is a few days in non-lethal cases.
- mild (2-3 days)
- in severe it takes weeks
- most fatalities, death occurs rapidly within 12 hrs
- cooking so as freezing cannot destroy the toxin

6. Massive Fishkill
- by contaminating prey or inhaling
- affects the central nervous system of fish and other
animals causing these animals to die

7. Economic Impact
- it has many devastating effects on the oceans
ecosystem one of which is the creation of dead zone.
- Dead zone is created when the algae responsible for
red tide died
- algae decaying process consumes the oxygen in the
ocean causing fish and other sea creatures to die in
larger number.
- losses of tourism / degrade the tourism market in
the area
- health care cost
- wild harvest and agriculture losses.

Can we swim in red tide?

According to FWC, yes, we can however red tide can

cause fish kill and we shouldn't swim near dead fish
because they are associated with harmful bacteria.

Mira Lajara

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