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1. Instruction: Select one of the companies from several industries (plantation, property, insurance,
manufacturing, food, telecommunication, oil and gas and airlines.
2. The content of the report should consist of:
a. Acknowledgement
b. Table of content
c. Introduction - explain about background of company, mission, vision, organization chart
(maximum 2 pages)
d. Product/ Services- explain about the products or services available in the market (maximum 3
e. Financial Analysis – 4 categories (liquidity, activity, leverage and profitability with justification for 2
years currently (2020-2022) (maximum 10 pages)
f. Current issues – at least two (2) issues related the company and financial performance (maximum
3 pages)
g. Conclusion and suggestion – according to issues or problems (maximum 2 pages)
h. References – at least 5 sources or references
i. Appendix – including the additional information, tables, graphs, pictures and others
3. Report Format:
a. Front page (City U logo, course name and code, name of company and logo, full name of group
member with ID and date of submission)
b. Font types: Times New Roman (size 12)
c. Paragraph: Justify and 1.5 spacing
d. Pages label: on the right pages (bottom)
e. References must be an alphabetical ordering

Report (10%)
a. Presentation (5%) – Video Presentation
b. Example situation: Role play (BOD meeting, budget meeting, AGM, procurement plan meeting or
others related situation)
c. Duration of video: 20 – 25 minutes only
d. Assessment: An individual and group collaboration
e. Presentation: verbal and subtitles in English only
f. Visual aids: Table of financial analysis, slide, figure and etc must include in video presentation)
g. Role play: CEO, financial manager, accountant, financial/ bank institution and shareholders/

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