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Is inventory a blessing or is it a waste?

In some situations it acts as blessing and in some cases it acts as waste

Reason for saying it blessing:

 According to supply chain students, inventory is a blessing. Because it helps in maintaining the
demand and supply of products in the market.
 There are times when demand spikes higher. When you have excess inventory, you don't run the
risk of being the business that ran out of stock when everyone was looking for one particular
 Many business owners can take advantages of lower wholesale costs when they buy larger
quantities of units.

Reason for saying it Waste:

 Inventory takes up space and maintenance costs

 Overstocking on products runs the risk of the product becoming obsolete.
 Inventory creates wasteful operations and energy consumption such as Conveyance, counting,
Picking up, using equipment and keeping track of inventory.
 If high inventory exists, people are not motivated to make improvements.
 In lean system, Inventory is considered a form of waste because of the related holding costs.

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