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Monte Sion School

Science Study Guide

1) What are plants?

Plants are living things. Like animals.

2) What is the different between plants and animals?

 Plants can not move
 They stay in one place.

3) What does the plants need?

A plant needs: sunlight, air, water, soil.

4) Write each word next to the part of the picture it tells about.
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5) What things in soil help plants grow?
Nutrients are things in soil that help to plants grow.

6) How do you help plants?

 Humans water the plants
 They pull weeds
 Put plants by windows so plants can get sunlight.
 Planting new ones.

7) What are the parts of the plant?

 Root  Leaf
 Stem  Flower
8) Write the parts of the plant in the correct place.
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9) How the parts of the plant help it to grow?

Root hold the plant in place, they take in water and

………………………other things from the soil that the plant needs.

Stem holds up the plant.

It takes water from the roots to the other parts
of …………… the plant.

Leaf makes food for the plant. It uses light, air ans
. water.

Flower is the plant part that makes seeds.

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A new plant may grow from a seed.

Fruit holds seeds.

10)Name kinds of plants

Trees shrubs grasses

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