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“Fortune does favor the bold and you’ll never know what you’re capable of if you don’t

try”- Sheryl Sandberg. According to Wikipedia, English language is the most widely learned

second language or one of the official languages in almost 60 sovereign states .English is the

largest language by number of speakers, and third most-spoken native language in the world,

after standard Chinese and Spanish. English is the language of International Communication,

using this language you can communicate others around the world. It is also useful in

business for it is necessary to speak English especially in International companies. English is

used as an important too, of business, education and also mass media. People have to learn,

speak and understand English for it plays a greater role for people’s lives. According to

Christine Kenneally in her book “The First Word”, “Today, there are about 6,000 languages

in the world, and half of the world’s population speaks only 10 of them. English is the single

most dominant of these 10. British Colonialism initiated the spread of English across the

globe: it has been spoken nearly everywhere and has become even more prevalent since

World War II, with the global reach of American power.

In the Philippine settings English has been the medium of instruction since the beginning

of the 20th century. After a century, proficiency in the language is still a difficulty facing by the

students, especially in public schools. Filipino learners are bilingual, speaking both Filipino
which is the native tongue and English as second language. Despite of learning English, why

there are still such difficulties?

In Caraga Region, the researchers observed that even though English are taught in school,

students still lack knowledge and still having difficulties in speaking English during recitations

in class.

The relevance of this study to the researchers and the students is that they will be able to

understand and figure out that not everyone has the ability to learn and speak English during

recitations and not everyone has the confidence to speak English in front of class because they

fear of being judged. The researchers want to know why some of the students in Trento National

High School lacks of knowledge and confidence in speaking English although they study and get

English subjects. The researchers aim to figure out why some students struggles and what are the

reasons of their difficulties in speaking English in recitations and activities in school.


Problem Cause Effects Solutions

English language Fear of making Poor participation Maximize students

difficulties mistakes in English class exposure to English

The figure above shows on how we are going to conduct our study. The first table

states the problem of our research which is English Language Difficulties , the second

table consists of the causes of the problem, the third is the effect of the problem to

student and lastly the possible solution of the problem of our study.


The researchers would like to state the problem “Students Difficulties in expressing

their thoughts through English Language during Recitations and Activities”, and this

research aims to figure out the reasons of students difficulties in speaking English in front

of the class during recitations.

Specifically this research aims to answer the following questions :

1. Why students have difficulties in speaking English ?

2. What are the possible solutions for these difficulties ?


This research aims on elaborating the details of difficulties and problem of the

students in speaking English Language during recitation. It speaks about the difficulties

they encounter when they are communicating through English. Speaking English is

always the challenge of the students in these Educational Institution.

Through this study we will be trying to elaborate what are the possible problems

and the possible solutions.

The researchers noticed that there are some students face difficulties and problems

in speaking English during recitation or discussions.

The research will upgrade the level of students speaking skills by adopting suitable

techniques and procedures for proficiency and accuracy of speaking skills .

The research will highlight and focus on the causes of such difficulties and

problems and tries to find suitable solution.

To make students more active in learning English speaking skills.

The importance of this research to teachers is that they will figure out the
reasons why students are having difficulties in speaking English during class recitations.


The focus of this study is to determine why the students have difficulties of

speaking English language during recitation and activities . This research compile with the

researchers started year 2019 to 2020. Senior High Students of Trento National High

School will be the respondents of this research.


Language- the system of words or signs that people use to express thoughts and
feeling to each other.

Communication - a message that is given to someone it is the way to connect with


Difficulties - something that is not easy to do or to deal with.

Confidence - the feeling or being certain that something will happen or that something
true. The nerve of a person to be proud of her/himself.

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