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1- If electrolytes’ percentage was high in the body/blood, what would be first human organ

to check ?
- Pancreas
- Live
- Kidney

2- )‫كان فيه سؤال عن ال‬Photoelectricity and X-ray ‫ احتمال كان انه ويش يصير اذا زاد‬،‫بس ما اذكره بالضبط‬

3- You will have to understand the differences between (In Vivo & In Vitro) testing and
know what each of them is used for.

4- Find the Efficiency of a transformer?

5- What’s the definition of Random Sampling and when it’s used?

MRI Sequences ‫كان فيه سؤال عن ال‬

6- ‫ نستخدم أي سيكونس عشان نشوف الصورة حق‬specific tissue

7- What it’s called when a current increases from 10% to 90%?

- Rise time

8- What’s the most attractive feature in Nuclear medicine?

- Easy to use
- Spasticity
9- Why an open circuit is better than close circuit?

10- What’s the x-ray contrast parameter?

11- Another question related to the x-ray filming?

12- Which electronic component is difficult in filter design?

- Op-amp
- Resistor
- Capacitor
- Inductor

13- What do we call the Oxygen content sensor in (Ventilators?)

- Paramgnatic
- Polarimtric
- Galvanic

14- (There were many questions about the (Amplitude of a signal)

15- What do we call the anesthesia machine part that control the flow of ……. Agent
- Mixer
- Flowmeter
16- What do we call the anesthesia machine part that measure the present of anesthesia

17- What Is the difference between anesthesia and ventilator machine?

- Flowrate
- Oxygen sensor
- Rebreathing

18- Understand the differences between AC and DC

19- You have an AC device and you want to measure …..

- AC voltmeter
- Dc voltmeter

20- If an AC powered device require a positive and negative value of ( 4V , 16V , 40V ) of DC
with high current, what would be used to provide this
- Invertor
- Switch
- Op amp

21- What’s the most important thing to do when you’re about to do a circuit impedance
- Remove one of the terminal to one component of the electrical board
- Cut the Power of the Device
- Take out the electrical Board out of the device
- Make sure that the device is powered and in operation while making the measurements
22- (There was a question about the Voluntarily Standards; I don’t remember the specific
concept of the question.)

23- What is voluntary standard?

- Regulation

24- What’s the definition of the p-value and what is it used for?

25- What type of reaction is Water condensation?

- Chemical
- Physical

26- What’s the resistance of an intact skin?

- 2
- 200
- 2000
- 2000.000 ohms

27- What would be the body hazard of scattered laser radiation?

- Skin burn
- Retinal burn
- ……..
- ……..

28- What’s the permissible leakage current that can go through the heart ?
- 1A
- 1 mA
- 10 micro A
- 1 micro A

29- What can we do to improve the computer speed and overall performance?
- Processor ( number of cores )

30- (There was a question about Bus speed)

31- ‫ من ضمن خياراته فيه‬.‫) فيه سؤال عن الربط بين السيستم والهاردويرـ اللي يفتكره يكتبه‬
Driver device)

32- What is used to protect Hospital systems from hacking?

- Firewall
- Encryption
- ……..
- ……..

33- When it comes to Data-Driven decision making, who makes it?

- Civil Engineers
- Biomedical Engineers
- Technology management
- ……..

34- Differences Between 1st and 2nd order of op Amp

35- Couple questions about the anti-aliasing frequency and cutoff frequency.

36- Know the differences between ( Reflection , Inflection , Diffraction .. etc )

When rays bend a little this called?

37- Poor writing communication?

- Abbreviation

38- Find the value of mechanical work if you're given the force, distance, and angle of
Work formula W= fd cosθ ---- look up examples (physics)

39- What is the differences between x-ray and CT?

- Projection
- Slices

40- which technology is not ionized but requires user/ physician safety?
- Ultrasound
- Mri
- Blue color light in dental ward
- Surgical light

41- what's the standard principle in radiology related to patient safety?

- Smallest exposure dose
- Less exposure duration
- Less number of exposure

42- if y= 1 when x=3 to 6 and y= 0 else. What's the integral of y from x=0 to 10?
- 3
- 10
43- x^2 - 3x -28=0, what are the values of x?
44- Know the quadratic formula
- 3,6
- 3,-6
- -7,4
- 1

45- differences btw isotops of an element?

- Number of electrons
- Number of neutrons
- Number of protons

46- When an electron moves to an element, what type of bond?

- Ionic bond
- Covalent bond
- Polar Covalent bond

47- When the contract between the hospital and the operating company attaches the
payment to the quality and performance of the medical devices what should the
company do?
- Increase the number of engineers and technicians
- Increase the number of engineers and technicians on call and after hours
- …

48- What is the purpose of Planed preventive maintenance?

- Fix problem
- Improve performance
- Check lifetime
49- What is the purpose of corrective maintenance?
- Fix problem
- Improve performance
- Check lifetime

50- PCO2 where it found the most?

51- Less red Blood cells in the blood could cause what?
- Less oxygen then Brain damage
52- If an agent was stored in wrong environment and it changed color it means?
- Chemically modified
53- If chimerical agent were stored in different temperature, what would happen?
- Change color and smell
- Chemically changed
- Nothing will happen
54- When the access water removal from hemodialysis?
- Ultrafiltration
- Diffusion
- Filtration
55- To pin-point devices and medical staff position inside the hospital in real time what
technology to use?
- QR
- Barcode
56- How to measure employee performance?
- Time
- Attendance
- Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

57- What's directly proportional to light photon energy?

- speed.
- Wavelength.
- Polarization
- Frequency

58- When cross sectional area decreased?

- Resistance increase which means more heat
59- Doppler Effect is used in what technology?
60- When the ultrasound give the best result?
- Frequency high and absorption high
- Frequency low and absorption high
- Frequency low and absorption low
- Frequency low and absorption low

61- Difference between x-ray and CT in terms of voltage? ‫يعني السؤال شبيه لهذا‬
- Ct higher than x- ray
- Ct lower than x-ray
- ‫ما افتكر الباقي‬

62- Nobel gases:

- have complete electrons in outer shell

63- (You need to know What is the communication method used)

Between radiology doctors my manufactory in sharing medical images
between different hospital
between department in one hospital

64- what it is the standards responsible for the security of the information shared?

65- When it comes to standard

- Must be enforced at all cost
- Local authority enforce them
- International institutions advised to use them

66- What is the best way to sterilizes vaccines?

- Dry heat
- Filtration
- Wet heat
- pressure

67- (Different between Disinfect, Sterilization, Degenerate)

68- To strongly kill microbes, we use:
- Disinfect
- Sterilization
- Degenerate

69- Cutoff frequency problems and if 20-1200 HE what is best used


70- Lateral sequencing in MRI face problem because of

- Depth
- …

71- How MRI signals reflect What does it read

- Hydrogens molecule I guess

72- What is the thing that knows the amount of anesthesia gas mixed in air?

73- Small medical device with 8 pit processor what do we use to…

74- What ISO standard talks about manufacturer handling and transporting medical
- ISO 9001
- ISO 1348

75- What is PPE?

Personal protective equipment

76- Why lead is used above the x-ray beam?

- To protect X-ray film from scattered rays
- to protect patient
77- ‫ فيه سؤال عن نوع الشعاع اللي يطلع من‬x-ray beam?
- scattered rays
- bremsstrahlung

78- Gas exchange smallest unit in lung?

79- What is the smallest part of the unary system?

80- RQS associated with what

- Lower heart
- Upper heart

81- The right part of the heart pumps the blood to?
- Body
- Lungs

82- ( you need to understand the blood circulation )

83- There was a question about Subjective?

- Factual
- Qualitative
- …able ‫نسيت ايش هي بس نهايه الكلمه‬
- Measurable

84- There was a question about objective?

- Pain
- Pulse oximetry

85- What can affect the result of pulse Oximetry?

‫ما أتذكر االختيارات‬

86- Professionals ethics in biomedical?

- Culture ……
- Religious ……
- A person who can tell the right and wrong based on rules

87- What is the character that is nature in biomedical engineer? ‫بما معنى السؤال‬
- Critical thinking
- Troubleshooting
- Able to work in team with different department
88- ( ‫ إ يش‬.‫ الجهاز القديم ماصارـ يشتغل فجأه‬.‫فيه سؤال عن كان موجود جهاز قديم وشغال وجابواـ واحد جديد‬
‫) المشكله‬
‫اختياراتهـ كانت‬
- IP Address conflict
- Network failure
- HIS failure
- DICOM problem
89- Given the velocity equation what is the acceleration equation
- Its derivative
- Its integral

90- Know how to use Quadratic formula

(Systole and diastole)

91- What is the best technology used is air bubble sensor?

- Optical
- Ultrasonic

92- What is the best technology used in blood leakage sensor?

- Optical
- Ultrasonic

93- How to extract access water from blood?

- Ultrafiltration
- Diffusion
- Filter

94- When does materials float in Water?

- Density
- Size
- weight

95- when mixing something and does not dissolve and stayed up
- Solvent
- Suspension
- Solution
- solute

96- If Log(x)=1 Then x equal? 10

97- If Log (x)-1= 1 Then x ?

- 2
- 10
- 100
- No answer
98- if the Ph 13 then
- Strong base
- Strong acid
- Weak acid
- Weak base

99- To measure ECG from patient 6 (chest ), how many the least electrocodes you need ?
- 6
- 7 not sure about the answer
- 10
- 13

100- you have ventilator A and ventilator B. Ventilator A works 25% better that
ventilator B. If ventilator B worked for 624 hours, how many hours A worked?
- 780-
- 740
101- How to convert an analog bit 8 bit to digital bit, knowing that v=5

102- What results in lack oxygen delivered to the brain?

103- What results in high CO2?
104- What kind of radiation, patient’s safety should be insured?
- Medical surgical laser
- brachytherapy for a prostat cancer patient…

105- what is the difference between dependent sample and in dependent sample?
- Depended sample is changing and independent is controlled
- independed sample is changing and dependent is controlled
106- How can a person be affected by macr-shock?
- Wet skin

107- When is the situation that the biomedical engineer works at a technician?
- Lose work or fired
- When it comes to more cost
- qualified in a specific area that is needed
108- What’s the derivative of the square root determines? Area under the curve-max
and min - sharp curve 

109- You did an experimental for a medical device. One group used this medical
device, while the other did not. You didn’t see much difference in number in results,
what would you do? Increase number of people in each group- use a new device- re-
grouping the two groups and do it again...
110- Conversation of analog to digital bit 

111- Modulus of elasticity, what is it?

112- What active element in the human body would react in resonance field?
- Hydrogen 
- CL
113- What’s lamor frequency?
114- Definition of compatible and degradable in biomaterial?
115- Initial function value 1 when t=0 , 1 S^-1 , when t=2?
- 0.25
- 0.50
116- What is the international standard used to protect patients records?
The answer is : health insurance portability and accountability act
117- ‫سؤال عن المناقصات بس ماني متذكر الصيغة بالضبط يقول لو في شركة أرسلت لك ايميل تسأل عن‬
‫رايك وتستفسر عن مناقصة انت عضو في اللجنة اللي طرحتها؟‬
‫بتجاوب على اسألتهم‬
‫بتسحب عليهم‬
‫بتطلب عقد مؤتمر لجميع الشركات لإلجابة على اسألتهم جميعا‬
‫أتوقع األخير هو الجواب الصح‬
118- What is the test used for testing the mechanics of the heart?
Electrocardiogram (ECG)

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