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The Recitals.

Text Menssages:
Yuleisy: hey Lea, how are you doing?

Leandra: very good and how are your vacations going?

Yuleisy: Well, as far as it goes, I'm a little stressed about the recital the
other year.

Leandra: yes, but you know it's worth doing a good recital, do you have a lot
of repertoire?

Yuleisy: actually it's a single piece but it has 5 leaves and it's very pretty.

Leandra: great, how long have you been studying it?

Yuleisy: well two weeks now but I think it should have started since school

Leandra: why do you say that?

Yuleisy: I don't feel confident about my work, it's very long and it must be
perfect, have you studied anything?

Leandra: they already gave me my possible recital for the next year.

Yuleisy: and is it difficult? have you seen it yet?

Leandra: not really, maybe I should have asked for something easier
actually. I think the piece is a lot of work for such a short time.

Yuleisy: but you still have time, maybe you should watch it slowly and then
you'll feel safer, maybe it's not difficult, you're just a little insecure like me.

Leandra: you know, I think you're right, maybe I should have asked for it
before or studied it more, but there's no going back now, all that remains is
to make an effort.

Yuleisy: I have an idea if you learn the piece quickly, we could put out a
musical duet for the next recital.

Leandra: maybe, I like the idea but we should have thought about it sooner
with more time.
Yuleisy: Yes, you are right, but there is still time, we must hurry to do it.

Leandra: yes, you know, I'll look for a nice piece to make a duet.

Yuleisy: perfect, I will also let you know anything; I am sure that our recital
will be a resounding success.

Leandra: that's how it will be, you'll see.

Yuleisy: I'll write to you later I'm going to study for a while.

Leandra: if it's okay, I'll go study too, bye.

Yuleisy: Goodbye beautiful.

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