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MSF Nutrition Field Training Package: Course Overview

Nutrition programmes and services for malnourished patients are one of the
most frequent medical activities in the many contexts in which MSF works;
whether these are provided in vertical projects or integrated with other medical

The term nutrition programmes is used most frequently in this training package,
but it can refer to all nutrition activities to support malnourished patients in
whatever operational set-up; the principles are the same.

This face-to-face (F2F) Nutrition Training Package has been developed to support
the individuals and teams in charge of supervision and training activities at field
level. It is ready to be used for any nutrition training activities delivered face-to-
face; whether this is in the field, regional office, headquarters or other location.
It includes all the material and content needed, which are well harmonized and
aligned with the existing MSF Intersectional Nutritional protocols and guidelines.
In addition, the methodology and guidance on how these trainings should be
implemented is also included

This Nutrition Training Package can be used to train staff when opening a
nutrition programme or new nutritional activities, when new staff are recruited,
or as a refresher at any point in a project lifecycle.

 To have learning tools/packages ready to use:
 For MSF clinical staff (of various profiles) who will be involved in nutrition
programmes in the field.
 For implementing nutrition training activities based on the learning needs
and the timeline of the intervention (e.g. before the opening of nutrition
programmes; when new nutrition activities are integrated into existing
ones; or when new staff is recruited, etc.)

 To facilitate the work of the teams in the field by providing them with
complete training materials to be used according to the identified needs.

 To ensure that standardized information/training is implemented in all

relevant MSF projects.

Description of Session Elements

To facilitate the easy use by facilitators, the modules included in this pack follow
a standardised form. Each session will include the following areas:

MSF Nutrition Field Training Package: Course Overview

Each document is referenced by the module and session number in this form:
NP_M1_S2 (NP=Nutrition Package, M=Module, S=Session).

Session Overview
This provides the facilitator with a basic overview of
what happens in the session including objectives, the
various profiles of people who must, should and could
attend the session, activities, timings and materials.

Please note: Within each overview there is a

“prerequisites” section which indicates if there are other sessions and/or
activities that are recommended to be implemented first, however the need for
this will depend on your staff´s current level of experience and skill.

This section provides a more detailed description of the materials that
are necessary for the session. In some cases the materials necessary
may depend on how many participants there will be and variations in what
materials may be available in the field. In most cases it will describe the
minimum necessary for the session.

These materials are designed for participants to be able to easily use
as a reference when they are working, or as a brief revision before
they carry out a specific task.

They are provided in PDF form so they can be emailed for use on mobiles, or
they can be printed and laminated.

On the job training

Here are suggestions in which participants can have the opportunity
to practice what they have learnt in the session in a real situation
with the support of the facilitator or other colleagues who already
have skills in that area. It may be helpful to have the participants work with a
mentor the first time(s) they perform the task.

Description of Activities
This section describes in more detail the activities for the session. It
will include the timing of the activity, whether the activity should be
done in pairs, small groups or the whole group (plenary).

The first activity is usually an introduction to the topic and may involve a

MSF Nutrition Field Training Package: Course Overview

brief warm up activity, game or discussion question to get the participants ready
to think about the topic.

Elements of the session that are considered background theory that the
facilitator should know to deliver the session, are indicated by grey boxes.

Skills Practice
This icon indicates that the participants will have the opportunity to
practice a skill that the session is focused on.

Wrap Up
This icon indicates that the activity is the end of the session which will
usually include a summary, a chance to provide feedback or answers to the
questions in the activities, or Concept Checking Questions (CCQs) designed to
check the participants’ understanding of some of the key points of the session.

Course Contents

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MSF Nutrition Field Training Package: Course Overview

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MSF Nutrition Field Training Package: Course Overview

*Please note that the contents of Module 11 (below) are designed for use in
MSF OCBA only and therefor have not been approved by the MSF intersectional
Nutrition Working Group.

This training package was initially designed by the Learning Unit and the Medical
Department of MSF Operational Centre Barcelona. Further reviews and inputs
were then added by the MSF intersectional Nutrition Working Group.

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