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Nervous System–Aphasia Assignment

Wernicke's aphasia and Broca's aphasia are language communication disorders. Help me explore
the two conditions.

1. Instead of using scientists’ names in disease terminology, descriptive terminology is preferred.

What other names are used for these two conditions? And Why this terminology is used?
A. Wernicke's aphasia: receptive aphasia, have difficulty comprehending and following commands
but are able to speak fluently but their speech tends to be rambling without concrete meaning
B. Broca's aphasia: expressive aphasia, can comprehend and follow commands but are unable to
verbalize or write properly

2. Which brain lobe is affected in each type?

A. Wernicke's aphasia: posterior superior temporal lobe
B. Broca's aphasia: posterior inferior frontal gyrus

3. Which aphasia patients can speak with normal rate (fluent speech)? Wernicke's aphasia

4. Which aphasia is characterized by:

A. Errors in grammars (but the sentences are understandable): Broca's aphasia
B. Errors in meaning (sentences often can’t be understood): Wernicke's aphasia

4. Which aphasia patients are aware of their errors (and which are not?)
A. Wernicke's aphasia: Unaware of their spoken mistakes
B. Broca's aphasia: More aware

5. Which aphasia is characterized by difficulty with repetition of words and sentences? Broca’s

6. Which aphasia patients face more problems understanding what others say? Wernicke's aphasia

7. Which aphasia patients are more prone to depression and why? Broca’s aphasics show a greater
tendency to depression than Wernicke’s aphasics because of their awareness of their mistakes which
makes them frustrating.

8. Which aphasia patients may speak the following sentences?

A: I…went... school.. 9 o’clock.. And back.. House.. 3 o’clock: ? Broca’s aphasics

B: I write always to use the door run my disease. Sleep with hospital open: Wernicke’s aphasics

9: Write two Arabic sentences of your own choice each describing the two types of aphasia?
‫‪Broca's aphasia:‬‬
‫يكون الشخص غير قادراً على الكالم بشكل جيد بحيث ينتج جمل متقطعة ‪ ،‬رغم قدرته على معرفة ما يريد التحدث عنه‪ , ,‬هذه المنطقه‬
‫مسؤولة عن انتاج الكالم فقط بتحريك العضالت المسؤولة عن انتاجه‬
‫‪Wernicke aphasia‬‬
‫‪.‬يستطيع الشخص الكالم ‪ ،‬ولكن يكون كالمه بال معنى وغير مفهوم ‪ ,‬وهذه المنطقه مسؤولة عن فهم الكالم وجعله ذا معنى‬

‫?‪10: Give an example of “word salad” in Arabic often shown by people with Wernicke's aphasia‬‬

‫الدكتور‪ :‬مرحبا عمي ايش مشكلتك ؟‬

‫المريض ‪ :‬مش عارف شو احكيلك ‪ ،‬بدي اكون صريح انا ‪ ،‬في ايام انا بكون خجالن ‪ .‬بس يوم االحد انا طلعت ‪ ،‬انا تعبان ‪ ،‬االحد‬
‫‪ .‬واالتنين‬

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