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Statement of the problem

Generally, this study aims to determine the student's perspective on the conflict in the

West Philippine Sea. Specifically, it sought the answer to the following questions:

1) What is the West Philippine Sea?

2) What is the conflict in the West Philippine Sea?

3) What are students' perspectives on the West Philippine Sea?

4) What are the potential cause and effect of the conflict that’s presently occuring on

the West Philippine Sea?

5) What is the effect of the conflict on our nation's safety?

6) What caused the west Philippines sea0 dispute?

7) Why the West Philippines sea is crucial?

This study aims to know the

relationship of peer tutoring and speaking

English fluency. Specifically, it sought the

answer to the following.

 Sop #1: Profile of the respondents in

terms of:

1.1. Age

1.2. Gender
1.3. Strand

 Sop #2: This study seeks to know the

relationship of peer tutoring and

speaking English fluency in terms of

the following:

2.1. Class wide peer tutoring

2.2. Cross-age peer tutoring

2.3. Peer assisted learning strategies

 Sop #3: Determine the significant

relationship between the profile of

the respondents to the relationship of

peer tutoring and speaking English


 Sop #4: Propose a program that will

enhance English language fluency.

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