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C: Good Afternoon miss Adriana, as we know you are the leader of the group of the popular

group of adventures.

A: Good afternoon everyone.

C: And thank you so much for talking us today of one of the most dangerous place that you

A: Of course Cami. It’s a pleasure

C: Over the last 2 months that you were exploring the islands of South America. Can you tell us
what the dangerous experience you have in the islands was?

A: Well, all the islands were excellent with good gastronomy and beaches. But one of the
islands called ‘Isla de las quemadas grandes’ ubicated in Brazil in front of the city ‘San Pablo’. I
think that island is the most dangerous of the world. First when I was there, like usually I do. I
ate a ‘’acaraje’’ that is a little food from Brazil.

C: Was that delicious?

A: Of course! After eat that delicious Acaraje. I started to explore the area of that island. I
enter in the tropical forest. When all was okay. One snake bite my fingers and I started to run
with a terrible pain in my hand. While I was running I see a big snake, over 30 meters…

C: REALLY?!?!?! That’s too long.

A: Yes, I know but then I found a ring that when I wear it. The snakes disappeared. And now
I’m going to study this ring. The people over there said that this was a mineral sapphire.

C: Wow, that’s really interesting. Do you recommend this island to explore?

A: Yes, I do. But you have to go with a guide so, you can’t lost and you can be safe. When I was
in that forest, I wasn’t with a guide.

C: Oh. You spoke like a true adventurer.

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