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Solution Manual for Principles and Labs for Fitness and

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Principles & Labs for Fitness & Wellness 12e
Chapter 6 – Cardiorespiratory Endurance

 Define cardiorespiratory (CR) endurance and describe the benefits of CR endurance training
in maintaining health and well-being.
 Define and give examples of aerobic and anaerobic exercise.
 Be able to assess CR fitness through five different test protocols: 1.5-Mile Run Test, 1.0-
Mile Walk Test, Step Test, Astrand Ryhming Test, and 12-Minute Swim Test.
 Be able to interpret the results of CR endurance assessments according to health fitness
and physical fitness standards.
 Determine your readiness to start an exercise program.
 Explain the principles that govern CR exercise prescription: intensity, mode, duration,
frequency, and rate of progression.
 Learn some ways to foster adherence to exercise.

Visit to access course materials and companion resources for this text,
including the assessment of cardiorespiratory endurance and maintaining a log of all of your
fitness activities. You can also check your understanding of the chapter contents by accessing
the pre-test, personalized learning plan, and post-test for this chapter, and more! See the
preface for more information.


Does aerobic exercise make a person immune to heart and blood vessel disease? It is not a
guarantee, but lowers of the risk for developing disease.
Is low-intensity aerobic exercise more effective in burning fat for weight loss purposes?
Vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise will burn more fat because much more energy is required
(carbohydrate and fat) than for easier exercise. The percentage of the energy coming from fat
decreases, but the total amount of fat used increases with increasing intensity of activity.
Do energy drinks enhance performance? The carbohydrate portion of the drink can help during
prolonged exercise (greater than 60 minutes). Otherwise, energy drinks do not enhance
performance and can lead to weight gain, heart arrhythmias, nervousness, irritability, and
gastrointestinal discomfort, especially when high in calories and caffeine.

1 By Paul A. Smith, McMurry University (Abilene, Texas).

Karen reviews her change in life outlook with the influence of a wellness course and varied

Expanded Chapter Outline

A. Cardiorespiratory endurance is the most important component of health-related
physical fitness, except in older adults when muscular strength is particularly
1. Necessary to sustain the energy requirements of a normal life
2. Especially important in preventing cardiovascular disease
3. Helping achieve and maintain recommended body weight
B. The lifestyle of the average American does not promote cardiorespiratory endurance.
1. Physical activity is no longer a natural part of the day.
2. Technological developments have driven most people in developed countries into
sedentary lifestyles.
3. The results are hypokinetic diseases.
a. Defined: "hypo" means low or little, and "kinetic" implies motion
b. Examples of hypokinetic diseases: hypertension, heart disease, chronic low-back
pain, and obesity


A. Cardiorespiratory endurance is a measure of how the pulmonary (lungs), cardiovascular
(heart and blood vessels), and muscular systems work together during aerobic
1. Oxygen taken by the alveoli in the lungs is picked up by hemoglobin in the blood
passing through the alveoli.
2. The heart pumps the oxygenated blood through the circulatory system to all organs
and tissues of the body.
B. At the cellular level
1. Oxygen is used in the cells to help produce energy — ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
a. By converting food substrate (primarily fats and carbohydrates) into ATP
b. ATP provides the energy for physical activity, body functions, and maintenance
of a constant internal equilibrium.
2. ATP energy is used to perform exercise and many other body functions.
3. Exercise demands a high rate of energy expenditure, so the cardiorespiratory
systems have to deliver more oxygen to the muscle cells to supply the required
a. Individuals with a higher capacity to deliver and utilize oxygen (oxygen uptake or
VO2) have a more efficient cardiorespiratory system.
b. Measuring oxygen uptake is an important way to evaluate our cardiorespiratory


A. Aerobic exercises ("with oxygen") help increase cardiorespiratory endurance.
1. Examples: walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, cross-country skiing, water
aerobics, rope skipping, and aerobics
B. Anaerobic exercises ("without oxygen") do not stimulate improvements in the
cardiorespiratory system.
1. High-intensity, short-lived bouts of exercise (2 to 3 minutes) when oxygen cannot be
delivered and utilized to produce energy

2. Examples: 100-, 200-, and 400-meters in track and field, 100-meter in swimming,
gymnastics routines, and strength training


A. Higher maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max)
1. Allows the individual to exercise longer and more intensely before becoming fatigued
2. Increases VO2max 15 to 20 percent on average
B. An increase in the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood
1. Increased red blood cell count
C. A decrease in resting heart rate and an increase in cardiac muscle strength (Table 6.1)
1. As the body rests, the amount of blood pumped by the heart (its cardiac output) is
about 5-6 liters per minute.
2. Aerobic training increases the strength of the heart, so it delivers more blood per
beat. This is an increased stroke volume.
3. A higher stroke volume requires less beats to achieve a given cardiac output (cardiac
output = stroke volume x heart rate).
D. A lower heart rate at given workloads
1. A trained person has a lower heart rate response to a given task because of greater
efficiency of the cardiorespiratory system.
E. An increase in the number and size of the mitochondria.
1. The mitochondria are where all energy necessary for cell function is produced.
2. As their size and numbers increase, so does the potential to produce energy.
F. An increase in the number of functional capillaries
1. Capillaries allow for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood
and the cells.
2. As more vessels open up, more gas exchange can take place, delaying the onset of
fatigue during prolonged exercise.
G. Ability to recover rapidly
1. A fit system is able to more quickly restore any internal equilibrium disrupted
during exercise.
H. Lower blood pressure and blood lipids
1. Aerobic exercise has been shown to reduce high blood pressure.
2. Aerobic exercise leads to lower levels of circulating triglycerides and LDL cholesterol
and a higher level of HDL cholesterol.
I. An increase in fat-burning enzymes
1. More fat is regularly burned in the muscle.


A. Purposes:
1. Educate participants regarding their present fitness levels and compare them with
health fitness and physical fitness standards.
2. Motivate individuals to participate in exercise programs.
3. Provide a starting point for individualized exercise prescription.
4. Evaluate improvements in fitness achieved through exercise programs and adjust
exercise prescription accordingly.
5. Monitor changes in fitness throughout the years.
B. Responders versus Nonresponders
1. Heredity plays a crucial role in how each person responds and improves following
an exercise program.
2. Principle of Individuality
a. Responders — individuals readily experience improvements in fitness following
exercise training.
i. VO2max increases average 15-20%, up to 50%, following several months of
aerobic training.

b. Nonresponders — individuals exhibit small or no improvements following
exercise training.
i. Constituting <5% of exercise participants
ii. Might be related to low levels of leg strength
3. In addition to regular exercise, lifestyle behaviors — walking, taking stairs, etc. —
provide substantial benefits.


A. Cardiorespiratory Endurance, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, and Aerobic Capacity
1. Estimated by the maximal amount of oxygen the body is able to utilize (oxygen
uptake) per minute of physical activity — VO2max
2. VO2max is expressed in mL/kg/min (mL of oxygen for each kilogram of the body
weight, for each minute of the maximal exercise condition).
3. Because all tissues and organs of the body need oxygen to function, higher oxygen
consumption indicates a more efficient cardiorespiratory system.
4. The caloric expenditure of exercise can be calculated by multiplying the caloric
value of VO2 (5 Calories per liter) x the percentage of VO2 max intensity of the exercise
(? L per minute) x the minutes of activity (? min).
5. One pound of fat is lost for every 3,500 Calories of additional expenditure.
B. Components of Oxygen Uptake (VO2)
1. Heart Rate
a. Normal heart rate can range from 40 bpm at rest to over 200 bpm or higher
during maximal exercise.
b. The maximal heart rate (MHR) that a person can achieve starts to drop by about
one beat per year beginning at about 12 years of age.
c. Maximal heart rate in trained endurance athletes is sometimes slightly lower
than in untrained individuals.
2. Stroke Volume
a. Stroke volume ranges from 50 mL/beat (resting untrained individuals) to 200
mL/beat (endurance-trained athletes) (see Table 6.1).
b. Endurance training increases stroke volume (primarily responsible for the
increase in VO2max) significantly due to
i. a stronger heart muscle.
ii. an increase in total blood volume.
iii. a greater filling capacity of the ventricles during the resting phase (diastole)
of the heart cycle.
3. Amount of Oxygen Removed from Blood
a. Known as arterial-venous oxygen difference (a-vO2 diff)
b. At rest, this difference is 5 mL of oxygen for each 100 mL of blood (20 mL/100
mL in arteries — 15 mL/100 mL in veins).
c. During maximal exercise the difference can be as much as 15 mL/100 mL (20
mL/100 mL in arteries — 5 mL/100 mL in veins).
d. Knowing heart rate, stroke volume, and a-vO2 diff, VO2 can be estimated:
i. VO2 (L/min) = (heart rate x stroke volume x a-vO2diff) ÷ 100,000
4. VO2max is affected by genetics, training, gender, age, and body composition.
a. Only those with a strong genetic component are able to reach an "elite" level of
aerobic capacity (60 to 80 mL/kg/min).
b. Men exhibit a 15-30% higher VO2max due to a greater hemoglobin content, lower
body fat, and larger heart size than women.
c. Starting at age 25, VO2max decreases
i. 1% each year in sedentary individuals.
ii. 0.5% each year in physically active individuals.
C. Tests To Estimate VO2max (Figures 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, and 6.6)
1. Safety of Testing — A physician should be present for
a. maximal tests on apparently healthy men 45 or older and women 55 or older.

i. Maximal test requires the participant's all-out or nearly all-out effort.
b. submaximal tests on higher risk/symptomatic individuals.
2. 1.5-Mile Run Test — used most frequently (Figure 6.2)
a. VO2max is estimated based on the time the person takes to cover the distance
(Table 6.2).
b. The easiest test to administer: need a stopwatch and a track or premeasured
1.5-mile course
c. Considered a maximal test because the objective is to cover the distance as fast
as possible
d. Limited to conditioned individuals who have been cleared for exercise
3. 1.0-Mile Walk Test (Figure 6.3)
a. Used by individuals who are unable to run
b. Requires a brisk 1.0-mile walk that will elicit an exercise heart rate of at least
120 beats/min at the end of the test
c. Need to know how to take your heart rate by counting your pulse or use a heart
rate monitor
d. VO2max is estimated according to a prediction equation that requires: 1.0-mile
walk time, exercise heart rate at the end of the walk, gender, and body weight in
4. Step Test (Figure 6.4 and Table 6.3)
a. Requires little time (3 minutes) and equipment (a 16.25-inch step, a stopwatch,
and a metronome)
b. Can be administered to almost anyone except for symptomatic and diseased
c. Not suitable for significantly overweight individuals and those with joint
problems in the lower extremities
d. VO2max is estimated based on a submaximal workload.
e. Need to know how to take your heart rate by counting your pulse
5. Astrand-Ryhming (Cycling) Test (Figure 6.5; Tables 6.4, 6.5, and 6.6)
a. Conducted on a bicycle ergometer
b. Requires submaximal workloads and little time to administer
c. Suitable for overweight individuals and those with limited joint problems in the
lower extremities
d. At the end of the test, the heart rate should be in the range given for each
workload in Table 6.5 (generally between 120 and 170 bpm).
e. When testing older people, choose workloads so that the final exercise heart
rates do not exceed 130- 140 bpm.
6. 12-Minute Swim Test (Figure 6.6)
a. Considered a maximal exercise test because subject is to swim as fast as
possible; should follow the same precautions
b. Practical only for those who are planning to take part in a swimming program or
who cannot perform any of the other tests
c. Differences in skill level, swimming conditioning, and body composition greatly
affect VO2max of swimming.
d. VO2max cannot be estimated for a swimming test, and the fitness categories given
in Table 6.7 are only estimated ratings.
7. Interpreting the Results of Your VO2max
a. Use Table 6.8 for cardiorespiratory fitness classification according to VO 2max.
D. Predicting VO2 and Caloric Expenditure from Walking and Jogging
1. Units of Expression
a. Can be expressed in liters per minute (L/min) or milliliters per kilogram per
minute (mL/kg/min)
b. mL/kg/min is used to classify individuals into the various cardiorespiratory
fitness categories (see Table 6.8).
2. The human body burns about 5 calories for each liter of oxygen consumed.

3. During aerobic exercise the average person trains between 50-75% of VO2max.
4. Table 6.9 contains the oxygen requirement (uptake) for walking speeds between 50
and 100 meters per minute and for jogging speeds in excess of 80 meters per
5. Lab 6B allows you to determine your own oxygen uptake and caloric expenditure for
walking and jogging.


A. A low percentage of the U.S. population is committed to exercise.
1. More than half of those who begin to exercise drop out during the first 3-6 months.
2. Adherence to exercise is greatly enhanced if you are able to make it through 4-6
weeks of training.
B. Readiness For Exercise (Lab 6C)
1. The first step: "Am I ready to start an exercise program?"
a. Scoring 12 or above in each category (mastery, attitude, health, and
commitment) in Lab 6C indicates that initiating and adhering to exercise are
2. Next, decide positively to try.
a. List the advantages, such as:
i. It will make me feel better.
ii. I will lose weight.
iii. I will have more energy.
iv. It will lower my risk for chronic diseases (Figure 6.8).
b. Compare to the disadvantages, such as:
i. I don't want to take the time.
ii. I'm too out of shape.
iii. There's no good place to exercise.
iv. I don't have the willpower to do it.
c. Identify the stage for cardiorespiratory endurance.
d. Outline specific processes and techniques for change.


A. Introduction
1. Only about 19% of U.S. adults exercise at the intensity and frequency required to
meet the minimum recommendations of the ACSM for improvement and
maintenance of cardiorespiratory fitness.
2. The exercise needs to be vigorous enough to overload the heart. The result will be
cardiac increases in size, strength, and efficiency.
a. FITT: Frequency, Intensity, Type (mode), and Time (duration)
b. Intensity is usually recommended above 60% of maximal capacity.
i. ACSM recommends that apparently healthy men (with at least 1
cardiovascular disease risk factor) over age 45 and women over age 55 get a
diagnostic exercise stress test prior to vigorous exercise.
B. Exercise that provides "substantial increases" heart rate and breathing
1. The cardiorespiratory system is stimulated by making the heart pump faster for a
specified period.
2. Quantified as 40-85% of heart rate reserve (HRR) training intensity (TI) combined
with an appropriate duration and frequency of training
a. Older adult beginners should exercise with intensities of 30-40% HRR (TI).
b. Younger beginners should exercise with intensities of 40-50% HRR (TI).
c. Increases in VO2max are accelerated when the heart is working closer to 85% of
d. Exercise training above 85% HRR (TI) is recommended only for healthy,
performance-oriented individuals and competitive athletes.
3. Determine cardiorespiratory training zone (intensity of exercise).

a. Estimate maximal heart rate (MHR) = 220 – age
b. Measure resting heart rate (RHR) after sitting quietly for 15 to 20 minutes.
c. Determine HRR: MHR – RHR
d. Calculate the training intensities (TI) at 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, and 85%.
i. 30% TI = HRR X .30 + RHR
ii. 40% TI = HRR X .40 + RHR
iii. 50% TI = HRR X .50 + RHR
iv. 60% TI = HRR X .60 + RHR
v. 70% TI = HRR X .70 + RHR
vi. 85% TI = HRR X .85 + RHR
e. Cardiorespiratory training zone (Figure 6.6):
i. Light-intensity cardiorespiratory training zone: 30-40%
ii. Moderate-intensity cardiorespiratory training zone: 40-60%
iii. Vigorous-intensity cardiorespiratory training zone: 60-85%
4. Begin the first few weeks with a lower training zone, then move higher, but not
higher than 85% of HRR.
5. Once you have reached an ideal level of cardiorespiratory endurance, frequent
training in the 60-85% range will allow you to maintain your fitness level.
C. Moderate- Versus Vigorous-Intensity Exercise (Figure 6.8)
1. Vigorous-intensity programs yield higher improvements in VO 2max than do
moderate-intensity programs.
2. Higher levels of aerobic fitness are associated with lower cardiovascular mortality.
D. Monitoring Exercise Heart Rate
1. During the first few weeks of an exercise program, you should monitor your exercise
heart rate regularly to make sure you are training in the proper zone.
a. Wait until you are about 5 minutes into the aerobic phase of your exercise
session before taking your first reading.
b. Count your pulse for 10 seconds, then multiply by 6 to get the per minute pulse
E. Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE; Figure 6.9)
1. A person subjectively rates the perceived exertion or difficulty of exercise when
training at different intensity levels using the physical activity perceived exertion (H-
PAPE) scale.
2. Cross-check your target zone with your RPE during the first weeks of your exercise
program using the form provided in Figure 6.12.
F. Mode of Exercise
1. It must be aerobic (involving the major muscle groups, rhythmic and continuous) to
stimulate a cardiorespiratory response.
2. Examples: walking, jogging, aerobic dance, swimming, water aerobics, cross-country
skiing, rope skipping, cycling, racquetball, stair climbing, and stationary running or
3. Choose using personal preferences and physical limitations.
4. Some activities first require skill development and base conditioning before the TI
can be maintained.
5. Training in the lower end of the cardiorespiratory zone will yield optimal health
6. Training in the higher end of the cardiorespiratory zone improves the VO 2max more.
G. Duration of Exercise
1. 20-60 minutes per session is generally recommended.
2. The less intense, the greater the required duration for an adequate training effect.
3. Even though a continuous 30 minutes of exercise stimulates greater increases in
aerobic power, three sessions of at least10 minutes each provide significant
cardiorespiratory benefit.
4. To prevent weight gain: accumulate 60 minutes of moderate-intensity physical
activity most days of the week.

5. To prevent weight regain: 60 to 90 minutes of daily moderate-intensity activity.
6. Exercise sessions should always be preceded by a 5-10 minute warm-up and
followed by a 10-minute cool-down period (Figure 6.6).
H. Frequency of Exercise (Figure 6.10)
1. The recommended frequency for aerobic exercise is three to five days per week.
2. Progressively continue to increase frequency, duration, and intensity of exercise
until you have accomplished your goals.
3. When exercising at 60-85% of HRR, three 20- to 30-minute exercise sessions per
week (totaling at least 75 minutes) on nonconsecutive days are sufficient to improve
(in the early stages) or maintain VO2max.
4. When training at lower intensities, exercising 30 to 60 minutes more than three
days per week (totaling 150 minutes) is required.
5. Anaerobic threshold: training is conducted more than five days a week, further
improvements in VO2max are minimal
6. For weight-loss, 60 to 90 minutes of low-intensity to moderate-intensity activity on
most days of the week is recommended.
7. A routine of at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity almost daily
has been promoted as an effective way to improve health.
8. Excessive sitting (even when exercising 5 times weekly) creates a lifestyle that may
not support expected health benefits of exercise.
9. Excessive sitting has been found to increase all-cause mortality 50%, increase
cardiovascular disease 80%, create weaker muscles, affect the central nervous
system, increase fatigue, decrease insulin sensitivity, raise blood pressure, decrease
lipoprotein lipase, increase cholesterol, increase LDL cholesterol, and increase
10. Seven suggestions are given to increase daily nonexercise activity thermogenesis
a. Stand rather than sit at home.
b. Use a standing or a treadmill desk.
c. Use a stability ball for a chair.
d. Hold walking meetings instead of sitting meetings.
e. Walk to communicate in person with a coworker, rather than use the phone or
f. Take intermittent breaks from sitting.
g. When practical, park father away and take the stairs.
I. Rate of Progression (Figure 6.11)
1. The speed of improvement depends on various factors:
a. The person’s health status
b. The person’s exercise tolerance
c. What is desired to change (goals of the program)
2. Initial Program:
a. 3 exercise sessions per week
b. 15-20 minute duration sessions
c. Easy to moderate exercise intensity
3. Continuing Program:
a. 5 exercise sessions by the 4th or 5th week, up to 7 sessions as the program
b. Increase in duration 5-10 minutes each week.
c. Increase in intensity within the TI zone.
d. Change one aspect at a time.


A. Table 6.10 and Figure 6.10 show summaries of likely benefits of various activities.
B. Factors affecting the aerobic benefit of the activity
1. Nature of the activity

a. How strenuous it typically is
b. How well the body is suited for the activity
2. Fitness level of the individual
a. Beginners should initiate exercise with low-impact activities.
b. Beginners should begin with low intensities.
3. The effort given by the individual
a. Can be estimated by perceived exertion
b. METs, or multiples of resting energy expenditure (Table 6.10)
C. Weight Control Exercise Goals (Table 6.10)
1. Rhythmic and continuous activities that involve large amounts of muscle mass are
most effective in burning calories.
2. Higher-intensity activities increase caloric expenditure while exercising longer
compensates for lower intensities.
3. Other considerations are given in Chapter 5.


A. Follow the guidelines provided in Lab 6D and initiate your cardiorespiratory endurance
B. Once you have determined your exercise prescription, the difficult part begins: starting
and sticking to a lifetime exercise program.
C. Lifelong dedication and perseverance are necessary to reap and maintain good fitness.
D. The suggestions provided in the accompanying Behavior Modification Planning box have
been used successfully to help change behavior and adhere to a lifetime exercise
E. A Lifetime Commitment to Fitness
1. The benefits of fitness can be maintained only through a regular lifetime program.
2. Staying with a physical fitness program long enough brings about positive
physiological and psychological changes.
3. 4 weeks of aerobic training are completely reversed in 2 consecutive weeks of
physical inactivity.
4. If you have been exercising regularly for months or years, 2 weeks of inactivity will
not hurt you as much as it will someone who has exercised only a few weeks.

Lab 6A: Cardiorespiratory Endurance Assessment
Lab 6B: Caloric Expenditure and Exercise Heart Rate
Lab 6C: Exercise Readiness Questionnaire
Lab 6D: Cardiorespiratory Exercise Prescription

Classroom Activities

1. Hypokinetic Disease
 Ask the students to list all the ways a person can contribute to a hypokinetic disease.
 The answers should surround the sedentary lifestyle and may include some strange
behaviors (e.g., waiting in the car for a close parking space).

2. The Cardiorespiratory Path and Function

 Bring posters, acetates, or PowerPoint visuals showing the circulatory system.
 Follow blood through the tissues, heart, and lungs. There are 60,000 miles of tubing!
 Ask why blood flow is important in cardiorespiratory fitness.
o Oxygen delivery is the limiting factor for aerobic energy production.
o Oxygen is needed in the mitochondria to burn fat and glucose for energy.

o Demanding high levels of blood flow keeps the arteries from clogging
(atherosclerosis) and inducing hypertension (arteriosclerosis).
o Demanding more from the heart increases its strength (contractility) and stroke
volume, so it can rest longer by not having to pump as often to deliver a given
cardiac output.

3. Predominant Energy System

 Ask the students to identify the most contributing energy system for various physical
 Ask them to identify how they came to the conclusion. Was there a time, intensity, or
skill limitation to the activity?

4. Gain Some Heartbeats?

 Discuss the theory that a person has a finite number of heartbeats in a lifetime.
 Have the students mathematically determine whether they would gain or lose
heartbeats by having cardiorespiratory fitness.

5. Heart Rate Practice

 Demonstrate the 2 most common sites to check heart rate: the radial and carotid
 Give 10-second timings while the students check each one.
 Have nearby students assist when there is difficulty locating a pulse.

6. Which Test Is Best?

 Which test is the best choice to assess cardiorespiratory endurance of the wellness
o How much accuracy do we need?
o How mass-administration-efficient do we need to be?
o Is safety a concern (considering the facilities or other factors)?
 Which test would be the best choice after graduation?
 Under what circumstances would the other tests be the best choice?

7. Laboratory Calculation Review

 In class, review key aspects of theory and math for the cardiorespiratory endurance
estimation techniques.

8. Are You Ready for Some... Exercise? (Lab 6C)

 Ask the student to complete Lab 6C: Exercise Readiness Questionnaire.
 Discuss the features of readiness and what it "takes" to be a successful exerciser.

9. Why Improve Cardiorespiratory Endurance?

 Divide the students into 2 groups.
 Have them gather around the chalkboard, writing answers on their half of the board.

10. The Exercise Criteria

 Ask what constitutes an exercise that will bring about cardiorespiratory endurance.
 They should respond with comments about frequency, duration, mode, and intensity.
 Ask about differences in starting out for the average student in the class versus their

11. What Mode Is Best?

 Ask what the best aerobic exercise is. From a caloric expenditure and cardiorespiratory
standpoint, the best mode is one that uses the most muscle, possibly cross-country

 Ask why we use other modes when they are "inferior." Dropping out of exercise after
only 2 weeks of using the "best" mode is not nearly as effective as an "inferior" exercise
mode done for years.
 The best mode is one that a person enjoys and one that uses a large amount of muscle.
It does not have to be the "best" to be the best choice.

12. What's Your Training Intensity? (Figure 6.7) (Lab 6D)

 Diagram a scale of no, resting, and maximum heart rates.
 Ask what an effective cardiorespiratory training intensity should be. This can be
expressed as a percentage of maximum heart rate or a percentage of heart rate reserve.
Show the lower and upper limits of the (target) training zone on your diagram.
 Calculate the actual heart rates in beats/minute and convert to 10-second or 6-second
pulse count equivalents.
 Explain that the felt intensity can be learned by connecting the physical activity
perceived exertion with pulse counts immediately while pausing from exercise (H-PAPE;
Figure 6.9).

13. Sporting Goods Store Visit

 Assign a visit to the sporting goods store to learn about available exercise clothing and
supplies. Various aspects can be assigned groups to investigate.
 Reports should include visuals, activity-specific information, and pricing.

14. Community Fitness Participation

 Encourage the students to get involved in community fitness promotions.
 These can include:
o The Youth Service Bureau
o The Police Athletic League
o The YMCA
o Local running road races (worker or racer)
o Evening or weekend clinics on a fitness topic

Teaching Strategies

1. Cardio Cartoons
 Use popular cartoons to illustrate cardiorespiratory endurance concerns.
 Many of them deal with exercise and overall philosophy of life.

2. Cardiorespiratory Endurance Progress Reports

 Give simple prospective and retrospective quizzes about cardiorespiratory endurance to
keep the students reading and thinking.
 Put multiple choice, true-false, or short answer questions on a half-sheet of paper.
 This requires students to make a commitment to some controversial choices.
 Use the questions as an outline for topics of the day.

3. Cardiorespiratory Fitness Audio-Visuals

 Show different exercise shoes while describing features desired.
 Show a film about “being fit.”
 Visit a fitness facility or show photos of various “cardio” machines and modes.
 Have a short exercise session to explore ways of determining safe and effective aerobic
exercise intensity (movement form and speed, breathing patterns, heart rate).

4. Cardio Internet Searches

 Assign specific cardiorespiratory endurance topics for students to gather internet
 Possible subjects include: What relatively local websites are promoting aerobic exercise?
Are there health clubs, running clubs, or wellness centers? What is required of the
 Can be used for group work before or in lieu of whole class discussion.
 Respond/anticipate with questions to guide reporting of information and ensuring
 Discuss the variable value of sources when information conflicts with other sources or
personal experience.

5. Mode Case Studies

 Identify a beginning aerobic exercise scenario by describing the fitness background,
body type, daily schedule, and goals of the individual.
 Ask the students to eliminate the least helpful modes of exercise from a list you provide,
explaining why they are less feasible.
 Then ask the students to prioritize the modes that remain, explaining why they are
ranked in this order.
 Continue with another scenario, using common realistic factors.

6. Ask the Expert

 Invite a professional or group of professionals to discuss a fitness topic.
 Possible choices include:
o Exercise physiologist
o Personal trainer
o Athletic coach
o Fitness professor
o Community organization professional
 Make the session interactive, planning significant time for questions.

7. Ready-to-Print Assignment Worksheet

 How Intensely Should I Exercise to Develop my Cardiorespiratory Endurance?

Name: _______________________________________________ Date: _________________________

How Intensely Should I Exercise to Develop my Cardiorespiratory Endurance?

Your age: ________ years
Your resting heart rate: ________ beats per minute (bpm)
Your maximal heart rate = 220 – ________ [your age] = ________ bpm
Your heart rate reserve = ________ [Your maximal heart rate] – ________ [Your resting heart rate] = ________ beats

Your Goal: 40-85% of heart rate reserve = (Your heart rate reserve x 40-85%) + Resting heart rate
40% = (________ [Your heart rate reserve] x .40) + ________ [Your resting heart rate] = ________ bpm
50% = (________ [Your heart rate reserve] x .50) + ________ [Your resting heart rate] = ________ bpm
60% = (________ [Your heart rate reserve] x .60) + ________ [Your resting heart rate] = ________ bpm
85% = (________ [Your heart rate reserve] x .85) + ________ [Your resting heart rate] = ________ bpm

Your low-intensity cardiorespiratory training zone: ________ to ________ bpm

Your moderate-intensity cardiorespiratory training zone: ________ to ________ bpm
Your high-intensity cardiorespiratory training zone: ________ to ________ bpm

Subject: 20 years old with a resting heart rate of 68 beats per minute (bpm)
Maximal Heart Rate = 220 – 20 = 200 bpm
Resting Heart Rate = 68 bpm
Heart Rate Reserve = 200 – 68 = 132 beats
Goal: 40-85% of heart rate reserve = (Heart rate reserve x 40-85%) + Resting heart rate
40% = (132 x .40) + 68 = 121 bpm
50% = (132 x .50) + 68 = 134 bpm Low-intensity cardiorespiratory training zone: 121 to 134 bpm
60% = (132 x .60) + 68 = 147 bpm Moderate-intensity cardiorespiratory training zone: 134 to 147 bpm
85% = (132 x .85) + 68 = 180 bpm High-intensity cardiorespiratory training zone: 147 to 180 bpm


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