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Erwin Data Modeler

- erwin data models reduce complexity, making it easier to design, deploy and
understand data sources to meet business needs. erwin Data Modeler also
automates and standardizes model design tasks, including complex queries,
to improve business alignment, ensure data integrity and simplify integration.
Enterprise Architect
- Enterprise Architect helps individuals, groups and large organizations model
and manage complex information. By integrating and connecting a wide
range of structural and behavioral information in visual form, you can build a
coherent, verifiable model of what-is or what-will-be.

- ER/Studio allows you to easily implement a naming standards template to
your model, submodel, entities, and attributes. Those naming standards will
be applied automatically between the logical and physical models, simplifying
the data modeling process and ensuring consistency between models. With
Data Architect Professional, you can also integrate model elements into
reusable constructs via a built-in enterprise data dictionary.
Free data modeling
- Open ModelSphere is a data, process and UML modeling tool written in Java
and distributed as free software under the GPL License. It provides support
for forward and reverse engineering between UML and relational schemas.

- Data modeling catches errors and oversights early, when they are easy to fix.
- Increase consistency in documentation and system design across the
- Data modeling is key to the performance of an application because it provides
a high-level plan for how the application should handle data. This means that
developers know what kind of data to expect and how it will be used and
where in memory each piece of information will be stored.
- Ease and speed the process of database design at the conceptual, logical
and physical levels.
- A comprehensive and optimized data model helps create a simplified, logical
database that eliminates redundancy, reduces storage requirements, and
enables efficient retrieval.

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